
>Kureimu your Waifu/Husbando.
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>Most importantly, have fun!

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It's a good day so far.


>Advertising 3d trash in a waifu thread.

0 still here

Ohh thank you. How is your day going?


I am tired af

Pretty good so far, it will probably get worse once I go to work. how was yours?



>tfw trying to distract myself
>tfw get stuck in a dungeon queue


How are you?

Great! What've you been up to?

Anything you like to do that helps you sleep?

Nice to see you Shiziru. How are you?


How about you?

Nothing really, only woke up a few hours ago. But i got a letter in the mail stating I past the apprenticeship aptitude test! So this means I'm off the interviews when they have them, and if I pass that, then I'll be starting my apprenticeship!


Same here. Except for the fact that im at work already since 14 minutes now

Im perfectly fine and happy so far. What about you?



succ, going to be a long shift?


9h. Not too long

>tfw finally get a group and I'm being carried by a lvl 50 HM 7 Destroyer
>tfw outfit drops and they bid more than I could
Not so worth?

Same, not including an hour break.

Whatcha playing?

Blade and Soul
>tfw I kinda like that outfit too

Interesting, what kind of game is it? a dungeon crawler? MMO?

Pretty good! Been a good night for me I think.

That's awesome! Good for you. That's a big step that takes a lot of hard work, very kickass.

Pretty good myself, thanks. What're you up to atm?

Yep. I can take my break whenever I want to though

Great game.
Cute pic.

Ah. Im at work so not much. You?

Just music and here. Maybe eat soon.


MMO. It's a Korean one that surprisingly isn't terrible.

Thanks. I've been pretty addicted to this game since I started playing it, it's awful.

English translation?

Ya. Now I just gotta prepare myself for anything that may come up in an interview. It's been a few years since I had to deal with one of those, so...

Yepyep. Wouldn't play it without one

Nice. Im allowed to listen to my music at work too. Pretty chill

I know. But fixed times would be hard for the work I do anyways

Same here! Problem is. Ive been playing since closed beta. So its been a pretty long addiction

OooOoo I'll have to check it out after work, thanks for the info!

What do you do?

Good luck, it's been a while for me. If I remember correctly though, your best move is to show up naked and shout obscenities until they call the cops.

Very cool! What sorta music you listen too?

any of you wiggers play PoE?

More like GaY

You talking shit faggot?

Im talking gay gayboy

Software developer. So when I'm in the middle of a project taking a break would tear my whole thought progress apart

Everything really. My current mix contains edm, rock, metal, jrock and house

Sounds interesting, do you enjoy it?

Nice, I have can get into a little of everything myself. Don't know much JRock though tbh, any recommendations?

Definitely. Perfect job for a nerd loke myself

If you're interested in it I would recommend starting with stuff like One Ok Rock, Nano or my first story

I'm happy for you, I'm off to work now. Hope you have a great day!

Got it screenshotted, thanks for the recommendations!

Same goes for you. Have a nice day at work!

You're welcome!


Hello, how are you?

Good morning how are you?

Fine thanks


Not the fooood

Oh man. To have another drink or no?

One of the cutest anime characters ever



Welcome back

Eeyy thanks senpai

How was the break?

Pretty comfy, given that I was sleeping

about 6 hours I think.. woke up because of my alarm clock but I don't even work

Sometimes a good sleep can be short. Im still some time off my sleep.

I miss minato tomoka claimer.. and this thread is quiet

It gets quiet around this time


Forgot pic

ooooh I'm usually either asleep or at work around this time

おはよう ぜろくん
あさ です か?

Well, yeah, most people are asleep or occupied at this time. 10 pm here.

6am here

asadesu ka?

I understood everything else though

Fuck you I was going to post Lucca

from now on I'll also put word I don't expect you to know in parenthesis
(あさ)です か?
not sure whether or not you understand the meaning of ですか?

Ah, east coast USA?

Ayla is best girl in the game though due to my cavewoman fetish.

Desu is a statement, desu ka is a question, the mark isnt needed.
>remembering school stuff from 13 years ago

ですか? only makes the sentences a question, doesnt it?

Leaf Counry. Yes to east coast though

>Desu is a statement, desu ka is a question, the mark isnt needed.
>the mark isnt needed.
While I am aware of that I will persist to use it until my partner is more comfortable with understanding the sense/meaning of a sentence

か makes it a question
です is a statement
Basically asking if the statement is correct

Seeing attractive pictures of Lucca makes me genuinely angry because she was made to be the unattractive nerd character, she's one of the last of her kind I can think of before the hot nerd girl trope was fucking everywhere.

Ah ok. And あさ means morning? So your question was if its morning?


I love that gif btw

Gomen. Im just suddenly thrown back to high school and learning basic conversational. I probably should have continued it.

はい、あさです。 hope that's correct


き に しないよ~
It's good that I get to jog your memory a bit.
Pretty sure it's not too late to continue.. just hop on the moonrune train

(なん)  (じ) ですか?

Its only a minor memory jog, most of the katakana are still just symbols to me.

Just a bit after 12 am

Dunno the japanese for that sorry

Dont worry. I just finished hiragana today and learned like 2 katakana

Yep, I even mixed up the -kana. I mostly knew the hira, had trouble with the kata.

well.. should I add your name to the train?


So it's close to midnight??

Can you count to 12?

Not really. Ill need a pretty long refresher, and Id like to relearn it in my own time.

No the other 12. Sorry im not good with the am/pm time system

I can count to.. 7 I think

I see!
Well if you can get to 12, stating the time comes down to placing the number before the じ.

>いちじ にじ さんじ よんじ ごじ ろくじ しちじ → はちじ きゅうじ じゅうじ じゅういちじ じゅうにじ

the kanji for hour is 「 時 」 and with it you can just use digits.

> 1時  2時 3時   4時  5時 6時  7時     8時   9時   10時   11時   12時

So they dont use am/pm in japanese but count up to 24 like we do in germany?



I claim Elise from fire emblem fates


How is it going?

Watching The Punisher series. Its been good so far.

while you can do that, usually, a set of 3 Kanji are used for this function
They are

午 → ひる / ご 
in this case it will be read as ご
This is the character for "Noon"

前 → まえ / ぜん
in this case it will be read as ぜん
This is the character for "In front / Before"

後 →  あと / ご
in this case it will be read as ご
This is the character for "Behind / After"

午前(ごぜん) ex. 午前6時(ごぜん ろくじ)
10 o'clock in the morning

午後(ごご) ex. 午後4時(ごご よんじ)
4 o'clock in the afternoon