Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn...

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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Take it to Sup Forums

He already has the codes. GJ voting for him


Shutup Hillcuck. 7 more years of winning left to go. Might as well buckle up, this train has no stops.


... List 3 Trump victories so far, not including the election. He's had a year. This should be easy.

this is bait right?

Obvious b8 is obvious.

Nobody unironically supports trump anymore unless they are literally retarded

Hurr durr was only pretending to be retarded

it’s the truth retard

he's added like 30 coal-mining jobs to the economy.

Serious question: if y'alls like winning, how come you keep obsessing over losers? The Confederacy lost, to the USA. The Nazis lost, to the USA. How come, for so many of y'all, your heroes are such losers?

>it’s been a year

wow, it’s january 2018 already?

Ha, true. And I guess he did OK another tarsands pipeline from Canada. And roll back EPA rules.

I'm just astonished anybody would consider those wins, but there are some truly special individuals in this country.


>having seen more than one election
>still not realizing that the president has no discernible effect on us govt policy which is pretty much on auto pilot
>get worked up again during next election
>repeat ad nauseam

Did you just google that or did you already have that saved?

>Funding for the wall/ construction actually starting in said wall
>Tighter and stricter crack down on illegals
>Bettered the trade agreement between China and the US

Why are all Trump supporters immediately thought of as rebel flag waving, swastika wearing white supremacists? It's like you not even trying.

ban this underage kid

googled it just to make a screenshot lol

>guise he is building that wall that he said Mexico would pay

saying a presidency starts at the inauguration is like saying a school year starts with the first class. If like Trump you did nothing to prepare for that moment, you're already behind. Trump never even sent his people to get briefed by the various agencies he was going to be in charge of. I don't think he understood the scope or responsibilities of the job when he took it. I think he assumed he was just king of the gov't and the military, and the more he learns about responsibility and checks and balances, he's getting more pissed off and trying to use his "charisma" to influence, threaten and control the people who he should have a genuine working relationship with because he can't stand the idea that he's not the most important person in a room.

First election where you paid attention big guy?

I don't think all Trump supporters are into the Confederacy and the Nazis. But we're on Sup Forums, so if you ain't then "x or gtfo" rules apply.


>guise I don't have a rebuttal so im going to mock like a fucking 5 year old hurr

>Congress approved the budget to fund test sites for the wall, not the wall itself
>illegals get here through legal means first in most cases, the stay longer and become illegal so his wins there are generally moot.
>if you mean better trade by the US saying to China, You take over and get all the money; then yes better trade agreement.

I don't think Trump supporters are Nazis, I just think they are idiots.

>guise he is winning because he is building a wall he said Mexico would pay for it but we are. Walls are great for keeping boats, planes and people who outstayed their visas

let me correct that for you:

>backtracked on promises about the wall and is now spending trillions to build a wall that won't be continuous and that most experts agree will not stop illegal border crossings
>Issued executive orders that have all been challenged and struck down in courts, and has otherwise directed ICE to be such dicks that it's literally eroding international confidence in our human rights record
>Pulled out of trade deals that weren't his and is begging China to renegotiate while they sign a new pact that doesn't include us.

>leader of the free world

Oldfag here can confirm this is accurate. The only excuse for loving or hating a president is if you’re a kid who just started paying attention to politics for the first time. Otherwise, you’re a gullible idiot who never learns.

Oldfag here too. I'm just sick of hearing him and seeing him. I hate him because he's an attention-seeking cunt.

In England they played Ding dong the Witch is dead so much after Margaret Thatcher's death that it was #1 on their billboard lists. Can you imagine how popular the song will be they play here in America to commemorate this douchebag's death?

>Ever believing that Mexihell was going to pay for something as extensive as a country wide wall when they can barely afford to feed themselves

I never once thought for a second that Mexico would pay. But once it's built, it's built. Regardless of who paid. And a wall to keep out who shouldn't be here is an investment I won't regret the US undertaking.
>Not knowing the funding for such a wall began as far back as Bush but no one wanted to be the president who actually started the construction of it because it would make them look bad

And yea OK sure. All the illegals came here through legal routes and just overstayed. No biggy!. Right.
Sure about Mexico paying, but see above. Most didn't think for a second he'd get Mexico to foot the bill, but people still want the wall.
I'm sure these experts have no Bias at all right? Just look at the fence that Hungary put up. Look at how their illegal migrant problem disappeared within a few years. And executive orders were required when everyone and their mother is refusing to even consider your plans. Even supposed republicans on Trump's "team" are working against him. I.e. McCain. And what's wrong with having ICE so their job and you know, actually uphold the law? If an American were to illegally go to any other country, they'd be jailed and eventually deported. Why is the US expected to uphold a double standard? Illegals are nothing more than leeches.

If funding for the wall began as far back as Bush, they how can Trump count that as a win? Saying yes to another's plan or idea doesn't make you a visionary genius, it just makes you another Bureaucrat

I voted for him too. I thought it would be lulsy but I guess I was wrong. Sorry world.

