How do I stop smoking Sup Forums?

How do I stop smoking Sup Forums?
What’s the best method

>tfw smoke 95 cigarettes per day

have no money

First you have to learn to reduce, then you have to make a long term commitment to stop, also thinking about quitting is start, but building your intent, without expectations is a prerequisite to eventually giving up for good
GOOD LUCK, you can do it.

start vaping.

Stop buying them???????????????????

Or this.

why do you want to stop? don't smoke 100 cigarettes a day, but why not smoke like 5

i used to smoke a pack a day, quit cold turkey.
just set a date after which you won't smoke and focus on it, if you have the willpower, you'll quit.

also, why not smoke bowls of tobacco, you'll get a big ass headrush and probably won't crave cigarettes if you just smoke 2 or 3 bowls a day

Not even possible. saged

this is super helpful for some - was helpful for me.

First: you have to want to quit. deeply for real.

Second: recognize that this is a chemistry battle in your brain - its literally not about you. if you commit to quitting, regardless of how much you like smoking, recognize that the desire for a smoke is only your brains desire for a certain state of altered equilibrium and excitement. time will change it. cravings fade fairly quickly. when you crave - get passive. sit. distract if you prefer. meditate. recognise it is not YOUR desire, its is your body resisting change. big deal. you choose to NOT get up and buy a pack. no pack, no smokes, no brain filled with nicotine. time passes. you dont givwe a fuck about being a slave to the marlborough man. fuck him.

Suicide works.

my point is that its NOT about "willpower"

its about recognizing whats going on. sit. be cool. cravings are fairly short lived. the desire to get high does not.

How do you even smoke that much?

>have no money
>buy 95 cigs a day

404 this shit

Although your advice is good, your zeal can put people of, OP must start at the beginning, no disrespect to you.

Find a state of mind or place where you dont feel like smoking as much. Dim it down to 1 when you wake up, 1 after dinner and 1 before going to sleep. Quit after youve done this for a while

get your fingers on some odens snus

Nigga what?
So for the 16 hours you are awake in a day....
you are smoking like 6 cigs an hour?

You smoke every 10 minutes?

Cancer, COPD, or emphysema will off yoi soon enough. Why stop smoking? The horse already left the barn.

i was about to say i didnt disagree with you about starting at the beginning....its true, but the reason we ask questions and share is so that people dont have to reinvent everything every single time. so i dont agree that I need to speak the beginning - OP will take at his level. like anything else.

im curious: my 'zeal'? i try to be clear using the ideas that helped me the most.

a day

Just let it kill you

Zeal:enthusiasm, and your post will be very helpful to many people.

I was a 2pack a day smoker and just stopped cuz jew

i know what the word means. im curious what put you off.

I was simply suggesting, that other people can be highly sensitive to any advice?

no beef.
just curious.
thought there might be something to learn. . . .and ive had four glasses of wine.
peace, user.

Easiest way.
* Go to doctor, get sent for a bunch of tests
* find out you're dying, but can add a few more years by quitting. Not change anything, just a bit more time.

Worked for me
(Alternative, even easier. Dead men don't smoke.)

OP, hasn't had the courtesy to respond to good advice?
YOU, gave it, all the best