Abolish ONE major Religion

Abolish ONE major Religion.
Which is it? Why?

Christianity. That way society can finally get some shit done.

judaism. it's useless.

Totally right.
The past thousand years of the christian dominated western world have totally been stagnant, nothing good came out of it. Except for everything that's good in the world, and the only societies that rose above barbarism.
Islam is totally better, what with all the genocides and literal banning of education. That's the real route to progress.

Juduism and everything thats connected to it.

basically all european religion

Within 5-10 years, we're going to be fighting you fucks.

Self hating whites are the lowest form of life on the planet.

One religion is not enough to make any difference.

It needs to be muslims, jews and niggers. Everybody else gets along just fine, but those groups just cant ever fit in or deal with it.


>judaism. it's useless.

correct religion, useless reason.

If the old testament falls, christianity and islam fall next - Judaism is the foundation the other Abrahamic religions are built on (Jesus was a jew remember?)

Communism or Scientology.

>European Religion

Read a book please.

Judaism, as consequence none of the other monotheistic religions would have formed.

not the guy you are responding to, but you read a fucking book. in particular, find a book on Constantine the great and how Christianity became the religon of the Roman empire, which Europe was a subset of. pleb


Because all whites are christians. How retarded can you even be?

Obligatory retard post.

>not one person said islam
honestly disapointed

fucking muslimism

Not the question. You abolish it as it exists now, not from all time.

we must all be americans in here i guess - Christanity is more of a local threat to us than islam, although islam is more of a global threat currently


That had absolutely nothing to do with being religious in any way.

in that case Christianity


>People aren't fucking saying Islam in this thread

Now I know all of you are underage fedoratheists who still live in your moms' basements.



Should've stayed in the fucking stone age where it belongs.




Go to Syria


>Should've stayed in the fucking stone age where it belongs.

you know judaism and christianty pre-date Islam right?

I'd have favoured abolishing all abrahamic religions but Islam has the most adherents worldwide, thus, the most political influence. So I chose that.

Are you a shit for brains? When did he imply they didn't?

Do we get rid of the nearly 2 billion people who follow it or just outlaw Muhammad's worship?


>Should've stayed in the fucking stone age where it belongs.

I would think this means it applies to all stone age stupidism

I think the premise is that Islam would cease to exist and the people wouldn't.

Whatever happens, happens. But removing Islam would probably be best for the world. Especially considering its heyday is long gone.

All abrahamic sects. This includes every denomination of Christianity/Catholics Judaism and Islam.

Judaism so that I could actually make some money as a poor goyim

Well, this is an American board for Americans only, so there shouldn't be any eurocuck filth or other subhuman non-American scum in our cyber space to begin with. But as to the subject at hand all religions need to be erased. Only Atheism will save this planet. Well, that and killing any non-American piece of shit that refuses to submit to American rule. We need to nuke all of Europe and the middle East and Africa. Leave the Asians alone. We also need to roll through India and kill all Indian men.

is this some kind of bait?

Liberal Judaism

because its islam

Judaism, its the reason why we have the other ones in the firt place

This is literally how all jews and muslims see whites. you are christians

American "Conservatism"

It's obviously the worst of all religions, even worse than scientology

American here, trust me imi really america. no no, judasim is fine so is islam, its christians that are the problem.

you semite

Christianity, let white people worship white gods and not the sandniggers' "One God" meme.

not funny i fyou know your history

Scientology, we failed the first time.

there is more to it then just removing the religion

B8 or not, it was a science fiction novelist and his gamble to see who was dumb enough (you) to believe a sci-fi tale as religious fact.

The thing about the European and Asian blood,Europeans and Asians have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics, this causes those to be more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of regression of the Asian or European genetics AKA genocide.

Tl;dr european/ asian genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.

This is genocide.

Islam causes most trouble.

Islam 1000 thousand time Islam, other religions dont even come close to the barbary that Islam is.
Just fucking go to a muslim country and figure it out

not having the meme do we count their mass rapes in every town raping perty much every girl as terrorizm?

