Yes, there is life on other planets, there has to be, the numbers make it inevitable...

Yes, there is life on other planets, there has to be, the numbers make it inevitable. For the sheer size of the known universe and the galaxies therein, you'd have to be pretty ignorant or arrogant to believe we're the only lump of rock hurtling through space with mouth-breathers on it. Actually look into how tiny and insignificant we look inside our own galaxy and it becomes obvious.

Now, have we been visited by beings from another planet? Of course not, again, the numbers dictate the reasoning. Nobody knows we're here. Take a matchhead and place it on the ground. In relation to the planet you just put the matchhead on, the earth relates to the size of our solar system. Now picture the matchhead being the size of the solar system, then the earth is the size of our galaxy. The next comparison would be Galaxy/Universe, but for a realistic comparison the earth you just put the matchhead on would have to be at least 17 qyudrillion times the size of our sun, but that's just guesswork.

For us to have been visited by beings from another planet, first they would have to find us, and that would mean detecting signals transmitted from the ground. Only 2 things can travel as fast as light. Light itself and radio waves. The first radio waves capable of reaching deep space have only just left the outer reaches of our solar system (a couple of years ago, IIRC). The closest possibly habitable planet is roughly 300,000 light years away, which means anyone looking directly at us would see the earth as it was at that time. That is, of course, if anyone could do such a thing.

The next time it's starry at night, choose a star, then imagine travelling towards that star at the speed of light for millions of years. Then finding out when you get there that you should have headed for the star next door, which is another million light years away.

It's a wonderful and comforting notion that we're not alone in the universe, but the basic science of it means the chances of bumping into each other are so infinitesimally small that they're more or less irrelevent. We simply aren't making enough noise in our tiny corner of the universe to make anyone notice us.

That's assuming, of course, that there are civilisations out there that are more technologically advanced than us. they could still be shoving berries up their noses, or still at war with each other, or even where we are today, making stupid choices that could see all chances of space exploration vanish in a quagmire of bad decisions. I rant about this subject a lot (can you tell?) and one question io get asked a lot is, 'if there are aliens out there, then where are they?'. Simple answer, where are WE? (as it happens, complaining about a bloke's shirt after he successfully lands a probe on a bloody meteor that was launched 18 months previously - seriously, who the hell would want anything to do with us?)

More importantly... Who's the girl?

Ive always thought that there has to be intelligent life out there. but if you had the knowledge and technology to locate and travel to an alien planet you would have long understood the primary mechanisms of the universe and be able to predict exactly whats out there and resorted to created a virtual matrix that would be far more interesting than whats out there in the galaxy,


You can't know it is inevitable since we don't know the percentage chance of life since we are only known planet with it... it could be .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance or something, more than any other planet in universe, so no, you don't know that.

That’s a lot of unsubstantiated bullshit there, OP. Why don’t you just go back to sucking dicks and let the cosmologists write books about ETI?

legend :D

nyeh... possibly, but the discovery would still be earth-based, Learning about shit on other worlds instead of relying on predicions as fact... That;s exploration, dude

Prove your infinite size means there must be other life out there theory wrong

There's an infinite amount of numbers between 2 and 3 so infinite possibilities right? But not one of those numbers is 4. So its possible that just because there's an infinite amount of other planets (numbers between 2 and 3) doesn't mean there's definitely more life (a 4)

god is the amalgamation of all our uttered screams

Interesting and valid point. But simplistic and arguementative. There's more chance of at least one planet harbouring life inside 2 & 3, than in the theoretical 4, because 4 is one less than 2&3

You should read about fermi paradox, also I think that if aliens come around (or came around), they would have the technology to
- not bother to come personnaly but would send a probe with IA that would eventually report back or perform w/e actions they want it to
- have no reason to come close with their probe since they would have means to gather all data they might be interested in from afar (as in from orbit or maybe even anywhere in the solar system)

OP is a faggot.
how do you presume that there is life on other planets because "there just has to be" and then at the same time try and push the notion that its factually impossible for other life to have found us because... what, just too small?

since all you have are imaginings rather than facts, imagine this, what if aliens planted us on this planet millions of years ago? is it possible? then it must be a fucking fact because you're a douche bag and your shit is weak.

you don't know shit, 99.9% of your facts are presumption. hows that for statistic probability?

without getting too much into it, human based exploration is probably going to be popular in our system for a long time to come, Exploration outside of your system (although some will go) will probably be a rare occasion. it would be far more efficiecnt to create self manufactring robots that would explore the galaxy on their own and wait for them to come back with some interesting stuff. Exploring our hole galaxy like they do in star-trek is really unfeasible practically speaking.

I think it would be a more realistic outcome that advanced civilisations would naturally introvert into a simulation.

just my opinion mind.

Wonder if aliens have loli porn.

Without naming it, I inadvertantly addressed a couple of points of the Fermi Paradox in my first 2 posts, specifically the 'where are they' point, as well as the possibility of their supposed scientific superiority, without any basis to suppose they have evolved at a faster rate then us.

Props for posting the cutie, but all the ad hominem ruined what little arguement you failed to put across

>I think it would be a more realistic outcome that advanced civilisations would naturally introvert into a simulation.

Given the current shithole this planet has become, i wouldn;t be at all surprised.

Even if we manage to travel at the speed of light, going faster than that is scientifically impossible for anything that has mass, so without wormhole technology, we aren't going anywhere in our lifetimes

And even if we could, in which direction would we set off?

100% agreement to your thinking OP but did you think you were going to get a rational discussion on /b?

>without any basis to suppose they have evolved at a faster rate then us.

They don't have to evolve any faster, just start sooner.

We should send huge statues into space, because there's no life outside of this planet. It would be a grim and long lasting reminder. Pretty much the most emo thing imaginable.

Sounds legit

Thank you, and honestly, you';d be surprised. I could probably count on the fingers of one hand the sane, respectful and damn intelligent conversations I've had on here. It's happened, just not that often

Posit: If the universe started at once, then all facets of evolution started at the same time. Ergo: every civilisation is at the exact same state of human and technological evolution - give or take a few hundred years

Since you can't into reading comprehension let me explain what OP meant. Due to the sheer amount of planets in the known universe the odds are high that there is some intelligent life out there, but on the other hand the fact that there are so many possible planets it's very unlikely for us to be found by said intelligent life.

Agreed dude we're still discovering new species everyday and we are still yet to unravel earth, some form of life will undoubtably exist in this vast universe

This makes perfect sense! Surely the planets revolving about a star born five billion years ago are at the same rate of advancement as the planets revolving about a star born under a billion years ago.

They found a planet 112 light years away that is habitable.

Thank you.

Put it this way. You need to locate Jamie Edwards. All you know is that she lives somewhere in the United Kingdom.Your starting point is your current position. You have nothing to go on. No contact number, no address, you don't know what she looks like or even what direction to start travelling in. You're just pretty sure she exists. Good luck

Fair enough

1. habitable by carbon-based-lifeform standards?
2. Average lifespan of humans is about 70 years. To get there you'd have to procreate on the way and hope your kids are as smart as you. And even then, there's still no guarantee the planet would be habitable by oxygen-breathing humans. The goldilocks zone just means it's capabale of sustaining life - but there's no blueprint for what life it would sustain. I'm actually receptive of the theory of intelligence in a gaseous form

I may have to start using the other hand

>intelligence in a gaseous form
a super-intelligent shade of the colour blue

>a super-intelligent shade of the colour blue
I love you

wish she did jav or some hardcore shit