What have you done today Sup Forums? I JUST GOT A FUCKING PRAYING MANTIS

What have you done today Sup Forums? I JUST GOT A FUCKING PRAYING MANTIS

i throw those things in my weed garden.

To help deal with pests right?

post more pics

He's at the bottom where there's dirt so it's hard to see him. Badass mofo tho. Already chasing the flies I have in there.

Here's what he'll look like in about 6 months.

I'd feed him to my dragon given half the chance

In the reptile world, yeah the mantis isn't much. But to just bugs, they're apex predators.

Still cool tho what's the life span on a mantis?
Be a cool gift for my nephew

They live for about a year. Really easy to take care of

I did some humanitarian work in Burkina Faso (I know, I was younger and naive at the time) and the fucking village kids would go out hunting for fucking huge praying mantis, take off their wings to piss them off, and then throw them onto your head/face when you're not expecting it.

>"The African Mantis, or more specific and scientific Sphodromantis lineola, is a large and fierce species of mantis."

These fuckers were huge too, like 4/5 inches long. Needless to say I wasn't too keen on giving the little bastards their malaria pills after a while.

Sounds like you've lived a colorful life user. Do they say "It's just a prank bro" afterwards?

They'd say "bix nood" and go back to eating worms and throwing stones at goats and stuff. They'd also call us "toubabou" which is basically the reverse of "nigger"

>b-but racism is a social construct


Soon he'll be perfect for your green deck.

Cooking two types of food and then drinking alcohol, all I wanted to achieve I have achieved


Here he is eating :D I wish Sup Forums wasn't such a nigger about file sizes -.-

Better version

Alpha as fuck

That's a live insect by the way. He's eating it alive. Here's the flies I feed it. They breed and reproduce without me having do clean it or anything. Will last about a month and once they're out I'll graduate him up to bigger foods anyways

did you post in /an/ a few days ago about your plans to get your mantisbro?

All mine dissapear only to be discover 3 months later squished between two rocks in my terrarium. The terrarium is the appropiate size, I use all the needed tools and shit to care for them but damn... and no these are not all in the same terrarium obviously this is just over the years. Annoying as fuck.

I posted on Sup Forums asking if I should get one a couple weeks ago, so I don't think it was me.

I wonder how that happened? What weird occurrences lol

I didn't even realize there was an animals board haha. I probably should have posted this there.

doesnt matter

here have a mantis riding a fern bike

if you ever want to get another one get one of those guys

A beginner has to start with a beginner mantis :) Getting a twig next and then probably in Orchid in the far future.

He looks like a salad

Fuck I hate bugs and this pic makes me really unconfortable

then be happy this thing isnt sitting atop your screen right now they are aggro as fuck