Imagine a world without Liberals

>imagine a world without Liberals

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One where people acheived stuff and weren’t perpetually victims of literally nothing?

No utopia exists.

Der Trumpenreich comes close

I mean liberals are butthurt 24/7 and their tears flow steadily

back to underage b&

You mean the worms of jews?

Why better a world without jews

Liberals only are in USA
You mean to disappear USA?

Frankfurt School came from Deustchland, it was Hitler that forced it to move to the US

Why do you assholes always start threads with the lowest quality copy of an image you can find?

>it was Hitler that forced it to move to the US

They are faggots
They like the black cock.

We wuz Romans n sheeit

yeah imagine...

heck yes

fakin romans
hey finished with celts.

Thats a strange way to compare that photo to the middle east OP. In reality though, anyone can be more conservative or more liberal depending on where your views lie. The political spectrum should be considered more like a circle rather than a limited line where traveling too far in either direction brings similar radical turmoil. Only modern day slave cucks blinded by the elite would think of it as us vs them still.

>le horseshoe theory
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

>>imagine a world without Liberals

>imagine a world where government tells you what to do

>implying conservatives are more forward thinking than liberals.
They are inherently less prone to change, that's why they're called conservatives. Libertarian here

yeah, a better world is definitely a goal of CONSERVATIVES, whose ideologies usually revolve around CONSERVATIVE politics which usually hinder PROGRESS such as the one depicted in the picture. It's not a question of conservative vs liberal, it's a question of finding balance in the 2 and taking the best of both worlds. Now go back to Sup Forums, you won't find nearly as many dumbfducks on Sup Forums who think that one ideology alone is the ultimate way of life.

>imagine a world without liberals

History says you’re wrong.

Also more prone to hard work, though. A balance is needed, things are out of balanced toward the liberal side and we all know it. I see a lot of unhealthy navel gazing and very little working toward anything in particular. Too liberal or too conservative, as degeneracy of freedom or a degeneracy of resource and lo' and behold how the two come to resemble each other as things drag on.

Authoritarian libs have to go, they're unnatural. Social justice is bespectacled cancer but cancer all the same.

Americans don't understand liberalism

Provide examples? I think you are mistaking democrats and republicans, in which case, yes, you are correct. Democrats used to represent values of modern conservatives and vise versa

Saying something doesn't make it true.

I kinda agree with most of what u said, but I disagree with the "more prone to hard work" Your worldview and general political orientation has absolutely 0 to do with your motivation to work, be that physically or mentally "hard" work

Are you implying everyone on this board is american? lul

Up until about the time Reagan was elected and fucked up the GOP beyond repair. It's not the same party that created anti-trust legislation, the Pure Food and Drug act, abolished slavery, and created national parks any more. In fact modern conservatives have tried to undermine those things

>Also more prone to hard work, though
Puritans are brain-damaged and their work ethic is too. Lern2enough

I didn’t just mean in Amerikka. Conservatives in general. One example

Tsar Alexander II abolished serfdom and was the most pro-reform Tsar, then leftists killed him. Preventing any further reform

isn't if past your bedtime? if not, shouldn't you be in school? underage faggot

US liberals are conservative compared to most other nations.

no, their wives like the black cock and they like watching while tugging on their tiny willies

Bumfuck,Alabama is calling out to you.

Kek wrong. Reagan as gov of California in the 1960’s increased gun control legislation.

Republicucks have been lost since they diverted from Paleo-Conservative/Libertarian roots

Meanwhile, a few miles from OPs paradise photo:

Sup Forums is so fucking autistic it's mad.

>more prone to hard work
So why do red states use a higher proportion of government aid compared to blue ones? Agree SJW movement is canecerous and I mean that literally invading with their ideals and forcing others of a different opinion to assimilate or be replaced. Also in my opinion "authoritarian liberal" is an oxymoron, what many of these idiots don't realize is they're doing exactly the same shit as the people they condemn, just another flavor of Fascism to me

But wouldn't that make him a progressive? Remember, theres not just liberaterianism and conservatism

lol ifkr

>being fooled by the parties' face-heel turns over time
ai yi yi

... we see a culturally enriched diverse free of hate city built by liberals.

