I need to put down my boy peacefully. I don't have money for a vet

I need to put down my boy peacefully. I don't have money for a vet.

I do have a few guns though.

Which caliber would be best to put him down? And what location?

I have:
>5.56 NATO
>7.62 NATO

Other urls found in this thread:


45 acp right between the eyes in the crevice. I've been there. Had to put down my 13 year old dog.
My prayers for you

I'm sorry user. It's never easy. Make sure to give 'im a nice steak on my behalf before.

I'm so so sorry user.


cut a hole in a cardboard box and insert your muffler into said hole, and then its just the waiting game

the .45 or .762 but .45 has a lower velocity so it will eject more brain matter out the other end, so go with that.

poor sob.

you could also sedate him first

oh no, what's wrong with him?

I suggest you take your .45, put it to your temple and squeeze the trigger.

But find a good home for your dog first.

Why do you have to put him down ?

Shit man, I'm getting Of Mice and Men feels right now (the dog part had me tearing up, sadder than the Lenny part fucks sake)

Sell a gun. Pay for it n do it right. Also give him cheezebuga

>Don't have money for a ver
>He have a few guns though

I truly feel for you, OP. Putting down a beloved dog is one of the hardest thing you'll ever have to do.

I fucking love you Sup Forums

It's all dicks, faggots and loli

Then someone's dog is on death's door and the tissues come out


Are you a retard, or just can't into reading comprehension?

pic related

Most people on here don't care for stupid people but do have empathy. It's what brings me back to this shit hole

Are you the OP? If you have that sort of arsenal why the fuck are you asking us? Do you know shit about your guns or not? Sell one of your weapons you shitheel, and take him to the vet before you splatter his doggy brains all over the pavement for nothing.

And if you're not OP, shut your faggot mouth.

>dicks, fags, lolis
I see what you mean

But really, even retards love animals

don't be a dick men , sell one of your gun if you need to but give your dog a last quiet trip, he stood by your side all his life do you really want him for his last memories on earth to see the owner he love pull a gun on him ? make the right choice and find the money

Sell a gun, pay for a proper vet trip you crazy murican

some of us are smart enough to learn from the shortcomings of others. Some of us need to learn for ourselves and some of us will never learn.

Considering that ever single government in history has fallen, and government is what "protects" the unarmed, which category do you fall within?

No, you shut the fuck up. OP said his dog needs to be put down.

>Step one: Sedate
>Step two: Get 7.62 NATO
>Step three: Lay him under tree
>Step four: Take headshot
>Step five: Make sure he's passed on
>Step five: Bury him under tree
My dog at 17 died of cancer induced seizures so we didn't have to make the tough choice when to put him down. We did this when I was 15 going on 16 and got him cremated and buried the ashes to plant a Japanese maple on top. Putting down dogs especially with a gun is hard enough as it is.

Tumors in his abdomen. His lungs are slowly filling with fluid. He's started wheezing.

you have fuck all to do anyways ... so stfu

Hey OP ... yea YOU ...

fucking sleeping pills ... in a steak ... put to sleep peacfully ... then put pupper in a bag
and drop cinder blocks on the head

also remember to pre dig the grave

if the blocks dont kill the dog ... the lack of oxygen will before the dogo wakes up

dont fuck this up, dont make the last moments scary.

just sell a gun and pay for a vet to euthanize him

>preheat oven to 475
>insert dog
>bake until dead

It's the only humane way, OP

tbh big thx to my 8th grade teacher for assigning that book

Nice bullshit troll thread. Sage this fucking shit. If OP is too stupid to figure this out, he's a fucking retard. But it's not real so idgaf.

>get it euthanized

brb dying on some floor in a doctors office when you could die in nature. id use the 9 or 45 just because i wouldnt want to hold a rifle to its head when i could just pull out the pistol when hes not really paying attention.

that makes no sense
you think you can take on "the government" with your shitty guns? what are you going to do, shoot at the armored soldiers with actual training?

lol murica

kys euro fag , Brit cops can't even fight a dude with a knife.

.45 is the best option. RIP pupper.

I'm sorry for you ):

Sell or pawn. $100 should do it.

According to Google reverse image search, that probably isn't a picture of you or your dog

Having done this several times i would recommend the 7.62 placed between the eyes. It will be rather gruesome so on a recommendation i would recommend doing it in a spot where you can quickly walk away and not have to see what you have done. This option will leave little room for suffering of your dog.

Happy thoughts to you and your pupper.

Like I said, some of us are smart enough to learn from the shortcomings of others.

Historically speaking (history is how we learn to anticipate future events) those that were meant to protect us have failed.

I do not plan on taking on my government, but I do understand, from history, that my government may not be able to take care of me.

If you could assure me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all guns would be eradicated from earth, I would lay down my arms in a second. Without thought. However, that's simply not possible.

I really hope you never live to completely understand what I'm saying. Your innocence is projected through your trust in your government. My impurity is projected through my distrust.

All that ammo and all those guns and you can't afford to put him down humanely? Sad!

Cock sucker you guys are good.
I know the playbook and I didn't even see that coming.

realshit advice;

1.) dig grave, fill grave with comfy blankets
2.) give dog lots of sleeping pills / sedatives
3.) chill with dog in grave until pupper is sufficiently sleepy, and passes out
4.) 45ACP straight downwards, directly between the ending of the indent you will find between his ears

make sure you hit the brain directly instead of the sinus cavity

>Which caliber would be best to put him down? And what location?

I had to do the same to mine.

Wrap him up in a towel, and .22 to the back of the head.

Towel around the head keeps it clean. Shot is instantaneous. Shoot down into something to stop the bullet.

