Name a better breakfast than a cold beer..(Pro tip, you can't!)

Name a better breakfast than a cold beer..(Pro tip, you can't!)

Bacon sandwich

this used to be a go to cure for me when hung over but lately everytime i try to drink a beer i get sick


Two cold beers

Cheers to that

Sounds soooo good..wi ssh I had anks I need bacon

warm cum pizza and flat root beer


3 cold beers


Coffee with gin

Ha, yup.
I wish I had a morning party with 11 guys with me right now.
Me, being the only girl who n the room with a bunch of drunk guys, all competing for my attention. I lile it when guys peacok fore..I like the beta males too. They fun to take advantage of. ;)
Sorry im drunk.
But dosent that sound like a party or what?

You bad influence..let's be friends.

Some cereal

Gtfo..just joking. Coco pepples all the way man.

Ahhh bacon guy remimded me I have 3 pot cookies left with chocolate and bacon in them. Aahhhhhh!

addy rail

Whats th at?
Snort adderal. Used to be on that. Is good for doing things.

Reminds me, need to go to neighbors hpuse to do laundry.


My fucking pipes in my basement burst.. Th ere shitty water everywhere.
Just when I th ought everythin. Was all well today

wanna skype with some latin boy?

Egg and bacon!!!

Potato beats your breakfast even raw.


Im crying Sup Forums im almost out of towls and yhe water is 50 percent cleaned up, if im lucky. Im scared guys.


Hello spookey, seems like your 0 degree shower from yesterday was too much for you pipes.


Omg... just saw i got quads, my day isn't that shit afterall

Dubs and quads nigga!

*faints from happines*

Got a disposable email addy?
Would like to send you some stuff
Nothing dodgy though

Honeynut Cheerios in chocolate cashew nut milk and a banana


Too expensive...

Is awful. Wi ssh you guys were here to help, im drunk and my tired man friend all neat trying to be man and help. I used every towl and blanket in house and using clothes now ahhhhghhg.
Spammers and im in the 9th circle. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

dog cum



If I was there i would help you but it's a little hard to get to the middle of nowhere in canada right now.






Why Sup Forums.

Is karma, I know.
Know would be perfect time to roast me.
Come on. Get it out of your systems. The wuicker you hurt me the quicket I play red later ;D

But this suuuuuuucks.



Sadly your wish has been granted

>drinking beer cold


It's all less than 10 bucks and I get breakfast for the rest of the week.


I don't want to hurt you but the reward is very appealing... what should i do?






Wants you to be a cunt and an enabler.


Sounds great. Unless you're the kind of fag who does that shit every day. If so, enjoy that impending inability to eat.



Why.. Cant you see in hirt and need help. Im drunk. No amount of spam hurt me. This sucks. My feet soked in 1 degree water ahhhhhhg guck you.

Mushrooms.. Where


fake and gay


Guess your right... but it's already too late, spammers will ruin this before anything good happens.


Can't you turn off the water mains?





Don't worry, another thread will come up.
You should know by now.


Warm beer


I'm sorry but no one is gonna help you, not me, not mushroom man not anyone else... you're on your own.



As in ale?
Are you a trainspotter or something?



Of course i know but spammers will be lurking, because for some reason someone always does it in her threats.





A meat cigar.




Im not gonna lie, i do spam her threads sometimes.
Mostly when the Awhoring and the BS she comes up with gets OTT.
I guess I do it for the "right" reasons...

Tripple dubs... winner winner chicken dinner


As in warm beer, what you never had warm beer before? I only drink my beer warm.