We don't need the Assault Rifle 15 at all, we have the police and the Government to keep us safe

We don't need the Assault Rifle 15 at all, we have the police and the Government to keep us safe.


They will never take my guns...

Get better b8



assault rifle 15

> (OP)
>assault rifle 15
OP shouldn't talk if he can't even get the name right

>implying 100,000 rednecks with AR 15s would make us more safe

that's some damn weak bait

do you faggots even try anymore?

go back to Prussia ya fucking commie bastard


Assault Rifle-15
you fucking autist

Level 1 bait

Not sure if you are trolling or actually retarded. Its armalite, not assault rifle.

It's automatic rifle you dipshit,you don't even bite noguns eurofag like myself. Tyrone gonna fuck your mother in her sleep.

>we have the police to keep us safe

Lmao assault rifle 15. What a tool

The police often get the scene of a crime too late you can count on them, if you want to defend yourself or your family you will have to do it yourself, if you don't have the tools you're fucked. Unless you are Chuck Norris.

Meant to say you cannot count on the Police, derp..

this is truly one of the most confounding things I have encountered. the same lefitists who have been calling trump hitler for the last 8 months saying the government now headed by "hitler" should take people's guns.


1) we don't need the AR 15 assault rifle
1a) a 12ga shotgun is perfect for home defense

2) the police and the Government will not keep us safe. We have to keep ourselves and our homes safe ourselves. see 1a)

they would do whatever Trump ordered them to do, including firing on National Guard troops who are trying to protect our cities.

fucker, I'm godamn black

I'll keep the pieces on the street until the cops and gov change

don't need the Automatic Killer 47 either


We don't need fire extinguishers at all, we have the fie department to keep us safe.


It's the Bill of RIGHTS, not the Bill of 'needs'


Has OP ever been in a situation where they needed a gun and didnt have one? not yet? it will come, and you will change your thinking, if you are lucky enough to survive.

Liberals are so naive about the world around them, its sad.



Oh, this retarded shit again.

strawmanning is for faggots who know they can't argue their way out of a wet paper bag



nice try shill

we don't need seat belts to keep us safe. We have speed limits.


god damn i can't believe "conservatives" are so stupid as to take this bait

no, wait, yes i can. you're all fucking dumb.

not wearing a seatbelt culls the stupid. not having guns culls the potential targets of the stupid.

having guns* sorry but i bet you fags already have this as the main flaw in the background check case on fox news 5 seconds later because that's how sparse flaws in that argument are

i fucking love how the boys of summer didn't realize that the trump thing was a troll like 6 years ago and then eventually got to voting age and turned it into an actual movement

we finally got you, newfags

Hollywood ordered them to vote a certain way and they didn't follow those orders, faggot.

0/8 M8

Two Assault Rifle 7's are just about as good as a single Assault Rifle 15!


go back to Sup Forums with that shitty ass bait.

OP I appreciate all the idiots you've baited, but this is just too easy. Try trolling atheists next time, they're a bit smarter than the gun nuts. Sometimes.

>Hollywood ordered them to vote a certain way

>turned it into an actual movement
A bowel movement, perhaps.

Stupid, american, pussy bitch is right.
No gun for no one

>Meh b8
Can you Jews and Jew puppets, stop trying?


>> can't use Google
>> can't use gun

Pick one

>> 6 nig home invasion, each big has a pistol

2) AK 47

What you need?

That's why my home defense is my PS90.

A shotgun is not an ideal home defense weapon. The buckshot spreads and puts other occupants at risk, while slugs are virtually guaranteed to overpenetrate. A semi-automatic handgun is ideal for home defense.

Last 3 days in a 20 mile radius where I live.
So yeah no, I'm keeping my guns.

The funny thing is with 3d printing tech you can already make a pistol, as tech develops you can expect keeping weapons out of people's hands to be impossible. I don't see it to be too extreme for people to inevitably make their own Assault rifles soon if you already can't.

#true #sotrue #noviolence #ilovecops #staysafe #blacklivesmatter #obey #allhailourgovernmentoverlords #landofthefree not #landofthedead

umm, that would be an assault killer 47, which has been superseded by the automatic killer 52

>Assault Rifle 15
only shows that libatards don't actually do any research and just enjoy committing Ad Populum.
>The actual name is Arma Light 15...

being this new and taking the bait fucking faggot..

>being this new and taking the bait fucking faggot
think i didn't know it was b8? I get moods to take b8 you cunt

kys fgt

extra thicc b8
>walks away like nothing ever happened.

Take the ar... can I keep all the others?

only if they arent scary looking





Hey maybe just kys, we really don't need fascist such as you telling ppl what they can and can't do

Can't believe all leftists are cucks

Several home alone style traps and hijinks


Those 3d printed guns are shit tier

Who's gonna keep me safe from the Government though?

>3d print
>Not CNC

You go right ahead and walk into the arms of a police state. The rest of us will keep our guns and give you the finger.

Cheapest trolling ever.

taking the bait gg

>Implying i am a conservative.
Politics is too complex to be a simple "liberal or conservative" situation.


This is now a gun porn thread.
