Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
thinking of picking up my habit again, just pulled 3 out of my shaving head

What is it?

razor blade

a razor you fucking idiot

Not worth it op.
Much better ways to get those adrenaline juices flowing

You gonna use it to carve stuff with right?

I tried starting again and it was not as good anymore. It's pretty worthless OP

Swallow it. Then swallow any others.


Oohhh shiiiiiiiiii

i haven't started yet faggot

it's been awhile
builduing up

why do you hate your life so much? do you not have anyone that cares about you?

Go cut my lawn you emo fgt

whats it matter why

Ya well if you dont do anything you will be the faggot, especially after making this thread.

cause i feel bad you feel the need to hurt yourself. my sister use to do that and did it to much and accidentally killed herself
i dont wish that on anyone

sorry for your loss user

Basically OP shouls cut it out and go smoke some weed then, this is become worse and more of a call for attention. Go seek help or just fucking do it already

i appreciate it. I still have scars up my arms. Me and her use to do it together because of the high we would get from it. Honestly i just switched to smoking weed. If there is nothing i can do to convince you to stop cutting then please dont do it to deep

KYS faggot.
But actually, get your self a bong and a bag of tabacco. Take the fattest tabacco rip you possibly can, the rush is much better.
Things you can also try: Driving like a crazed maniac, shooting a gun, fighting your friends, breaking the law.
Don't fucking start cutting. You will go deeper and deeper and deeper until it becomes a reflex. Then your actually fucked.
What your doing now is pussy shit. So stop

do it like this plz
