What would you do if you could legally own a slave?

What would you do if you could legally own a slave?

Leave it outside forgetfully then have to put it down the next morning.

probably own a slave.

Slave knuckle mandingo fights

What is a mandingo?

>you will never legally enslave enemy prisoners of war

make them do stuff for me

Own an asian sex slave, preferred a japanese with big tits.
But I'd treat her well, just want a fucking hot cumbucket.

It's when a MAN fights another man and the bell rings DING so they GO

Is that a gay thing?

Be too poor to own a slave

man - extant primate of genus hominidae
dingo - wild Australian dog
YOU do the math

Headpat her all day.

If you can legally own a slave, then you can too become a slave, so I vote against it. Its better to just work yourself to death at 40hour/week in a dead end job


mah niggeur

Just make her cook for me and clean my shit. like a wife or something


pay them, fuck the system

and then it says SKRRRRA shortly before the pap pap ka ka ka



Fuck it


Stick peepee in her peepee. I'm not going to own a male nigger..?

make them give me head pats and foods o^o

That's a big hotdog

Tfw no gf to love and be made into a wife...