>authoritarian liberal is an oxymoron
Kill yourself, one-dimensional neoliberal.

It already exists, try visiting a redneck state, or Africa or the middle-east. A city like that could only be made by liberals.

TO be fair, the problem I see here is that many red states have backwards legislature and more corrupt financial undertakings, combined with poorer education standards its no wonder republicans are able to have open pedophiles run for government positions


Are you saying you want a world whithout individual rights?

The derailment happened around the turn of the century with Taft. It slowly went downhill from there, Reagan is just the point to where it stopped being a slope and became a cliff

>Century long dead faggots
>Bunch of barbarians who got destroyed by other barbarians
>"Muh culture" imported from other empires
>Millenia of race mixing
>"Remember who you are"
Kek, might as well be proud of being related to other mammals.

Well actually the liberals are ones who hold science in high regard, who doesn't cling to some bullshit like traditions, religion and other backward shit.

No. He was the head of a Monarch.

Left and Right since the French Revolution has been Right-wing “conserve” the old ways aka Monarchy. Left-wing is new, republic etc at least by European standards anyway.

America is different, because America lead the only successful revolution against a Monarch that did not immediately go to complete shit.

See:- Napoleon + Russian Workers Revolution

Did you actually read the whole fucking post you moron? I wasn't defending those thugs I was saying they are just a different kind of fascism and the label of "authoritarian liberal" is contradictory. They aren't liberal at all , AntiFa is just as fascist as the people they are railing against (probably more in some respects). They lost any moral high-ground as soon as they used physical violence to repress others.

And they still elect conservative democrats instead of taking them into the street and shooting them. Sounds like tradition, religion and other backward shit taking over.

Agreed. I work in a shipyard with 1000s of conservative minded tradesmen and they are unbelievably lazy. Many of the staff are more left leaning and have to work twice as hard to make sure there are absolutely no bumps in the road or the workers will use the smallest hiccup to derail work for days at at a time.

I'd consider myself fiscally conservative, but socially liberal. I 100% believe that everyone is equal and should have the same opportunity, but that people should largely be responsible for their own situation beyond that. A strong social bottom is something I do support though, to prevent the destitute from rising up and eating us. Only a fool would assume they would peacefully starve just because they didn't work. Nobody goes quietly into the night regardless of the cause of their situation. Think of welfare as a "poor people not robbing you literally every time you leave the house" tax.

>science in high regard

>castrate anyone who performs science they disapprove of


>They lost any moral high-ground as soon as they used physical violence to repress others.
It amazes me that they still continue on with this shit when events from Charlottesville prove that it's much easier to silence the opposition when you can dox the Trumplets and get them fired for being at a white supremacist rally.

I think you missed the point

Liberals are the ones that innovate, on average. They just suck at maintaining. Conservatives are great at maintaining.

Now, imagine a world where liberals and conservatives were in balance, where the progressives, alt-right, and other extremists didn't exist. It wouldn't be like your pic related, but it would be about as good as possible.

C. Coolidge was the last great.

But you’re right about Reagan being the cliff

That's a dangerous game. All of a sudden H-1B visas and crap like that start looking good to the employing class. See also the woman who flipped off Trump's motorcade.

>literally sucked the cock of Wall Street and enforced Prohibition
All you amerifags need to kill your right-wing system instead of talking about who wore it better.


I completely agree with your views, wow, what a rarity to come across someone with such similiar beliefs

>poison the world with identity politics
>individual rights


>complains about wall street cock sucking

>doesn’t know where the world’s money comes from

Imagine a world without dumb shit bipartisan sheep op

It just seems ridiculous to me that such a simple platform seems impossible for politicians to embrace without fucking it up with God-bullshit, race-bullshit, gender-bullshit.. sad really

>without fucking it up with God-bullshit, race-bullshit, gender-bullshit.. sad really
Both parties need to get their respective riff raff back into line.

Proving his point aren't you?

muslims dont have liberals..

