If you could kill the entire population of 10 different countries, which countries would you choose?

If you could kill the entire population of 10 different countries, which countries would you choose?

Vatican City

USA, Russia, China, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Phillipines, North Korea, Turkey

Nigeria, Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, People's Republic of China, India

Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya, Somalia and Mexico.

10 countries with the hightest muslim population

America, canada, mexico, china, india, russia, brazil, indonesia, saudi arabia, and pakistan

What are all the muslim countries that the muslims coming into Europe are coming from? All of them.

Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Iran, Algeria, Morroco

>cuz they cant not be drunk dicks.
everything between mexico and nicaragua and I'm counting that as two because those little shit contries should all count as one.
>because they're all crazy and cant stop into drugs and spectacularly brutal murder
saudi arabia
>because they're all crazy and cant stop into religion and spectacularly brutal murder
>because too many and they all and generally shit-tier people

japan and pakistan, you just missed the chopping block. next time tho...

let us not forget england shall we ?

Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Syria, Palestine, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Indonesia

If I could I would wipe all muslim countries but unfortunately there's more than 10

Swap out your Philippines and India for my Egypt and Syria and your list is the same as mine.

India, China, Somolia, Phillipines, DRC or whatever the fuck they are calling themselves now, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afganistan, sudan.

no india for population control or afghanistan eh

Canada. Just Canada 10 times over

If no one mentions any countries in the middle east then they're fucking delusional. Oh, and North Korea.

America is two continents fuckwad kys

anyone with a majority muslim population except turkey they aight

Im going for frags in general. Prob would be a pretty strange world left over also:
US - sorry gents

>mfw Trump is drunk and starts a thread on /b

A few South African countries so we can stop wasting resourcing to barely feed them
United States and Mexico because of the corruption
North Korea because they have zero freedom
Iraq and the whole damn Middle East

Nigeria, Chad, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Morocco, Bangladesh, Turkey, Iraq

Fuck scratch Iraq, put Indonesia

>not including asshole of the world britain.

Nigeria, Pakistan, India, China, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Ethopia, Congo , Israel, Iraq.

1America, after my family leaves in advanced.
4India, before they starve the world
5China, same as above
6Africa, after the un declares the continent one nation except Egypt.
7Korea, both because they are one nation
8Mexico, teach the world to not be so damn corrupted
9 Brazil
10 Canada, just so I can say woops sorry.


Ten times.

sorted by size only.

Saudi Arabia
North Korea

Trips checked. The USA would be in a hell of a position after this

>overpopulation and a refusal to better the nation for years now
>the major source of conflict for decades that stagnates advancement of humanity
>radical rag-head central, blow it up
All of central America should count as one shithole country:
>undesirable genes, a waste of resources
>good trade partner, but fuck their government and their people, kill them all
>enough said

That's about it for me, everyone else can stay for now

I couldn't agree more

can you even count properly?

Usa, Russia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Israel and 4 most populated countries in Africa.


US, China, India, Indonesia, England, Africa, Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia

India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Colombia, Brazil, Israel, Ethiopia, Iran, Irak

india has a population problem but theyre so disorganized and poo-in-the-loo as a whole they arent much trouble. and indians arent outwardly assholes either, they get along with the rest of the world pretty well. yeah they smell sometimes but w/e

afghan should be included but i only had 10 and i figured if we take out most of the middle east, whats left shouldnt be much issue either

As an American:

Syria, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea and Russia

10 Islamic countrys

>everyone saying USA
Someone will always be on top. USA can be a dick but in general its been pretty good to the world. They helped prevent germany from assraping the globe, prevented Japan from assraping the globe and they prevented russia from assraping the globe.

>but usa assrapes the globe
but it uses lube and it buys you a coldstone afterwards.
Seriously though, if you aren't glad the USA is where it is now instead of the other options, you're a goddamn moron.

What country would you rather put in place as the top world power if not the USA?

Your country is allied with Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. In Syria you are supporting some groups. So what's up?

India, China, Russia, US of A, Saudi, Izrael, Syria, Somalia, Germany, France... too much kebab or just to generaly reduce population on the planet, no need for 8 bilion faggots

do you think ally means friend?

ally means entity you try to manipulate into helping you with your agenda. if genuine friendliness occurs, super duper. but dont get confused.

US is no more corrupt than the EU or Canada. Politicians in general are slimy weasels. All I can say about the US is at least we have the best free speech laws in the first world

Look at human history. US is the nicest big brother that has ever existed.

Morocco, Albania, Moldavia, Saudi Arabia, France, Nigeria Senegal Sudan etc random niggers spawn locations, priority to Muslims and a couple of Slav countries I'd nuke

DRC, Nigeria, Indonesia, India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Haiti

pointless we gonna die cause of global warming anyway and russia and us have built a space station on the moon cause they know it

All the newkes r in the northern hemisphere.
Lets cashout the northern hemi, 85% world pop gone, all newkes gone.
Good times.

Yes why?

Nice choices tbh

Russia, Poland, France, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Czech Republic

Germany needs lebensraum.

INDIA, China, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan, Serbia