Should violent sports be banned? Yes or why not? Discuss

Should violent sports be banned? Yes or why not? Discuss.

No because it's not gay as cartoon. Chinese cartoon should be banned


do you mean gay should be banned?


>ban violent sports
Yeah because we need more unemployed fuckheads that are only good at the one sport they devoted their carreer to to shit up the job market even more...

We can reeducate them using governmental programs.

No. People should not be deprived of the choice to participate in violent sports.

>people with no competence besides sports
>governmental programs
Wasted money
Also OP is a faggot

By that post alone I can deduce you're a college commie without a single drop of test in its body.
Kindly fuck off.


People shouldn't be subjected to not do what they want to do, ever.

No i want to see people beat each other up

I just don't want people to get hurt.

But seeing people get hurt is fun

If you were a roman, would you find it fun to see slaves kill each other in the Coliseum?

And they want to get paid by getting hurt
Why should we have your way over their's

Sometimes we should help people to make better decisions.


Please define violent sports. Martial arts only? rugby/handegg?


yes. Also slide tackles and headers (it gives brain damage) in soccer.


sounds pretty good

yes duh of course its fun

are you saying thats not fun why dont you go to church instead