"mac" in mac and cheese has an acronym that spells out macaroni and cheese

"mac" in mac and cheese has an acronym that spells out macaroni and cheese


Dude, put the bong down for a while



Macaroni and cheese a roni and cheese, but there's a mac in that too, MACaroni and cheese aroni

almost what they call a reflexive acronym.

Well Dog is one for, Doesn't obey god!

based on the picture it is even more like 'macaroni and cheese and cheese and cheese' anyways

Glad I'm not the only one in life to have noticed this.

the "kys" in kys yourself is an acronym that spells out kill yourself, making the second yourself gratuitous. you should still kys though.



The word "macaroni" meant "fancy" in Italian. "Macaroni pasta" was just "fancy pasta" before it became primarily associated with just that one shape (the cheapest form of macaroni pasta).

You know that line in "Yankee Doodle" about sticking a feather in his hat and calling it 'macaroni'? That's a derogatory reference to americans thinking a feathered cap was high fashion, not "hat+feather=pasta".

MAC means medium access control.
No pasta and cheese is involved

really, thanks

So it’s Mac and cheese and cheese?

It also means overpriced piece of shit.

nice bullshit

In civilised countries this dish is known simply as macaroni cheese. Only retards feel the need to put in an extra word.
