Europe Against Halal

I seriously think everyone in Europe (Canada/USA and pretty much in every single 1st world country) should follow Dennmark and Holland. BAN HALAL .

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I dont understand that image. Are they implying that image would look different they showed the western procedure? Because it would look the exact same minus halal in the blood.

Also kinda hypocritic how halal is targeted but kosher is not considering they are identical.

>Static picture
>Looks like our procedure
Anyone has a gif or webme of the procedure?

far right party is already 3th in the polls since i dont know when so we're getting there. spread the word.

Na mate butcher here.we dont slit the throats.only with pigs
we shot them in the head

You know many meat productions use anesthesia right? Also you know that halal meat means that you only cut the vein but the brain and the heart are still connected so the animal can suffer?

With halal they are not allowed to stun them or anything.

With the modern procedure we stun the animal first. Halal is a very brutal and inhumane way to kill an animal.

I agree halal killing is primitive and needlessly brutal and cruel. Such a practice should never be encouraged in modern Christian nations.

Thanks for writting my thoughts. My english aren't so good, so it a bit hard to express myslef exactly as i want.

I support the banning of Halal.

Earls resturant now only serves Halal meat.

When you people say Halal meat is no different than other meats, I wonder if they actually know what involved in Halal meat making. They generally tend to be the ones who are animal rights as well.

This user is 100% right

Denmark and Holland are banning halal? Source?

You still cut their to drain them of blood is what I'm saying after getting bolted.

No problem bro, I think you got your point across just fine.

Ban muslims.

The difference is with Halal slaughtering a prayer is said and their throat is cut.

They are then left to bleed out and struggle hanging from the hook.

in theory, halal isn't bad. By slitting the throat and cutting the artery they are supposed to immediately lose consciousness, which means the animals suffer less, not more.

In practice, whenever someone inspects a halal slaughter house they find torture

Yea but the animal is 100% death at this point.with the halal method the animal suffers maybe for an hour +- cause its still alive


Thanks. You are really kind.
I agree, banning islam would bring a wave of hate and anger , but after a while, people will get it was for peace.
Many industries and many small farmers still cut the throats of animals, and yes i think that whole method should be banned. Stun guns and firearm headshots are the less painfull methods and are completly safe. Animals deserve rights.

I am not vegan nor vegeterian btw, just in case you wonder


No they dont suffer for hours, they suffer for minutes though. Still this is something that can and should be avoided.

It would bring hate and anger until we ban the cucks too

That's fucking disgusting. I'll be sure to place pork in all halal label fridges.

Wanna know how i know you're a tanned german ?

Well, i get it why they could be angry. I wouldn't like someone to not allow me to eat pork or any other high fat meats, just because it is bad for my health. But the thing is that i would actually be healthier , so in a way they would have helped me. That's what libertards can't see. It seems cruel to ban a religion( a.k.a. human right) , but it is for EVERYONES good. Islam is like a mental illness to me. Like christianity is to extreme levels of course.

wouldnt it be better if you kill the animal in a more respectful way such as the muslim way than treating it like some kind of industrial product?

bolting heads and using guillotines cause the animal to struggle less thus less work in managing the corpse, thus saving more time, hence efficiency. But doing it like that makes it feels like the animal is lacking soul, just a product, no need to go fancy in killing it.

Meh, i dont care if you do it or not, but i dont think you will earn anything that way. Try going against halal civilized and you might be able to ban this sick way of killing animals.

Is it just me or does the blood pool look like America?

It is true what you are saying, they do look at them like products, but cutting their throats doesn't change that, they only make the animal suffer for a longer time.

Its more disgusting that you'd consider a half ton mammal nothing more but foodstuff explaining why you want it motionless in the most efficient, non troublesome, most industrial way imaginable.

Hehe... it kind of looks like USA but dont be a conspiracy freak ! Not my picture btw, just found it .

cutting off the animals throat is the quickest way to kill it while still showing the animal some respect as a beast.

if you dont got blood in your hands while preparing livestock, you'd better off eating the carcass of animals that died due to a plague.

Here is one link i found, but i don't have proof that it is actually banned on holland, i just say a video on youtube that had it written on description and i took the word for it... should not have done it.... *feeling shame*

It's a disgusting regressive practice that has no place in Europe. Funny that all the liberals who defend Islam but love animal rights. Our system isn't perfect either of course but at least we don't have explicit religious instructions like it must be blessed to Allah. And slitting the animals throat to bleed out is just completely unnecessary.

