"The Scientific Case Against Evolution

"The Scientific Case Against Evolution
by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.

Belief in evolution is a remarkable phenomenon. It is a belief passionately defended by the scientific establishment, despite the lack of any observable scientific evidence for macroevolution (that is, evolution from one distinct kind of organism into another). This odd situation is briefly documented here by citing recent statements from leading evolutionists admitting their lack of proof. These statements inadvertently show that evolution on any significant scale does not occur at present, and never happened in the past, and could never happen at all." - icr.org/home/resources/resources_tracts_scientificcaseagainstevolution/

No evolutionist has been able to prove me wrong on this. Creationism is more valid than evolution is, so why aren't we teaching it in schools?

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Because religion is only taught in religious schools


How is this bait? If you can prove that evolution is real, then do it. Otherwise you're just avoiding the topic because you know evolution can't be defended.

But creationism is a scientific theory and has just as, if not more of a right to be taught in public schools.


Read that website. It explains everything.

Evolution is not supported by empirical evidence because we haven't fucking been around and consciously observing it long enough, you retard. It is supported by reason being applied to the observations we do have, though.
Creationism isn't supported by anything unless you begin with the presumption of the existence of a creator.

There is no evidence for evolution ever happening. How can you explain the fact that we haven't found ONE species in the process of evolving into a different animal?


Read like two paragraphs in and had to stop. Its first argument is that no one has ever seen evolution happen. I'm assuming this is referring to macroevolution and, if it is, that's pretty fucking obvious as macroevolution occurs over an immense span of time. It says that we don't see any transition species and that's also pretty fucking stupid. Every species we see today could be considered a transition species, because they're not just going to stop evolving at the point they're at now. If it's referring to all types of evolution, we observe microevolution pretty regularly.

EVERY SPECIES IS DOING THAT. We just don't readily see it because it happens over millions of years, you idiot. They aren't just static now that they've reached the point theyre at. Are you scientifically illiterate?

The theory of evolution is as close to accepted fact in the scientific community as gravity, that is to say there is ample proof and anyone who says it isn't has blinded themselves.

A bird is a bird. It doesn't change into some other animal because evolution simply doesn't exist. Can you give me one example of an animal turning into a different one ever?

ITT OP watched too much pokemans and still waiting on the new gen pikachu
>thinks this evidence that evolution is a lie
man if any of your science teachers were here right now they'd probably be shit talking you for not paying attention in class. you completely misunderstand the topic.

"life from non-life, apart from God's intervention, is a fairytale"

If you don't see how this is a massive cop-out, you're a moron -- "it is an exclusion to the rule because it's "God" "

Read anything on how genetics works you shitty baiter.

can you give me one example of a several million year environmental change taking place in however long you want your evolution to take place? when the 'bird' just dies dont get mad and autist out muh creationistms - it takes hundreds of millions of years to see noticable change because all we can observe is the physical manifestations of the organism responding to environmental difficulties.

So, yes, you are scientifically illiterate or you're just really bad at trying to bait

The probability of dna randomly combining to form even to degree necessary for a single cell to function is astronomically small, in the range of 1^(-40000). Evolution is a bullshit theory.

>"The Scientific Case Against Evolution

A new wave of moronic bonehead spam threads. Fabulous. Where's the vegan spam thread this morning? Who is posting all the shit threads? JIDF? Someone who wants Sup Forums and Sup Forums fucked over to the point where it's not worth visiting any longer?

Anyone who promotes the theory of evolution should read "Introduction to the Mathematics of Evolution." Webster Kehr. Pdf is online free.

>despite the lack of any observable scientific evidence for macroevolution

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