Yes, but I could go all day about the evils of this "religion" (really it's a satanic sect about violence and domination)
If you cant figure out why Islam must be erased from earth, you must be a blind liberal/leftist

Islam, clearly.
The fucking tards saying christianity because their parents made them go to church or some shit....


I don't want to go back to a barter system, although I understand the sentiment.

jews would just make up a new religion for them in order to use them as puppets to destabilize the world

tel me, which currecy has the most stable vallue in th eME for decades
They use dollars. its all about destabalizing then profiting

the refugee shit after the economic fail is to have european nation lend money.

capitalism becuz

Jews would still Jew if you got rid of Judaism.
Muds are the only ones entirely motivated by religion.

Communism sucks harder.

Better to just abolish ALL religions. Religion is inherently dangerous to society.

>Thinking the default is being rational and highly moral/ethical

Abrahamic ones. Why? Because they cause the most shit in the name of their faiths.

You are a dipshit.

>Being this ignorant
Hindus have the caste system and Buddhist Tibet was like living in the Congo under Leopold.

Pretty sure that religion that will cause the demise of the World will be Atheism.

Think about it. Almost everything fucked up in the world came from it -- except Islam. And that would be the second to go.

Any Indian religion that promotes pooping in public. #poointheloo

>i don't see what's wrong with this.

How many Hindus sacked say, a Kwik-E Mart trying to take back the Holy Land for nearly 2 centuries.
How many Buddhists started a campaign that lasted for over 350 years that kicked off the shindig by accusing people of being witches and burning people at the stake, and lots and lots of torture in order to combat heresay?
Go ahead, I’ll wait.


not major

Christianity obviously. It's unworthy of the civilized world to be religious.

Islam or Christianity. It doesn't really matter, removal of either one would make the world a better place.

cite examples

Cunty Nazism


Dumbass. If you get rid of the Christians, Muslims would murder everyone else.

Oh and you live under a caste system now - when’s the last time you dated a millionaire or someone famous.
If you think you’re free to pursue whatever love interest you’d like, think again. You are a drone working for someone else making them money and you likely have 0 contact with the head honchoes. Most people are simple wage slaves to some degree or another, we just don’t officially label it like that because we like the little lie we tell ourselves that we’re free.


Islam is the obvious answer.
>Religion of peace
My ass it is, ISIS is following their religious texts word for word

Please provide an argument that western civilization isn't built on the morality of Christianity.


nigger is not a religion


How nigs worship them like it's a religion.

If it was the default we wouldn't have to banish the defect of religious thinking, you numbnut. The default is liars telling idiots they speak for the gods and fucking up the world. That's what the thread premise is: Correcting that and making the default better than it is now.

Hindus and Buddhists have their own histories full of blood like any society known to man.
Just because you are more familiar with western history doesn't mean that eastern history is not as violent.
Oh and less than 2000 people died in the different inquisitions.
And when it comes to witchcraft "While belief in witchcraft, and persecutions directed at or excused by it, were widespread in pre-Christian Europe, and reflected in Germanic law, the influence of the Church in the early medieval era resulted in the revocation of these laws in many places, bringing an end to traditional pagan witch hunts.".

Muslim bullshit. GET RID OF IT!!!

Seems you don't know much about history. The Crusades was a response to Muslims invading Europe.

Do you know how many people were burned at the stake in a witch trial? Compare to how many Ukrainians were starved to death by the communist.

Look Christians have done bad things. The question is which philosophy is the worst. Christianity doesn't teach burning witches, dumbass.

Liberalism. Kill every liberal scumbag that roams the earth. THEY ARE CANCEROUS!!!

We don't punish innocent people for the crimes of the guilty and reward the guilty for saying they're sorry with infinite blowjobs.

Judaism because it is evil.

The difference is that social mobility is still in effect for me, I could change my status through effort or plain old luck.
Once you are born into a caste, that is it for life.

I just came for the dubs

Who's "we" and what the fuck are you talking about.