TBH lil peep im glad he is dead what a pussy bitch od like a fag and pussy boii music was shit just like his gay life

TBH lil peep im glad he is dead what a pussy bitch od like a fag and pussy boii music was shit just like his gay life

the niggas genra was called emo hip hop he should have been killed off sooner

kinda sad tho
no one even bothered to check on him LUL

Literally who?

he died how he lived alone

i like when people die it makes me feel like i survived.......oh wait i did and he didnt




nobody gives a fuck OP you incompetent 16 year old shit hew



not OP but the faggot is actually dead

you do cause you took your time to post a reply

nigga the lil peep gonna come back from the grave and spit some zombie fire

get dicked on ^^^ u small bean


the feeling u just gave me makes me feel like i have to shit


I remember the first time I saw his picture, I was infuriated. I could tell he was really stupid. How did that life of facial tattoos, colored hair, and trying to assimilate into trap culture work out for you? You followed the trend and now you're dead.

kill yourself


i love you at least understand me

alright u keep saying that ima be back after my shit u fuckin faggit

Justin bieber got face tattoos

Dude just barely turned 21 and he threw all that away over fucking drugs. How retarded do you have to be to do this kind of shit? That's just Darwinism in all its beauty.

Can't even do drugs right, what a faggot


its a good thing that the first time ive heard of emo hip hop the person who makes it is dead thank fucking shit