Tfw you realize there's some good black people out there and you wish their community and majority would stop being so...

>tfw you realize there's some good black people out there and you wish their community and majority would stop being so shit because those good black people give you hope in them, but then you also realize their community is so beyond repair that you can't even think of a way to bring them back to our level and nourish that potential and you actually think maybe it's for the best to deport them all to Africa and let them figure it out on their own because I just can't anymore

>tfw no one knows your feels anymore

I gotchu senpai

I know this feeling. I've had a few good Southern raised blacks that have shown me the capability of their race but sadly most are not even allowed to try anymore because welfare.

Last time I lived near a based black guy, he took it upon himself to straighten out other people's niglets when they got to nigging.

The worst thing, I think, is any black who works hard and obeys the law is shunned for "acting white"

Their communities cannot improve until that meme dies

Story time

You may know this feel, but imagine being one of those black people

>go to a popcorn store in Chicago
>sheboons are screaming and laughing while ordering and after
>black girl working there has this disgusted look on her face that tells it all

Must be a very heavy feel

There are good and bad people of all shapes sizes creeds and colours. People need to remind themselves that Sup Forums is satire, although theres probably lots that arnt aware.

Nothing too spectacular. Usually it was enough for him to stride on up to them and tell them how to behave. I presume lack of real father figures made this really scary.

>He still believes dindu's can be redeemed
It's either ethnic cleansing or mixed breeding OP

i doubt they give a shit about some random thug monkey. "black" IS NOTtribe, focus on yourself and the people you care about.

Did you even read my post? I clearly say I can't think of a way to redeem them. Dumbass toothpaste.

Gypsies actually act the same. Having a job is considered shameful. If they could they'd be posting "wagecuck" threads all day long.

It was the US government. Go look up COINTELPRO, the REAL program, not the buzzword that kids toss around here.

It started out as an anti-communist program but it got repurposed and used against black leaders in the 60's and 70's.

And then cocaine started showing up in black communities right when the CIA got into the business of selling drugs to raise money for arms for the Contras (this is not a conspiracy, it has been discussed in open congress, as has cointelpro, for example the senate foreign relations committee found that the US state department as involved in the trafficking of drugs).

Cocaine fucking destroyed the black community. Elders no longer had a voice, there was no more respect, there was no more community itself, just money, and violence to gain or keep revenue streams.

Cocaine was not exactly a black drug until the 80's. And that's when everything really began to go to hell.

There had been race riots and such in the black communities in the US, but nothing like what the money flow from cocaine caused. And the drug itself of course. Crack ravaged the blacks. And the thing about crack is that it was not new. Freebase had always been a thing. But it was fairly unacceptable to blacks, until the black communities became flooded in cocaine.

And then the fucking jews promoted mass-murder-fairy tales and the rap culture of defeat and decay.

Blacks never did have the greatest communities, but they did have their own things going on, until it was all systematically dismantled by yids and neocons.

It's like a real-life sitcom.

>one decent, honest, hard-working citizen with strong moral values
>surrounded by hordes of bumbling, greedy imbeciles
>hilarity ensues as she constantly has to clean up after their wacky, reckless antics

We could call the show "An Oreo's Life"


>le Sup Forums is satire meme
Just go to lefty pol and stay there

Grew up next to Gary, Indiana (for those not aware, it's like Detroit Jr.). One of my best friends is black and I spent time hanging out with her and her family/friends. There's actually a lot of conservative and even some red-pilled blacks that care about their kids, community, and uplifting their race. Sadly it's almost always canceled out by gangs, drugs, the "black culture" that's sold, and widespread lack of education.

> coca in

You know that shit is coming from Mexico. It's most of the reason we need a fucking wall. because the spic government is all "drugs lmao" and our poor communities get fucked by it.

So ironically, Trump is the most pro-nog candidate. And I'm cool with that if he can actually start the process of fixing their shitty ghettos.

> Cocaine

I'm sorry user, but get red pilled.

Some blacks are great, but the distribution of their intelligence is such that they'll never form strong productive communities.

It's a real problem. We need to come up with a productive use for them. I mean we don't have AI, and they DO have some human potential in theory.