And if you had been born in the UK you would've voted for Brexit. Yet another shining example of why democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

> (You)
>If funding for the wall began as far back as Bush, they how can Trump count that as a win? Saying yes to another's plan or idea doesn't make you a visionary genius, it just makes you another Bureaucrat

Because he is the only president to date who ever realistically pushed the wall as something that would be built. Any other president before him could have at any time but chose not to.

And Hillary herself even admitted that illegals are an issue that need dealing with during her 2008 run against Obama. She only recently changed her tune to appeal to the liberals during her 2016 run. California has 10 counties where the number of votes coming from them (pro Hillary of course) were numbered 11-13% more than eligble age voters in the area. On the scale of California's population, that's a fuck load of people. Do you not consider that an issue? At all?
>Implying Brexit was a bad thing

Fuck the EU and fuck you too commie. And their migrant pushing, local population comes second ideology/agenda.

but why you trying so hard?

lmao, still salty over a year after she lost

I'm not admitting illegals aren't an issue. But your lovely GOP idol Reagan made them an issue by ending easy day labor for Mexicans to come to and from America daily. Also the Huns proved walls were inadequate over a thousand years ago. Walls are psychological safety, not any actual defense since gunpowder was spread, and especially now. And Brexit is a problem because I am a HUMAN first, before any ideological bias or the chance upon where I was born. If we could all agree that first many problems would be easier to deal with.

What, do we not consider scumbag politicians lying to our faces to secure votes an issue? Of course we do. You just dont seem to care that Trump did the exact same thing. Face it Trump fag, last years elections were fucked no matter who we voted for. All these politicians are the same, and everyone is too stupid to vote them out of office.

> Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here.
One sentence in, and you've already told two lies.
You must be a liberal.

>My idol Reagan
I'm flattered you think I was eligble to vote then. Bush Jr was the first president I had the opportunity to truly appreciate what voting is. Even if I didn't vote that time. But yea he was a scumbag. I don't know enough about Brexit and EU to give a detailed opinion, but having "refugees" forced on you in drives while being forced to pay for their every need seems like a bad deal all around.
>But all the politician choices were terrible! The only way to win is to not play!

And that's the mentality that would have gotten Hillary elected. Trump is far from perfect, but with Hillary as the only other realistic option of getting in office, we had to choose the lesser of 2 evils.

Can you fucking read? When did I ever endorse Hillary as "the lesser of two evils". All I said was Dump, Shillary, Jill Shitstein, and Bernie Faggers were all terrible candidates, and that the American people are too retarded to vote for anyone with any sense.

Oh no I read it all. All I got was
>Everyone besides me is retarded
You're opinion is like that of a child. Libertarian dream candidate will never happen.

I agree my wording was slightly vague, however my assumption was that you are a Republican. And Republicans generally prop up Reagan as their ideal modern leader. That was what I meant by "your lovely GOP idol Reagan". And again refugees are a relative term. If you view yourself as a human first, then you are helping your fellow man until they can get on their feet, rather than saying refugees take all our stuff. My better idea is to say, you have 18 months to not have a job and pay taxes, after that you're a citizen and have to serve the penalties for not paying your taxes.

It's fine you want to shitpost, but seriously asshole... quit lying about Trump. The only people crashing and burning are the Globalists and the Establishment ghouls.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

No, doesnt have to be libertarian. Just has to be straightforward and representative of their constituents.

Approval rating done by the opposition. Yeah, go suck a nigger dick.

Germany lost to USSR, read a book.

This must be bait. Thanks to you and your kind, he got the codes a year ago dipshit.

As what you term a globalist, I find it hilarious to think that you think we are crashing and burning since we have never had more than a general minority and to crash and burn implies we had any power or sway to begin with.

>But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

You already gave them to him.

And that's where we differ. I see the migrants as humans sure, but humans who are lying through their teeth to get into a country where they know the people there will give them everything for free. And while your 18 month idea sounds good in theory, it'll never work. Those "refugees" are there for hand outs and gibs. Nothing more. As soon as you try to ween them off of living solely on hand outs, they'll lose their shit.

There is a reason violent crimes, sexual harassment, and rape counts have sky rocketed all over the EU. Funny how they all coincide with the number of my migrants. I mean just Look at Germany. What a shame.

Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking amazing watching Trump win and taking names. But in all seriousness we must have him win the second term, he is Americas best bet to survive a nuclear confrontation

didnt you hear? the fringe left holds grudges forever and they always keep trying

>American people are too retarded to vote for anyone with any sense.
Who would you have them vote if all candidates were shit?

I agree we have a fundamental difference of opinion. I believe we can be good people to each other as long as we strive to understand each other. Education is the key to my plan where I advocate actualization of others, where why you might not agree with anothers' views, you at least understand how they got there. And I am a born American who fell on hard times, from my own misguided decisions to be sure, however even in my EBT interview I vowed to repay what was given to me. I was told I didn't have to pay for it but even at 21 I understood I could repay by being a productive member of society and pay my taxes. And that's what I mean by education, you can accept the help of others if needed, but that should not be how you live for the rest of your life.

Also for clarification most of any "political" people I know hate me since I refuse to identify with a political party and instead term myself a conservative liberal

Guess what? Nobody read that.

