I feel that I am genuinely lost at this point, I see no reason for even existing anymore...

I feel that I am genuinely lost at this point, I see no reason for even existing anymore. Why do you guys think we're here?

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We are all lost bud, seek and you will find.

To expand on that I think we are tasked with a Journey of finding God and Joy. Once you have joy it is worth the task. Without it, a life of misery and confusion. Get involved with groups find a good life partner. Many people find God in different ways may dont want to believe in anything beyond themselves so they never look. At least give it a chance.

one lives ones death, one dies ones life.

If you look in negative places you will find negativity go talk to professionals or people better tasked than us assholes.

We are here to live as organisms. That is all.

Whatever change we choose to bring to the world is our legacy. Our legacy is simply the impact each individual human organism leaves.
We are simply cogs in a machine. Not in such a way that our "machine" is some evil government game. While this may very well be true, The machine I am referring to the world, or the universe.
We are a moving part. A part that was "engineered" to have free will. Our "purpose", by design or not, is live as an organism.

An ant builds ant farms, this is neither good nor bad. This is what ants where "created" to do.
Humans live as humans. Going about their daily lives, living as humans. This is what we where "created" to do.

In summary. Do whatever the fuck you want. You were put her a to live as a human.
A beautiful, divine, spiritual, sentient creature.
Also, a disgusting, violent, greedy beast.
Live life however you want to, because if you don't get it "right", it's ok, we have 8 billion other possible organisms. Any many more to come.

Existence is meaningless. Find something that actually makes you happy.

Watch vsauce , he talks about shit we are


We are here to live. So fucking do it.

Jesus christ, it's not really that complicated.

Do drugs and bang whores if that's all you got left. Give up your possessions and travel by riding freight trains or hitchhiking. Sell everything for a plane ticket to a country which you don't speak the language of.

Don't be a little bitch and you'll be a lot happier.

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life. So get wasted and have the time of your life.

Someone tell me I'm wrong and argue with me.
This organism likes to debate.


Not OP, but being meaningless kinda feelsgoodman. It's okay to fuck up, nobody cares.

With the average human life-span being roughly 70, you only have to endure another 50 years of excruciatingly unforgivable pain.

Everything is temporary.

Your life does not matter, and these comments do not matter.

Everything is temporary.

Everything will eventually rot away. As long as the factor of time continues being the apex predator of the universe, the inevitable decay of all pain and memory is unstoppable.

In fact, you could stop the pain at this very moment, by putting a bullet straight through your head.

I'm here to tell autistic fourteen year old psuedointellectuals they're homosexual

you are a fag.

>everything is temporary
Mindset of the genetically inferior. The entire purpose of life is reproduction, continuing your legacy until the end of time. Only fucking retarded nerds and teenagers going through an existential crisis see it this way, because they have no attachment to their bloodline, because they are genetically inferior. They are what natural selection should have killed off a hundred years ago.

Funny, I kinda saw it as liberating.
I'm gunna just go ahead and state my opinion as fact. Lol

You are meaningful to your family, your loved ones, your neighbor. You are even meaningful to your city, your village, or your forest. You create meaning with every footstep you take.
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
Every time you say hello to a stranger, you create a reaction. Whether the action or reaction is "good" or "bad", this is irrelevant.
The important part of this observation is the fact that this interaction was simply a transfer or energy. Not is in a literal sense. Though there are plenty of literal example of energy being transferred.

Getting tired. Not gonna be able to finish the thought. Ha. I was getting worried id have to write a damn book if I typed any longer.

it's pasta from a filthy frank video my dude

This has got to be pasta

Confirmed pasta
Copy and paste it now kids.

who cares get rekt

Not pasta. It should be though