Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread






little ari smirks because during her last
visit to Japan the king of Japan,
himself a music fan, offered her half his crown
should she accept his hand; and divvying
her refusal a province, the prefecture of
Osaka, for a night and a load of poop
right into his waning mouth! again repulsed
he opened his treasuries and went
3 babillion yen for a mouthful of pee,
10 hundred babillions for carnal sex!
upon each rebuffment he became more
irritant and finally drew a knife and
threatened to chop his arm completely off
if she left without a boon of some sort
and she henceforth would be renowned
forever as the false facer causlet and
loosener of King Jolly journey's right arm!
baby then bid him on cancerous rote,
a mercy cause, to bend straight down
and left she fly in his nose her
trumpet special frosty fart before
leaving him in a simper, smelly jelly
eating the air, from baby's insides hovering!





ɹỊɐ-ləq ɟo əɔuỊɹd əɥʇ sɐ əuoɹɥʇ ʎɯ uo ʇỊs oʇ
əɹəɥʇ ʎllɐuỊɟ sɐʍ I ɯopნuỊʞ ʎɯ ʇɐ pəʞoo⅂
ɹəʇɐl ɐʎ lləɯs səɯloɥ oʎ ʎqqɐɔ əɥʇ oʇ pəlləʎ I puɐ
8 ɹo ⎳ ʇnoqɐ əsnoɥ əɥʇ oʇ dn pəllnd I

„¡ɹỊɐ-ləq oʇ əɯoɥ oY ·ʇỊ ʇəნɹoɟ ´ɥɐN„ ´ʇɥნnoɥʇ I ʇn
əɹɐɹ sɐʍ qɐɔ sỊɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ ʎɐs plnoɔ I ნuỊɥʇʎuɐ ɟI
ɹoɹɹỊɯ əɥʇ uỊ əɔỊp pɐɥ ʇỊ puɐ ɥsəɹɟ pỊɐs əʇɐld əsuəɔỊl əɥ
ɹɐəu əɯɐɔ ʇỊ uəɥʍ puɐ qɐɔ ɐ ɹoɟ pəlʇsỊɥʍ I

„·ɹỊ-lə uỊ əlɔun puɐ əỊʇunɐ ɹnoʎ ɥʇỊʍ ‚uỊʌoɯ əɹ‚noY„ ´pỊɐs pu
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pooნ ou oʇ dn əɹəʍ ʎəɥʇ sʎnნ ɟo əldnoɔ ɐ uəɥʍ
looɥɔs əɥʇ əpỊsʇno llɐq-q əɯos ‚uỊʇooɥs llɐ pu
looɔ llɐ ´‚uỊxɐləɹ ´‚uỊxɐɯ ´ʇno ‚uỊllỊɥϽ
sʎɐp ʎɯ ɟo ʇsoɯ ʇuəds I əɹəɥʍ sỊ punoɹნʎɐld əɥʇ uO
pəsỊɐɹ puɐ uɹoq ɐỊɥdləpɐlỊɥ ʇsəʍ uI

ɹỊ-lə pəllɐɔ uʍoʇ ɐ ɟo əɔuỊɹd əɥʇ əɯɐɔəq I ʍoɥ noʎ lləʇ ll‚I
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go back to red ditor muggle


look at her hair

its like a title wave or something




Watches for $0.00 wtf?! !



What? Logs of shit for $0.00 how could this be?

how do you explain this


You're the dumbest nigger alive

I... i don't OK



but where did it go

Stop stop stop

Let's just go with Camren again.

OMG what the fuck is that thing






or what?

These are the things that confuse me about women today. They complain about being sexualized or seen as sexual objects.

Then, they sexualize them selves and use themselves as sexual objects.

I so want to believe that they want to be thought of more than just objects. Then, they sexually objectify themselves. or at least these "celebs" do. shrug.


It was an accident!

Oh no she looks like she could beat me up with that mad look on her face
Please delet evil post




Just dumb dumbs trying to deny human nature. Men and women try to attract each other, there's nothing evil about it. They can't resist doing it no matter how much they cry about it because of the ugly "intellectual" jealous hags and faggots who can't get attention from men telling them men who want them are scumbags.



Anyone have a Jordyn Jones drive they can send me ?

Stop bullying Jewess Queen!

>title wave

but it would be the most exquisite pain you've ever experienced, user

like..in the mail?

The Thing

The top one on the right fell off and she placed the one on the left on top to pick it up. Being that it doesnt have the paper covering the straw, I also believe she was drinking from it.


Jewess Queen I delete something if you delete something


She dropped the cup on top. In between pictures she then placed the cup in one hand on top of the hot cup. You can tell by the straw which is which.

Like Google drive or something like that, email fine too

She can bend me over her knee and spank me she makes me so weak



That's cute.



Jewess Queen made a boo boo




>mfw this is user's room irl


i only send them on a bottle opener thumb drive stuffed in a gerbils ass overnight fedex in the course of a stampede of wild elephants in his house between 3:55 and 4:00 pm on the Fourth of July during a hailstorm. and one baby zebra.




she has nice cheeks

is she czech? the first name-last name combination is super fucking confusing



Someone should be running these through MakeApp and reposting them. Watch your boners deflate boys.

who'd she blow?

Good afternoon, Miss Jenna. May I scratch your itchy boob for you, madam?




>Special delivery, user!


na I'm good

Fuck off, Randy Bobandy!

Damn,FedEx? Hoping for UPS or something


yeah, wasn't my best work i know.


still fapping to her underwear vid

I'm Randy Bobandy.


fuck off you are such a faggetterino

Fuck off Randy Bobandy