First track is called intro

>First track is called intro

>5th song is called "Track 1"

>first track is untitled 30 second long instrumental

>first track is called "Intro/Song Name"

>first track is called "prelude"

>last track is titled intro

>first track isn't called song 1
>second track is called song 2

>each track is feedback noise

>last/2nd to last track has "End" in the title

>album has two intros

>Same 1 bar piano loop through the entire song

>First track
>Any track

>first track is called "Skit"

>45 seconds of silence in the middle of the last track

>6th and 11th tracks aren't called anything

>Album has more than one track named untitled

>Album has 12 untitled tracks

>band releases self titled album years after they stopped being good or relevant

Slowdive - Falling Ashes
Like c'mon what was Neil thinking

>Title track isn't the first or last song on the album

name 10

>album ends with pretentious interview with Tupac

>Band is called intro

>first track isn't called intro
How are you supposed to know you aren't missing one?

>first track is unresolved

yo where u been

>Song has a new video and you click on it but then realize you have been baited to watch some "muh deep message for racism"