Stoner girls thread

stoner girls thread

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i bet she is hungry after that. would feed her some cum sraight into her throat frish from the tap.

Every stoner girl I've met has been an ignorant, arrogant, spoiled bitch and completely fucking incapable of acting like a functional adult.

Why would you find this attractive? The sense of entitlement alone is enough to make me want to fucking strangle them.

I dunno man, Im a smoke fetishist I think. Seeing a girl smoking a joint, cigarette or bong turns me on. Sounds weird but its better than scat or necro lolololol

>stoner girls
Here you go

Me too. Go to Clifton of smoke on YouTube. Yw

Forgot picture

OP stop being a faggot and post more pics


Failed thread. I'm outta here

I smoke weed but I don't see how anyone could consider drug use to be an attractive trait

Ehhh, kind of a turn off to me. I used to like weed from time to time, but not anymore. It's not an addictive drug no, but its a very addictive escape.

I had an ex, dated a few years, we broke up but were still really chill, and hung out for a year. My parents liked her, hers liked mine, we went out road trips, we would keep each other of track with college work... We even started to date other people, and were still chill with each other, and even hooked up a few times when we were not involved with others.

But then out of know where she blew off some plans a few times in a row. And seemed distant for a week. She hung out one night and said she was smoking a lot with some new friends. She started to hang out less and less, and get annoyed if I brought up school work. She was just as happy and lively when we hung out in person though... But all she did when not with me or at work or school, was smoke... She dropped a few classes, cut back her hours, started to fight with her family.

She left and never turned back when I tried to confront her about he use of weed. Friends for 5 years, dating for 2 1/2 years, countless road trips and adventures, restaurants, cozy rainy days, ect... And she just left. Worst off I heard from her family she dropped out of college too.

I know this is not that common for just weed to change people like that, but it turned me off of it, and alcohol, and pretty much any drug.

A chick stopped liking you because she found better alternatives and instead of grasping the nature of the situation you desperately try to rationalize it by finding something else that also changed around the same time and blaming that.

It was not the weed, user.


If you dont smok weed youre a nerd, and if you do, i smoke more than you

Drugs + Sex. That's it.
Be it alcohol, caffeine, weed, or anything else

Except we were not dating, we broke up and were good friends for over a year with no hick ups. I was actually a few months into a new relationship when she started to change. More so she started fighting with her family and dropped out of school.

So no... Something definitely changed that was not due to me. Maybe it was the influence of some of these new friends, maybe she was starting to do some other drugs (which I doubt), who knows... I smoked with them a couple of times and they did not seem like the kind of type, all of them were in college/graduated too. Weed played at lest some part in it.

I understand it's not a typical reaction... but non the less, it's what turned me off from drug use, and especially girls who smoke.

>hick ups

sounds like you just know shitty people

That's funny, because most successful people turn out to be stoners when you get to know them.

>we weren't dating
Okay? What an astonishing factoid that has no bearing on the situation. It works like this: chick breaks up with you and you try to move on, but are just too fucking thirsty to do the right thing and cut ties. She uses you as emotional support and someone to talk to while she fucks chad, being that she's known you so long. You are only too happy to oblige since you don't want to stop talking to her and figure it keeps your foot in the door. After a protracted period of time, she'll find someone else who meets her emotional requirements better than you do, and you are replaced without a word, as you saw here. Then you either allow reality to settle onto your fragile psyche, or remain on the cusp of self awareness and continue to invent reasons in your head, like you're doing right now.

Name one successful stoner who isnt a celebrity

Me bitch

I hate weed... Why is it so accepted

Pretty much every single person in my shit English town smokes weed.
I barely know any female that doesn't.
And they're all for the most part cool people.
Weed doesn't turn people into dickheads, a dickhead will be a dickhead regardless of what they're smoking or not smoking.

because it's not as bad as other drugs and it's easier to get? I don't imagine the cool high school kid saying "look guys I do heroin Im so cool lol"

Since the thread is full of retarded kids and no contribution, I'll dump some.












How would you have heard of them if they're not celebrities? You won't have. What do you think the definition of success is?






