How do I help my dog feel better after surgery?

How do I help my dog feel better after surgery?


Suck its penis

try to keep it calm man. they are very emotional so if u gave them calm they are ok .

A bullet.


Weed infused peanut butter balls. Not too much though. He’s not human sized. 2.5 mg of thc max. Dispensary


A nice box of dark chocolates

Plain hamburger.

I am more into a holistic way of things, give your dog some weed edibles and jack him off while chanting some Buddhist chants. Tuck him into bed afterward.

Fucking white people.

um i dink yu sud gib me..i mean him a pet on my er his ear

am human yes

give it opiates.

shoot it.

make sure he knows hes a good boi

read him a bedtime story

take that thing off his head

What kind of dog is that

Not some. Just the one. With a small dog the ld50 of thc is as little as 600mg. To put that into perspective a single pip off your standard infused recreational candy bar is 10mg. 10mg being considered a dose, but let’s all be honest. No one stops at one dose. That’s why a single candy bar has 100mg and why the flasq brand drink comes with a completely ignorable dosing cap. It’s a literal glass flask.

Poor him a bowl of this.


Lick his "balls" for him