
>be me
>invest lots of time and effort into qt asn
>happy. enjoying my time with her
>2 months later, plan date to go to the beach
>tells me today she's crying over another guy

Never forget Sup Forums. All women are thots. No matter how good you look.

Also general thot thread

>Im here for you.
you played yourself from the start




tell me you didnt go



It would help if you weren't such a faggot OP


>itll be ok

Fuck off OP

I dont deal with thots user. No time for 'em

lmao you are so fucking pathetic, why are you apologizing to her?
>i'm sorry I wasnt good enough
ahahahah fucking hell you beta bitch boi

Tell her to fuck off

This thread reeks of humid, stale cringe

Nice trips

underage alert


I'd rather let her down nicely. Though she deserves much worse

kek you're a fucking moron
you deserve everything you got

>"do you still want to go outside with me?"

either she's fucking 14 years old and you're a sick fuck or the english is terribad

Nice try user

I picture OP with a permanent purple velvet cape that he unloads half erect cum shots into.

Already talking to someone else lol.
This is God's way of saying I could do better

You've done thr right thing OP. Don't waste your time with her and tell her how you feel. I'm proud of you.

She's from China, here studying in Uni

Your picture may or may not be correct

please off yourself you naive fucking beta

Don't talk like black people.

I thought that was cute as fuck not gonna lie

a person that actually know how to handle a situation and does not act like a cringy child?
i'm surprised.
keep it like that mate

Love ya user

Why tf are you talking on kik? What happened to getting a bitches phone number?

>Well, I used to be a cringy child.
dont worry, you still are

If you're not going to be a second choice, then end the conversation and cut her out of your life.

You talk like a beta with no confidence though. And I'm not saying that as an "alpha" I'm saying that as a fellow user who has been there, been treated like garbage, and grew from it.

Wechat actually. When you talk to Chinese girls its an essential tool
I gave her my number while she was working

Oh she's out of there, ofc
I tend to be a softie when it comes to girls, but I'm never going to torture myself over one.
I've done that too much in the past

As a wise user once told me
>She is never yours, it's just your turn

Wise anons breed wise anons.
Thank you wise user.