Whats meaning of life?

Whats meaning of life?

There is none

Definition of life
plural lives play \ˈlīvz\
1 a :the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
b :a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings
c :an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism (see metabolism 1), growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a :the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

There is no objective meaning to life other than survive and procreate.
If you want something more than that, you have to decide what values you find important and do something in relation to that.

as I thought

Why do you ask?


>Whats meaning of life?
i think it's to kill all russians. im pretty sure it is.

Don't look for something deeper OP

Its literally just procreate for the survival of the species, sorry to disappoint you.

Life has no meaning.

Consume. Shit. Die.

Fuck bitches get money and enjoy the ride
Everything else is bullshit

What doth life?

Nobody knows why there IS life versus why there ISN'T life. If the question is why are there little squirmy things that reproduce - yeah nobody knows. It's just a thing that happened.

Go to sleep, Xavier.

Sup Forums

None. That's the whole thing.
Our life and consciousness is just entropy laughing at our face. The universe created us only so it has some audience. Someone to show how meaningless we are in the infinite chaos.

A funny movie made by Monthy Python

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Even if someone or thing approached you and told you what the meaning of life is, would any answer they give really matter? If there's some purpose to fulfill then we'd have to be able to fulfill it without knowing it so you wouldn't change how you think or act and if it's all just meaningless entropy then it never mattered to being with

Exist as long as possible?!?!?!?!

This. And possibly life itself.

help our own planter to survive from our own destruction. She, is just to beautifull to be lost because of parasites like us

mean planet, fucking wordboard doin what she wants

Usually when we talk about the end of the world, what we actually mean is the end of man.
Even if we nuke the entire planet, there would still be enough plant and animal life to repopulate the earth within 20.000 years.

this is such a fucking autistic Sup Forums retard thing to say. you just spout fucking nonsense. you have no idea what would be the result of humans nuking the planet. you have no idea about what would survive, or how long, if at all, it would take things to recover. stop talking bullshit

Go watch the documentary series Life After People.

just have fun, that's it

To live with uncertainty with grace.

Live, reproduce, die

To lynch niggercunts.

to find a meaning for it

To advance technology to a high enough state until we become energetic fourth dimensional beings.


So when does it start?

My own thoughts regarding the question.

If you don't reply to this in 30 seconds your mother will Donald Trump tonight.