I need to make a silencer for my bb gun...

I need to make a silencer for my bb gun. My high school has a 3d printer and I made a 3d model of a baffle and a connection to the bb gun it will all fit in a 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe. But I cant say it is for a silencer because everyone clucked what would be a good lie

>because everyone clucked
First of all explain this

>silencer for my bb gun
Is this a spring or gas operated bb gun?

First it’s a B.B. gun, next it will be a real gun. Maybe you should seek help friend. Mass shootings are getting old. Think of another way to go down in history.

Why do you need a Suppressor for a BB Gun? Also im sure that this is question you can ask /k/ and get better results

You know silencers don't exist. Theyre called surpressors. Your bb doesnt need one. Stop shooting animals.

Make two and put them together but design them so you can cut/take them apart easy
You could say its like the blue thing in pic related

or you could just call it a funnel, who would know what a bb gun silencer looks like? I never knew they existed.

the school is extremely libel transgender bathrooms and all. once a kid was suspended for watching cod videos in study hall.

the bb gun is gas operated

>the school is extremely libel transgender bathrooms and all
Ignore everything said and shoot that bitch up.

Asshole neighbors

If you put a blacklight LED inside you could say it was an insect trap.

Ive got a Davinci

Its conumer grade so its going to have print lines etc. as the resolution isnt very good.

You can just email me the stl file and I can print it for you.

Fun fact: Some dictionaries will define Silencer but will not define Suppressor.

Ya let me just give you my fucking mailing address so you can post in here

You're a fucking idiot. Your BB gun isn't supersonic, all the noise is coming from the action of firing the BB. You want to silence it, clean up and lube up the internals.

You want to look tacticool, get some wood glue and a variety of cardboard tubes, glue shit together, attach with magnets, spray with flat black paint.

>bb gun
So when did you realize you were gay, user?

>when did you realize you were gay, user?
a long long time ago sensei

cars arent supersonic either

NIgger heres my burner.

[email protected]

He's right OP, unless you mistated your original post and have some high powered air rifle. Like, ~1300 + fps. Putting a "silencer" on some walmart tier garbo bb gun isnt going to do anything

>bb gun

What color is your e-cig?

Are you retarded? You know that subsonic just means it doesnt break the sound barrier right?

Not that guy, but he said supersonic, not subsonic.

Anyway user is right the noise is produced by the internal system of the gun

It's not entirely OP's fault he's a dumbass. Video games have firmly inserted the belief that a tube on the end of a gun is all it takes to silence it entirely

You gonna email me a fucking 3D printer?

>Your BB gun isn't supersonic
He's saying that because it isnt supersonic it's not going to make noise.