Dan Jorgensen told Denmark’s TV2 that “animal rights come before religion”. Thats the truth, end of story.

Yep, liberals just have adult bodies( or not ) and the mind of a teenager. It makes so much sense , to ban halal, and NONE, completly NONE, to keep accepting it. I am happy to see british people against this kind of crap. Although it might be too late for you...

And pretty much primitive too

Yeah, but they don't die a slow and painful death.

>Tanned German

.... i thought i didnt need to explain that this was the whole point.....

I remember it being brought up some years back. I believe it was shut down though after the Jews and Muslims combined forces. It was a ban on ritual slaughtering stupid goyim what did you expect?

the ban in our country involved Kosher as well you taqqiya pig.

halal meat is technically blessed food.
shouldnt christians have some kind of ritual before preparing livestocks as well?
I mean cmon, afaik only the chinese dont give a shit about killing animals with fancy rituals because to them all animals are soulless things just like themselves.

Okay, but why?

Halal is banned in Holland? Bullshit even our regular supermarkets have Halal sections. Don't act like we are not cucked because we sure are.

The argument from a few years back was that it was inhumane to ritually slaughter animals because it did not involve sedating them.

I honestly would not mind if they stopped giving the livestock antibiotics all together considering how much fucking damage immunity to antibiotics can cause.

It was nearly banned a few years back but it was stopped by a coalition of Jews and Muslims.

A christian only has to give thanks, "rise peter, kill and eat"
"Do not call impure (the animals of the earth) what I have made pure"

Second point is stupid, but the first part is correct. Slitting the throat if done correctly kills in a manner of seconds and its mostly painless, there's a reason people kill themselves by exsanguination.

Kosher and Halal are the same bullshit.

I dont even know what halal means. I dont care.
Islamic faggots can go suck a bag of dicks.

Because animals do not deserve to suffer for some stupid ideology?

halal simply means permissible.

haram is the opposite of halal.

Music is haram

raping slave girls is halal

get it? it's an entire value system. A perverted one. And it should not be respected by anyone!

Okay, but what are you banning exactly?

For instance, all vegetables are halal.

I'm ashamed of knowing the difference between these two but people keep explaining it to me when I mention either.

If you want to avoid halal, eat pork. It's the only foolproof way.

Well, i dislike islam as well, but do some research or at least as what it means, so you can hate them for a good reason , because if you hate them because they are different, you become almost like them.
Halal is killing an animal by cutting a vein in their throats, so they can feel pain and suffer ( and as muslims saying, "Ask for forgivness" from allah...) And muslims in all around the world demand that products have a halal sticker on them so they can know that the meat they are eating is "pure". Same goes for drinks (like milk ) so they know there is no pig blood (and alcohol i think) in them.

Because animal rights.

After the animals' head is lobbed off, there's only like a few seconds to a minute tops where the animal brain is sort of working. If those few seconds of "animal suffering" is that important to you, then I can see why some people oppose Halal.

Who cares about the draining blood from the body part. It's just dead meat at that point. If your culture is to fuck the animal before serving, knock yourself out.

reminder that you can help fight for the cause in other ways.

>because if you hate them because they are different, you become almost like them.

If you kill your enemies, they win!

i am not banning anything.
all i want is for animals do get the rights THEY DESERVE. and killing them halal style should be a violation.

We should be minimizing suffering wherever possible. Those few seconds of pain are completely gratuitous. There is absolutely no need for them.

Halal advocates are sadists.

stop discussing animals. halal is not about animals it's about murdering infidels, raping slave girls, dividing up stolen loot. This animal thing is the tip of the iceberg.


Rights trump beliefs.

hahaha, i believe that cuck president of Canada said that. However i am not saying you should not be against something or you should not kill your enemies, i am just saying, you MUST have a reason ( muslims gives us plenty of reasons). Thats my opinion at least.

Sounds like a kike thing to do

> banning halal
> muslims allowed to eat kosher
> Profit


You are racist

Recolonisons Molenbeek!

I already assumed it had something to do with the slaughter of animals. But I honestly still dont care.

