Why aren't you preparing for the apocalypse, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you preparing for the apocalypse, Sup Forums?

kek muricafags amirite

are those burgers in the packages?

Don’t worry it’s Mickey D’s it’ll be good for 20 years at least, maybe 30.

>Planning to survive solely on frozen Burger King value menu burgers and freeze-pops.
I see nothing wrong with this.

Don't forget condoms

I am! I have 680 cigs hidden away

youll be a rich man in fallout3

you should vacuum seal those things

>preparing for the apocalypse,
>pile of burgers
are you randy bobandy?

Sell my cigs!?! but what about the flavour?

I hear ya, can’t not gonna face the end of days without a cig.


dont know man. tbh i would also rather smoke em

thats not even enough to get drunk dude

In a post apocalyptic world? Hell yea it is

and how do you plan to power said freezer ? your food will be garbage in a week

>eat them all in one day
>body will convert extra calories to fat
>have 300 lbs worth of fat to survive off of


If the world is going to end I do not want to be one of the poor saps who have to suffer the last days of humanity.

You must be a republitard weirdo that voted for dumpt

Man’s gotta eat.

Fuck off Randy