Found this guy on youtube recently

found this guy on youtube recently
he makes videos about really dumb stuff
I'm pretty sure he's retarded
his face makes for good reaction images though

Other urls found in this thread:


stop advertising your channel


not my channel
pretty sure this guy wouldn't even know how to use Sup Forums

Lmao , i live near you and im going to fucking shoot you the next time you go to the shops fat fucking retard. NYPA you will PAY

Pic related, your mum after im done.


where did i ask for a personal army?
i'm just saying check this guy out
he is literally mentally retarded

>I'm pretty sure he's retarded

if you can't say that definitively, you're probably retarded.
i really really like this retard

>OP has american accent
we dont say that here fucking britbung we say shopping or store like normal people

It's you trying to whore out your shitty youtube channel so you can become the next pew die pie and make gazillions isn't it?
Fuck off you sad waste of life

that's funny, because it looks like she's just getting ready. way to shoot yourself in the foot. or the dick.

little does Sup Forums know that that deformed bunny chick shilled all the first posts of herself here in order to get fucking huge

I'll knock him out

i'm not trying to post shit of my own channel
i just found this guy and wanted to share

Yes you are, no-one would go on so endlessly about someone elses youtube shit, the more you autistically scream you arent just proves that you are
run along sad sack

why when it's some retarded girl with cerebral palsy everyone flocks to her
but you can't even understand the cunt
but i have a legitimately retarded guy who posts videos about fucking wanting to see images of atms everyone says im a normalfag trying to promote my own channel

He is god's child. I commend him for having the courage to make videos and be subject to ridicule.

fuck off

I forgive you beautiful child of god. Seek salvation through the sweet grace of Jesus Christ our lord and savior.
sounds like he's saying normie

someone made a edit of one of his video
fug i forgot the link

audibly kek'd

cool, have fun at the pants store, retard.