Why do white people have the lamest sense of humor, and laugh at things that literally aren't funny?

Why do white people have the lamest sense of humor, and laugh at things that literally aren't funny?

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that's some funny shit.

Holy shit lost

Best YLYL in decades

You are mistaken good sir, black people being shot by the police and pretending to not understand why, ARE funny.

Cause life isn't one giant glass of Cool Aid and a never ending stream of welfare checks and prison stays.

Only a white guy would misspell Kool Aid

Is that Thomas Muller?


Ah, the millennial calling card meaning the whole statement is irrelevant and emotionally biased.
Funny pic tho

Sometimes that word makes sense. It means I'm not exaggerating.

Buy a dictionary.

>meanwhile black people's """humor"""


It's pretty silly to come to Sup Forums and criticize people's choice of vocabulary. You're probably the same type of people who complain when people use big words.

Your stupidity is giving me a headache




You've never been around black people much if you think this. They laugh and giggle constantly at stupid shit. Dumb white people say, "oh, they are such happy people!"

No, they are retarded children who giggle at anything they don't understand (which is everything).

See, now that's funny.


I'm Asian. Why do white people always think of black people?

>they are retarded children who giggle at anything they don't understand (which is everything)
Also, this sounds more like women, IMO.


Holy fuck...that list is cringey as fuck.

its all people get it right.

Because our lives are easy peasy and we can find humour in everything. ?

>and laugh at things that literally aren't funny?
Because OP's a Faggot

true enough women certainly do this shit alot when they gather together.

bad b8