Christian lithurgy music

really enjoying pic and want some reccs for this sub-genre.

Other urls found in this thread:пopєa/нa-pєкaхъ-вaвл҃нcкыхъ-1/



Does anyone have a link fot the remastered version ?пopєa/нa-pєкaхъ-вaвл҃нcкыхъ-1/

As an orthodox christian it's sort of frustrating to see these reviews - 'dark ages hymning and bell ringing,' seriously? these hymns and ringing patterns are done at my church and every orthodox church in russia/ukraine/former yugoslavia/bulgaria/belorussia every single sunday at the least, some of the monasteries every single day. there's nothing 'dark ages' about it, even from a historical standpoint (modern russian/slavic bell ringing and liturgical chant began in the 15th century for god's sake)

not to mention the fact that everyone upvoted byzantine chant when it's like, factually not, except for like twenty seconds in one track where they do a hymn in the old modes. byzantine chant has not been sung in russian (or other slavic) orthodox churches since perhaps the tenth century after the conversion of the kievan rus - it pretty quickly evolved to znammeny chant, and now since the liturgical rework and switch to polyphony under patriarch nikon the chant has absolutely nothing to do with byzantine chant at all. but you posers like 'byzantine' because of its ancient and mysterious connotations, and dont bother to actually learn things or understand why people care about them

I'm not sure what the creators of this were trying to do, but they've taken the atmosphere of orthodox christian liturgy, at times by performing it, and turned it into what all these outsiders have interpreted as some 'mysterious' thing thats oh-so-mystical. whatever the case, those people are entirely missing the mundanity of it, the ubiquity of it: the mystical power of liturgical music lies precisely in how it structures life and is omnipresent, not in how it is hidden or mysterious - how it fills the halls and shapes the calendar, how it literally organizes the life of devout people, not how it is something to discover for those looking for something 'moody'


this thing is used for posing by people who dont have any idea about the heritage it's playing with, just because it seems cool and foreign and dark to them. i'm not exactly out to criticize this release, and i don't want to write reviews of music here, but i DO want to make a statement about the attitude i've seen toward religious music on this site, without pointing fingers. trivializing people's heritages for one's image without actually bothering to try to understand or learn about those heritages and how they work is disrespectful, colonialist, and orientalist. you are alienating millions of people by acting like their daily experience is some Experience you're cool for being into. it wouldnt be okay with african music (and dont get me started on how rym treats african music) and it's not okay with religious music from eastern christians either. you can still like this album, you can still love orthodox liturgical music (how can you not?), but please, please stop using it for your image if you don't know a thing about it beyond the half-attentive listen you gave it while browsing Sup Forums one time.

jmarvin is an autistic pedophile who gets his rocks off by telling people they're not as good at being Christian as him

take what he says with a grain of salt

wtf u shitposting cunts just recc something or shut the fuck up.

wanted something more dark and archaic sounding but thanks anyway.

wouldn't call it archaic (solemn if anything) but i always lose myself to this album.

Lol, as a (filthy Slavic) Serb i have to laugh at this. But, if you want something that can move your brain in that vein and shock you, here you go.

I know some more, and will send prolly.

LOL @ this post

post a link faggot

shiva diva

not a fan of the presence of the instrumentation but pretty spooky nonetheless thanks
almost thought this was a nasheed lmao thanks
a little too pristine and angelic for my tastes but thanks regardless
here the pic related