Hi Sup Forums it's my 32 birthday, no gf, no friends, only a good paying job and one bottle of canadian whisky

Hi Sup Forums it's my 32 birthday, no gf, no friends, only a good paying job and one bottle of canadian whisky.

what should i do?

Happy birthday. Pick up some weed if you can, get some snacks and your set . im only 25 but ive spent the last 6-7bdays alone.. I usally just get super high so the stupid thoughts avoid me.

go make some friends to a bar or something

Also, happy birthday

bar friends aren't real friends, they'll bail on you anyway

Happy birthday you fuck
You got all you need. A woman will just sap your money

i don't fit with anyone lately

You should stop acting like a beta faggot and grow the fuk up

I've found going to bars only makes it worse, you see all these groups out being social and shit and yeah, luckily I play pool so at least I walk out knowing I spanked most people in there.

What time is it right now?

What about your Sup Forumsrothers?


00:00 im spanish fag

only a sis and she is busy with his own life

Same. I'll even go with groups of friends, but always find myself on the table to not feel awkward. Doesn't help that I look very young for my age, so I always seem to attract attention.

Have you thought about adopting a neet? There are threads for it on /soc/ every now and then.

what do you work?

not really, maybe a cat or something furry but i cant with my current work schedule :\

marketing, small company but i enjoy it a lot, work is the only thing is keeping me alive these days

Happy Sup Forumsirthday cunt

yeah better no animals for now then - or it should be two of them

as for humans, would you want a non-adopted flatmate? or only gf or something?

>only a good paying job
that's literally all you need to get pussy and (fake) friends. Idiot.

go to a party and get laid, also, you just made 1 billion seconds

OP, I was in the same situation as you (except I dont drink much).
If you have hobbies, join a club ! If you're lucky you will meet people great people, if not whatever you spend time doing something you like (for me, it was Mahjong club. But it can be anything).
Dont go the bar for friends, will not work and will not help you if you're on the edge to become alcoholic...
About gf : yeah... no clue. I pay hookers.

Also, happy birthday !

Happy birthday. Have some fun. Get some drugs. Down that bottle. Go find a girl online to hang out with.