Why isn't Japan riddled with war guilt like Germany is...

Why isn't Japan riddled with war guilt like Germany is? Look at how enthusiastic Germany is about helping the poor and downtrodden, as shown by these 10/10 qts welcoming refugees to their country. But Japan is like "no way".

I don't get it. Both countries were occupied by foreign powers after waging wars of aggression, both changed, both had war crimes trials. Why are they so different?

I think it's easier to spot a dirty lying jew in Japan.

You have very low standards if you think they're all a 10/10.

Japan doesn't have jews controlling it's media and government.
Japanese do that.


In Germany the German identity was seen as an obstacle to the occupier's goals, in Japan it was seen as a tool to further them.

>Why are they so different?
How new are you? Japan didn't have a feud with Jews. You can bet your ass that if US was influenced by Chinese back then the consequnces for Japanese would be much harsher.

No Jews in high positions that's just it. Before TPP Japanese News Agency and Broadcaster couldn't be owned by foreigner Jews.

McArthur allowed Japan to keep Emperor Hirohito and have sovereignty after the war to help combat Communism in East Asia. Meanwhile, Germany was occupied and carved up amongst the Allied powers.

Japan doesn't feel guilty because they got nuked twice

Japan is a small island further away from those conflicts and it's impractical to pretend like you can offer much help even if you want to. Japan had a very different culture before and after the war. They were and still are autistic sadists. In terms of guilt, you probably feel like you've paid your dues after you get fire bombed and nuked.

Japs have no honour, no guilt, no shame

They can deny their crimes till blue in the face and still sleep at night

Germans are white and can come to terms with the fact that their actions, despite being principled, were shameful

Easy burger. 70 years of PsyOPs on Germans and that's what you get. Your denazification did wonders. Japan on the contrary never submitted themselves to history rewritting. Japanese people honour their ancestors, Germans don't. If your great-grandfather was in the Waffen SS it's better to forget about him altogether.

On a sidenote. those aren't even 4/10. The one the right is a 6/10.

Why isn't Mongolia riddled with guilty like Germany is?

This desu

"Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!"

because unlike germany japan likes its own culture . a long rich history of fighting with others in east asia. WW2 is just more of the same

germans have been forced to be liberals and denying the holocaust is a crime in parts of europe. probably why so many germans came to the states

whites have been told for about a decade and a half that they have to erase their own culture. multiculturalism has failed almost every were else in the world but whites wont drop the act

They do feel guilty, but in a different way. They've even renounced war as a sovereign right of a nation, even though they've had military supremacy in East Asia for god knows how long.

Can someone post the graph about how many % of people would be willing to fight for their country? Japan was one of the lowest with like only 13% of the people ever willing to fight. Germany was at like triple that.

Time to break the chains

It's a white people thing. South America had way more and brutal slavery than the US but there's no such thing as "Brazilian" or "Hispanic" guilt.

No kikes in japan or retarded cuck white people.

Because Americans are traitors. A subhuman mix of Europeans, Africans and Asians. A real American doesn't exist. It's pussies who ran away to other lands. Japan tried to get rid of the filth that is America. Anyone would be proud of that.


You'd be talking about yourself if you said that ;)

MacPotatio bringing the pain on the American üntermenschen

Because Finland wasn't conquered by the Soviets

>10/10 qts
lol no

We have already had notorious Zainichi Koreans and have seen your immigrant policy has failed.