I think the one most salty over her loss is Trump himself. This dude can't keep her name out of his mouth.

How are you proposing to stop what's currently happening where immigrants group together in places like Sweden and turn toss towns into no go zones for their residents. How do you force them to integrate or do you think having pockets of Iran on American soil is a good thing?

Starts in the primaries, before people are even considered presidential candidates. Its not like every election consistently has shit candidates. But this one did.

Dunno about murica but here in Canada all of the refugees/immigrants have jobs, more than I can say for most indians/niggers on welfare.

Well it's just not true for the places that mass import them like Sweden and Germany so what's your plan then if you want them so bad??

Because you said the problem in your statement. Forcing anyone to do anything is defeatist. Helping people to understand that we are people first before anything else will help in any talks first. And this isn't an unreal argument, the main domestic goal of any conflict is to dehumanize the enemy

Trump is better then jesus

I've been watching a lot of Fox news lately - looks like Clinton might not win this thing.

But we can see from examples like rinkby in Sweden and the outer districts of Berlin that they will not assimilate so what do you do??

Tfw tries to explain to radical Muslims that we are people first and that we should all hold hands and that gays shouldn't be executed. Topkek

I kinda doubt Trump would use nuclear codes to launch anything when he knows there will be a retaliatory strike that would destroy his hotels and golf courses.

We mass imported them too, what is the problem with those other countries?

Obvious troll. He already has the codes Ivan.

>not gonna lie.

proceeds to lie. never change shill.

Any results from such a fundamental new type of thinking would not be seen in the current generation or even the majority of the next. I admit that such a redefinition of all to all humanity is unlikely to happen especially with some sort of globalist totalitarian regime for a time (a type of paradox I admit and again as I said unlikely to happen). However the Internet provides a type of shortcut. Allowing such humanist ideas to propogate from the bottom rather than the top as seen as any other example in human history. And that is where my fundamental faith lies, that our generation can be the first to create the first genuinely new in centuries. And unite the globe not through force, but through reason

A very small amount of your immigrants came from the Middle East most came from east Asia or Western Europe if you can't see a difference in the people from those places you're not very bright

What about the other criticism?

Back to Sup Forums with you faggot

In all honesty Trump seems like the best candidate overall which is why he won, people are just so affected by the liberal media that they think he is bad

If CNN told people Trump was the best, most people would have a better opinion of him

That's a very lovely sentiment but it's so dejected from reality that it's laughable, the world doesn't consist of people from one meshing ideology or belief and it simply cannot happen. But I tell you what if you can get Pakistan and Israel or shunnis and Shias to get along well you got me

Also oldfag here. I'm gay.

Unlikely to happen without*
Fucking autocorrect

Does "winning" mean doing everything wrong as much as possible?

Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, Trump is not doing a good job.

For Democrats, he's absolutely terrible in pretty much every way.

For Republicans, he's failed to deliver any of his vague campaign promises other than appointing a conservative to the Supreme Court.

Trump always says he's the best at everything, but he's actually only good at bullshitting.

How nice of you to assume you know where they came from...and to tell me like I don’t know. Now if you’re done pretending you know what you’re talking about I can assure you that 25k+ Syrians are now living here, with more coming every week, and they still all have jobs and are productive members of society.

you really think that a serial liar, fraud, cheat, con artist, womaniser, billionaire tax evader who as not even in the top fifteen in his class at university, and dodged the draft could be the best that America could do?

No I didn't assume anything I googled it maybe you should to

You disregard a fundamental statement of mine, I fully do not expect my results within my lifetime. But if we don't start now then we are content to accept the status quo of general hate and suspicion and want only an even worse world for our prodigy

Please these people have been fighting for hundreds of years you don't think anyone's tried the airtight strategy of hey guys why don't we all get along, you're in denial of human nature and in complete deject from reality

You obviously didn’t As this post clearly shows, but sure kid.

Not in denial. Even I give my idea a 1 in 20 chance at best. But if I don't think we can do better then I and everyone else should an human tonight

He won because 'merica has the worst voting system of any developed nation, leading to the objectively worse candidate winning, despite not being the will of the people. It's a fucking disgusting, vile shit hole and republicans shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Lmfao 1 in 20, in all of human history has there ever been a golden age of peace? But for sure you're the one that's going to usher it in

remove the sjw troll, rewrite your reply and i will give you a proper response

Until then yes i think Trump is one of the best candidate not only America but Europe as well

Seems like the Canadian government agrees with me show me a source that says otherwise about your Syrian friends

While I do have a huge ego. I mean I'm l
Posting legitimate world views on Sup Forums with the hope that at least one lurker might be swayed. But as of this moment while all I've posted is a legitimate view of mine, I am drunk and fully accept the reality that my main reason for posting is self amusement

No not really, if popular vote was all that mattered then both candidates would have changed their strategy accordingly. Trump would have campaigned more in those states usually considered blue thus making him win the popular vote as well

Forgive me op. I live in a bit of a political bubble, and I don't watch a ton of news.
What is it that Trump promised to do?
And what is it that he has or hasn't done that makes him a bad president?
From my understanding he's hired a ton biased former execs into gov positions.
That's about all I really know

Sure kid