You know what to do.

also wrap him in blankets before you do this, so you won't have to see your dog with a hole in his head.

double/triple tap him to make sure, or at the very least have more than one round in your mag. Wouldn't want to fuck up and make your buddy wait for you to reload.

What do you mean?

This. You fucking cunt. I don't even like dags and shooting them is wrong he's like a son you sick fuck would you kill your son or find a way for him to go peacefully? You're a piece of trash. If you do shoot him do the world a favor and put one in your head. Whatever caliber you thought was good enough for that dog

Buy a 50 BMG and put him down properly, it will be better that way

You don't have 50 bucks to get your dog put down. Your to stupid to make payments on a vet bill. Well either sell your guns to get the money to put your dog down. Or sell your guns because you're clearly not responsible enough to own them

Had to put my girl, Sadie down a couple of years back as I could no longer afford the vet bills (Sadie had diabetes). I got really shitfaced drunk one night and threw a bottle at her head which pretty much knocked her out after the seizures stopped. Then I just backed over her with my car. The whole experience really fucked me up.

50Cal. Better blow his head away so u don't have to look in his eye's anymore

Do you have any reason to believe OP has sedatives or that human sedatives work on dogs. What do you think will happen when OP gives the dog 2boxes of over the counter sleeping pills.I

>da fuck user...

This, do you really want your last memory of your best friend to be you blowing his skull to bits.

jesus, couldn't you find a more fucked up way to do that?

Rip a true good boy, stay strong OP

You're a fucking moron of epic proportions bro. Literally probably the dumbest person on Sup Forums right now.

This thread is bullshit, good job guys responding to obvious bait.

Not my Sup Forums.

give him a good last treat user
then take him out to the woods and dig a hole for him
get him to sit beside you and use the .22 so you dont make a mess for yourself to see
wrap him up and bury him, then treat yourself to something good for going through that

You aren't even a faggot at this point, he's a sub human worse than niggers

So you can afford atleast 5 different guns but you can't afford to have your dog put down, after you shoot the dog shoot yourself.

"Are you a retard, or just can't into reading comprehension?" Can you even understand yourself?

>being this retarded

So you're gonna take on the united states government with five guns, pathetic.

dis bait is delicious. But uh, could you give yer pupper a high fifth for me?

Sorry OP rip a good boy

Did you call any vets to see how much it costs to get a dog put down. Or did you just assume you couldn't afford it because all your redneck neighbors shoot there dogs.

How did your dog die
>natural causes, i shot it

22 will be plenty. Kill beef with them. If you don't want a mess

>be this illiterate

I just put my dog down. I didn’t want my dogs last memories to be on the cold floor of a vets office. He hated the vet and I didn’t want to do that to him. So I dug a hole in the woods and brought him out there with a fresh steak. The last thing he remembered was chowing down on some delicious food before a bullet severed his brain stem. Just because you’re a little bitch who’d rather drag your pet to a strange uncomfortable place and let a stranger do your job for you doesn’t mean you have the moral high ground. Fag.

They were so against hiring a black guy for the shoot it was just easier to paint that fat guy like a colored person.I

this this this. 100x this. you might regret killing him yourself, but selling a gun you will never regret.

Read his posts, you dumb nigger. The guns are to protect himself, his family, his property, etc in the event of a disaster (government collapse, home invasion). He's not going to stand in front of tank with a .22 like a yuppie chink with a briefcase.

Also, this whole fucking thread is bait. Euthanasia costs $50 - $150 or so depending on area and income. No matter what he could post this on facebook to a local buy/sell group and normies would flock to help. It's a dog, not a nigger.


>Hammer to head
>Then sell to Chinese neighbors

Am a vet. what area you in?

OMG. Give him fucking chocolates, or buy some cyanid tablets to give him. If you make your dog bleed in any way, shape or form, your dog will suffer, no matter how "out of it" he may be.

Why dont you
> put doggo to sleep
>then blast his k9 brainz

It'll sure kill it

post more pictars.

Keep up the good work, user.

I'm with this user but either choice you make Op don't regret it... He's your best friend and deserves to know how much you cared about em before the end...
My condolences to you though op... I had my dog of almost 15 years pass last year and it was really tough so I know those feels!

they come to you now dickhead. give em a shot to make them sleep, then another to shut everything down when youre ready for them to

Dude.... Wtf...

no vet will allow your animal to suffer if you cant pay. theyll do it, trust me. even the housecall ones. just be straight up with them.

jesus OP, im so sorry. thats an awful burden to carry. give him lots of love before. i wish i could do more to comfort you no homo

guns are a lot cheaper than getting a dog/pet surgery.. mine just tore its knee (Dog's version of ACL) and cost me over 3,000 dollars in surgery.. could have bought 10 guns for that much money

Alright at what cost? The 9mm round was $.93 and the steak was ~$10. He died quickly and painlessly. Why is this such a terrible thing to you people?

If you do get the money together, don't leave the room when it's time. I've heard from a vet friend that the animals just look at the door waiting for you to come back. Be there at that moment, cry a little, go home and drink the pain away.

Take doge to the local SPCA or Animal Services so they can take care of the deed. You probably owe the doge that much at least.

These. Jesus Christ.

you're lucky no body fucked you up for doing such subhuman horrible shit, fuck you

Because you dont shoot an animal that isnt attacking you, unless its for food. If you werent a nigger and had a father, youd probably know this.

I'm just waiting for the webm

Because putting a bullet in your pet's head could really fuck with someone. It's not some asshole-rodent or deer that you're going to eat.

Yea op, he's your best friend. Not some animal that you bitch at every time it makes a noise. Not some little bastard that shits in the house every time it stays inside for 12+ hours.

for fucks sake, people still shoot horses and other animals that get injured. The cops shot a deer that I hit - it's fucking mercy. A bullet to the head is quick and painless, stop being such a faggot.