The NEET revolution is upon us

Every Swiss adult could potentially get $2500 per month for simply existing.

How can wagecucks even compete?

based. want to migrate there. Don't even have to find work now.
See you later wagecucks

>$2500 per month
netto or brutto?
I thought the same but we couldn't drag them into the eu yet


It says right in the article
2500 UNTAXED. I.e. Neeto

Wasn't the "No" winning in the latest polls?

No. NEETs will make a surprise comeback and win the referendum. You can't stop the revolution senpai

>Every Swiss adult could potentially get $2500 per month for simply existing.
The chances that this get's approved are next to zero. Not sure if you can call this potential, but if it makes you happy...

b-but user, it was brought forward by


so it cannot be a dumb idea, c-can it?

2500$ is nothing in Switzerland, barely enough for a 30m^2 flat.

so you can't move to the surrounding countries and live the comfy life?

Mhm, maybe it's the plan. Getting NEETs to leave the country, just to build a wall after that.
You can never be sure with the scheming mountain jews.

I wouldn't even know what to do with $2500 a month.

Its a pretty stupid idea, they are spending 22bilion on social welfare and would need to spend 240bilion on this program Thats 12 times the number.
Can someone explain to me how that would be good?

travel a lot

I think they're curbing down other benefits and tax cuts people would get if they applied for them
one thing that's safe to say about the swiss is that they're good with money

I just told you other benefits are 22bilion

this is a good thing

People who are against this are completely retarded

Its way easier, more efficient and costs less than taking care of every welfare leech individually

Also you get rid of a lot of unnecessary institutions .. streamline the state

It also gives people more individual responsibility cause they have to take care of it themselves .. they cant just blame anyone else if they fuck up and waste their shekels

They cant just run back to the welfare state and demand more.

There arent any economic downsides to it on a larger scale.

Rents may or may not go up slightly depending on the available living space but thats ok.

>a country that cares about it's people
Kind of jealous.

Universal Neetbux will be a reality within 10 years if capitalist cucks don't hold humanity back.

>Its way easier, more efficient and costs less than taking care of every welfare leech individually
Welfare in switzerland costs 22bln
>Also you get rid of a lot of unnecessary institutions .. streamline the state
What institutions exactly If you add up all the budget of the fed it adds up to 66bln, that program needs 240bln
>There arent any economic downsides to it on a larger scale.
More tax is always a economic downside

>Every Swiss adult could potentially get $2500 per month for simply existing.

And where will they pull this money out of? Their asses?

Lmao, I can't imagine anyone would keep working when they can simply relax at home and earn enough to get by.

am I being detained?

Im really frustrated with the stupidity of a average person thinking government just has free wads of money everywhere


>Its way easier, more efficient and costs less than taking care of every welfare leech individually

In what way do you figure $2500 for each citizen costs less? On what fucking planet?

That painting made me checkem, and i did checkem.

Wagecucks pay NEETbux

no way this is happening i don't believe it