>chick breaks up with you
lol wrong again, I broke up with her because I learned she cheated on me a few months before, and could not love someone who would go behind my back.

>you don't want to stop talking to her
Hey you are right about this. I kept her as a friend because she was a really good friend and had similar interests.

You sighted "weren't dating" but not, I was dating someone... kind of negates
>too fucking thirsty
For this same girl I started dating, I'm still with 4 years later, and happen to of proposed to last month... so yeah, maybe consider studying more for your psychology degree there friend.



Nice skintag

Why are people using this thread to do their usual "I'm gonna act like my grandpa" shit?







I'm a stoner girl and I've never had to pay fo weed. And no I never had to do sexual shit for it. Dudes just want to smoke with a cute girl.



Bumper Car

Would smoke with.




>cute girl
>tfw probably 350lbs
>tfw I, average joe never pays for weed because weed bros love sharing weed

You haven’t lived if you haven’t had your dick sucked while stoned. Bliss

Ha. Right stoner girl. You suck dick for weed. At least for my weed.

I don't know man. I've been with my girl for 4 years happily, we smoke every day together morning noon and night Man. Every day for 4 years. She still manages 70 hours a week and I work 2 jobs, entitled my ass, fuck you.

Then I'm not smoking your weed. I can smoke too quality without having to suffer hanging out with someone like you lol.

I have to agree with this guy.

Most women I meet who are heavy into drugs have some kind of huge problem with them, or it creates problems with them.

Also if you're a woman and you want children, drugs are pretty much fucking up your eggs for life. Your children will have extreme problems.




>but technically I was the one who broke up with her, because she was fucking chad, so take that!
>everything else you said is right, but i'll still list this pointless nuance as though it has a comprehensible value to my argument
>i-i'm totally dating other people! i'm not thirsty or anything just because i came to Sup Forums to tell you all about this in a thread about weed!

infertile girls

I am a successful stoner. Got a wife a kid a good job. Fuck outta here with your conformist views

420 bl4z3 it fag1ts

anime and weed AHHHHHHHHHH


bro, who the fuck wants kids?

I just wanna girl to do drugs with and fuck constantly.

Like I just wanna do all the drugs and fuck, She can be crazy or whatever, as long as we fucking.

I've been here for 4 years and this is probably the most disgusting thing I've seen the whole time.

>Red flag piercings
>"I'm so different" bullshit henna art

Fucking kill me

Kill yourself

You don't know what you want. Nature knows what she wants with you.

she looks better when she's cumming her brains out

what is sad is that she is probably something you couldn't even get if you tried your best.

>hurr durr I can't understand nuance
>I'm right, right?
>I understand everything about you even though I don't know you

Does not like weed because of something that happend like 5 years ago, explains it;
>That has nothing to do with weed or girls
>Oh you must still dwell on it
>I'm special I can read in to people
>I'm also always right
>Ignores anything that challenges assumption

I'm smoking a fatty right now. But sorry to disappoint you I'm no faggot.

George, Tom, Adam, Miranda, John, John, John, Lauren...
The list goes on. Don't know them? You shouldn't have specified no celebrities. Idiot.

Grew up in Colorado and EVERYONE smokes... Wall Street of the Rockies.... some success ya conservative cuck.

look at that crack.


you forgot
>hank hill ass

yeah she's nasty as fuck

whats sad is you're defending a whale that voluntarily jumped out of water and just shat all over you and you're more than happy to eat it up and defend her

Pick one

I wasn't defending her, I was belittling you because in my eyes you are equally as grotesque.

conservatives are kings of cucks

>being this mad

you are if you're posting on this board, ya faggot

Perfect conservative def ! Cucked all to fuck.

libshit detected

Dude you and me both. I think it's disgusting and all it does it turn people into idiots. It's just really hard to find people that share a dislike for it. It's mainly because it's becoming like alcohol...just massively accepted. Me, I think booze and weed are for pussies. It's just an escape from reality, which I disagree with completely. Face your fears and be dominant is what I say. Anyway, im rambling, but keep up the good fight.

Hedonism is slavery.