The Time Travel Thread

The Time Travel Thread.

How it works:

First, you roll. Your last digit corresponds to a percentage, e.g. 1 is 10%, 9 is 90%.

Multiply your current age by that percentage. Whatever you get is a point in time you get to go back to. (e.g if you're 20 and got 6, thats 20 x 60% = 12 years of age). Reply to your roll post with the age you got and where you were in life at that time, and what you would do differently from that point on.

Sounds fun. Roll.


Well I'm fucking 3 in 1987 so


1999 was 26 years ago

Huh, I'm down. Rollan'

Well, i was 17.... so probably start losing weight

23*.8, I'd be just back out of highschool, invest in McDonald's shares, stock has doubled in 5 years. Focus up on college get better grades. Try to make things work with ex, but if not move on sooner than it took me in real time.

Ro ll

Rool bruh

To travel forward in time is easy. You just need to go below absolute zero which will halt entropy, essentially going into stasis.though you need to contain the area as any objects with energy can't interact or they risk transferring energy and bringing you out of stasis.

To go backwards in time however, you need to destroy the entire universe and reassemble it at the previous point in time. It rather that is basically what happens.

rollin thru the years

0 so... fetus?


Why not

12 years old in 2009, so, invest all in Bitcoin

Back to 1999 i guess, would observe the full solar eclipse

ha, I witnessed that eclipse