Europe is, was and will always be christian. When someone invites another to his house, it is the guest who should submit to the host's rules, not otherwise. Their habits and traditions are irrelevant. If you go to Saudi Arabia (the very hearth of sunni cancer) you can bet your ass that you will be punished for drinking alchool (or eating pork) and you cant even enter that mausoleum of theirs where some stupid rock with no real religious meaning lies.

I legit don't know of any Swiss farmers or butchers who do that and I grew up on a farm.
Most everyone agrees it's cruel

I worked for earls when I was a teenager, everyone was a coke fiend or petty criminal, they skimmed approximately $2000 from my wages in a year and I was told not to inform WSIB after an injury

lol i am starting to believe you are trolling me hard but well , i am bored and have nothing better to do so i am going to answer. Because i am mentaly healthy and not a sadist, and i don't like watching/thinking that animals are in pain.

Let me be blunt. Why do animals have rights?

Yep , you have every right to be against islam/muslims. I agree with you, europe is no place for those savages.

>place ham on halal shelves
>pick up free discarded halal meats
>praise allan

They don't have real rights, but we shouldn't make them suffer senselessly either.

This has nothing to do with race.

> Molenbeek
> 75% of Moroccan fathers or grandfathers who were baited to belgium by the government to work in the mines
> Shitty Integration at start because keep workforce dumb = no nuisance = more profit
> future Moroccan generations made turdists indirectly by shitty government

Belgium just has shitty government(s)
Incompetent country with incompetent politicians

Because animal are better than both muslims and kikes.


True, I'd put that solidly in the category that sadism is bad... if we reduce it, it'll eventually get to pain=bad and any further reduction becomes nonsense.

Depends on the animal, fampai. Like if it's not a mammal, they can just fuck off.

As a reptilian I am offended by your post.

Why do humans have rights? for the same reason i guess... just think simple, you someone was about to kill you, would you like him to cut your thoat and hang you from the ceiling, or would you like him to shoot you in the head? i believe everyone would like the 2nd option. So animals should be treated like that as well. And if you think humans have rights because they are smarted, what about autistic kids ? or what about chimps/dolphines, you should go to prison for killing a chimp because "he is smart" ?


the adherence to the islamic religion indoctrinates anti-intellectualism preventing the development of future generation, no liberal state could compete with authoritarian enforcement of islamic communities, transplanted or otherwise.

way to racist and close minded.

thats no way to treat the other cultures of the world.

everyone is equal.

> it'll eventually get to pain=bad
No it won't

Reducing senseless suffering doesn't mean taking a complete pacifist stance. Shooting an animal in the head is humane. Hanging it up and letting it bleed out while still alive isn't much humane.
Giving them a fatal injection or some shit would be even more humane, but not financially feasible. Thus, the slightly less humane option (shooting them in the head) is atleast not senseless.

>If it's not a mammal they can just fuck off
The mammals are the true lifestock.

Okay, fine. If you fucking really want to do this, medkit.

Why should we not make animals suffer endlessly or pointlessly? Why does it matter?

It's depressing that people are more willing to have this conversation about animals than humans. We put animals that are suffering out of their misery. We extend no such mercy to humans.

> Belgian government imports cheap workforce from muslim country
> Blame their religion for everything

If germany won the war, none of this shit would be up for debate. Europe for europeans, Friendly Caliphate neighbours, crippled Russians, eternally warring asians, and Isolation starved Americas

Funny thing is, Halal (halál) means death in Hungarian

that made me lol hard

It shows mental health and progression.

It depends where you are. In the States, rights are considered endowed by God. In other nations, you'll typically get rights given by government. In philosophical matters, you'll get rights by divinity, or sentience, or simply by value. In practicality, all rights are at a root underlayed by the threat of justified violence if violated.

>Would you chose to get murdered one way or the other?
I'd probably agree I'd rather get shot, but I'm going to argue this really is a non-issue or this will eventually get to the point of

>Why eat animals at all?

In my view, the belief that someone has the right to practice their religious beliefs free of government intervention trumps the right of an animal.

>Do you believe that animal sacrifices, blah blah, blah, flaying, whatever are justified then by religious purposes?

Yes. It's all or nothing.

Once again, this has nothing to do with race.
And i understand your point of view but i have to disagree. Just because they have a different culture it doesn't mean i am going to make someone suffer. They think women shouldnt be allowed to vote and they can mary multiple women, are you saying we should accept that?