>thinks private banks are indispensable for (((creating))) money
>thinks he knows fuck all about macroeconomics or monetary policy
gb2reddit shill

>everyone should stop having principles and disagreeing so we can have a one world non-partisan government

Pls pls kys

You're dealing with two competing advertising agencies each trying to sell YOU to their donors. Why would they ever care about you after they got your vote, sucka?

I fucking know right. SO much greed and corruption EVERYWHERE. Why can't we all jsut get along and be tolerant foe ach other, the world would be such a nice place to live in if everyone got proper education and opportunities. Just imagine every person in America obtaining at least a GED, that would be a complete gamechanger. Fuck man, I graduated from HS in 2015 and there were still like 2 people who were the first in their family to graduate High School.

>lacks the mental capacity to imagine more than two parties
Kill yourself, amerifat.

>thinks central banking is a good idea

>2005 housing bubble will last forever!

Nekt minute


But liberals want more muslims


>Doesn't realize that money is just numbers in a machine with no physical worth and the system exists only to perpetuate itself

Give liberals the power to be creative, come up with ideas and create policy, then give cons the power to audit, maintain and repeal policies.

Oh completely. I didn't mean to imply the contrary. The left is just as bad with their insanely high taxing of successful people, over the top runaway political correctness, and reluctance to call a spade a spade.

Why should one group with a certain worldview only get certain rights? Thats awful

>and reluctance to call a spade a spade
elaborate pls lol

I would be in favor of lowering taxes if we could also have a conversation about where tax revenue is being wasted, and to do that we have to talk about the elephant in the room which is our over-inflated defense spending

The whole problem with the american system is that people are assumed to want what their aristocrats want, which is patent bullshit.
Leftists want the center-right wing of the democrat party dragged into the street and shot.

>>more likely, does realize that and has a family whose fortunes are built on money stolen from the people

seems like freedom ... people get choices ... dont want to work for the city dont get to have the city life ... I sure that city would let any of those people in if they had the skills and desire to work ... industrious people dont owe you anything , work for it

You’re right Democrats don’t have principles.

But Republicans do.


Taxes do not "pay for" spending. That's simply an accounting convention created to make Wall Street necessary. A sovereign currency issuer can create money through spending and destroy money through taxation completely independently, and coordinate the two to regulate the value of money outstanding.
There is, for some reason, always enough money to print into Wall Street and the military, but never enough to print into Main Street. Funny how that is.

Keep in mind that virtually every social issue facing the muslim world currently was facing the christian world just 100 years ago. Shia/Sunni wars = protestant/catholic wars. Iran/Saudi = england/france. We had similar repression of women, public executions, etc... France had it's last beheading in the 80s.

>not getting in on and making money out of inflation

Its like you’re genentically inclinded to be poor and bitch about it

Harvard's principles are to become the ruling class. I wouldn't mind if the Ivy Leagues all got bombed to flinders and their tax-exempt status revoked. I'm a bit tired of being ruled by the British and their odious classist ideologies.

Either u are a troll, retarded, or both. If the only way of proving your "point" is using a random meme without ANY relation to the real world, please, go back to Sup Forums. here on Sup Forums, we expect you to support your claim, not just make it.

It'd be much more sustainable to simply exterminate the bourgeoisie, just as Marx said we should. Give the people one good reason they should compete with you instead of breaking your goddamn necks.

ill call bs on your argument ... the police that support the gov and the gov officials are authoritarian , they just happen to use other ideas to influence

are you saying that the police that support and the liberal gov officials are not in support of authority?

Liberals are not so dumb as they dont realize what creates and maintains power. They just want to get it by means of deciet not work.

They might be more authoritarian in the fact that they rely on a central gov of power for their society to work. Where conservative authoritarian only want gov power to ensure order and would like to have more power allocated to the individual for other endevors.

Conservatives have a belief in self regulation. Where liberals want a top down elite structure. Liberals bring the control of authority to all endeavors.

I think a better solution would be implementing a fairer system with more opportunities for everyone and better education instead of "Hurr Durr kill everyone who is high up regardles sof whether they worked their way up or not"

>Implying that's sustainable in the long run