A reminder that Charles Manson never killed anyone

A reminder that Charles Manson never killed anyone

He be dida kiww demm purplz m8
U fooken WankSteck

...well enlighten me then

Tell that to Bernard Crowe, you lying Manson apologist.

Why is this chick smiling?

she had a successful abortion


he implied people should kill some people and they did it

Correct. They believed that he had some type of magical power over his followers so they convicted him for their deeds.


>Tell that to Bernard Crowe, you lying Manson apologist.
Bernard Crowe wasn't killed by Manson, idiot.

Charles Manson also never landed on the moon, it was all filmed in a studio.


Manson was a classic victim of poverty/crime/institutionalization. A runt, there was no way he wouldn’t have come out fucked ip.

The whole thing went haywire one step at a time. It was more organic than planned. Drugs and petty crime that escalated over time.

That’s my ex gf remove the pic now or there will be serious consequences

Legally it does not matter. The cunt who drives the get away car in a bank robbery gone wrong is guilty of murder.

He was believed to have killed at least 1 person, though was never convicted of murder. It's possible he did, but we'll never know for sure.

I think those kinds of laws might be newer than Manson’s time.


They are not



>left a few minutes before the murders

Who cares? They're all dead and Polanski didn't get to insect the future with his insect offspring.

The only thing we lost that night was another opportunity for a race war.

>insect the future
>new cronenberg movie



Can we see more sharon pics? She was beautiful



they are

A reminder that Charles Manson was just someone with mental problems who convinced other crazy people to commit murder, and neckbeards have some odd fascination with him.

they were crying like a bunch of liberal bitches about things and manson told them "do what you need to do"
so they went and killed people and said it was his idea, so he got life in prison.

Actually he fucking did, you moron.

He personally went along with the Manson family on their second killing event so that he could teach his cult exactly how he wanted his victims slaughtered.

Know your shit, before you defend a worthless waste of human flesh and resources.

Shit was totally cash

Like what, you'll rape us?

some people feel extreme bliss at the moment of death, a complete warm welcoming letting go, pretty much a full body orgasm.

this never happened.

Why does this shitty thread get replies but mine doesn't


This has got to be the fucking dumbest comment I've ever read.

I don't care if dying makes me cum fifty times while simultaneously learning the answer to every requesting in the universe.

Living is living and if someone forces death on someone else, that makes them a piece of shit.

you uninformed idiot. Yes it did its a fact in the case.

Ya, actually, it did.

But you simply refuting it flatly is obviously enough proof to make you feel like you are correct.

I've read countless articles and accounts of the events. I studied the court case in great detail.

Fucking read something.

it's a made up "fact" then. it literally never happened.

Shut the fuck up, Donny.

You obviously have no frame of reference here.

oh we forgot you were there.

>Ya, actually, it did.
>But you simply refuting it flatly is obviously enough proof to make you feel like you are correct.

talk about circular logic

>Fucking read something.

if you're in North Korea, they sell books saying how bad South Korea is and how South was wrong

If you're in South Korea, they sell books about how bad North Korea is and how they treat them bad.

you can't trust what you read.

you can't know this. and don't say an user was "dead and revived" to recount this bliss. one is either dead or not.

who's business is it if I was or wasn't?

Because evidence doesn't mean jack shit, apparently.

Seriously dude, you're making yourself look like an idiot.

He absolutely was present during the second slaughter and took part in it as well.

Unless you have confirmed proof that this is a false claim, please have a seat and shut your whore mouth.

not true, Death is a process. Within the process of death, the transition period when you can still experience things because neurons are firing, you will feel bliss at times when dying.

Dunno why that gets me hard.

Evidence doesn't mean jack shit, because there's evidence Jesus Christ existed, was crucified and resurrected, but no one gives a shit about that evidence.

also evidence can be planted and manipulated

he was absolutely not present during any slaughters

epic troll he was


imagining jews getting gassed makes me hard. I don't know user, to each their own.

Read the fucking police report you idiot!

I'm not talking about some fucking Dr. Seuss book I read at the dentist.

The Manson case was a cultural phenomenon and was covered extensively by many, many, individuals.

Simply doubting these accounts without evidence is fucking stupid.

You're willing to believe or disbelieve anything you want to.

Odds are you're some edgy twelve year old still thinks murderers are totally cool.

He was held in prison for four decades, yet everyone got it wrong but you, a fa fag who want even born at the time.

can't prove a negative

Spotted the trump supporter

must not live with a polanski anymoe

Please provide supporting evidence.

If you can't do anything than claim conspiracy theory and keep repeating "he wasn't there", then you've done your best, but simply no one believes you.

You actually have to work to prove a point.

Give me a fact to support that evidence was planted or tampered with besides going off on some tangent about North Korea or some other unrelated shit.

Ya, you can.

By proving that he was positively somewhere else and didn't leave forensic evidence that he was present at the crime scene.

If the evidence was faked/staged, then you need to prove that this is positively what happened.

It's not a negative of you're implying that someone actively took measures to plant evidence and falsely implicate him.

I'm not asking you to prove he wasn't there. I'm asking you to prove why the evidence placing him at the crime scene is false.

Please do this with fact and refrain from using speculation.

sounds like work.

You sound lazy.

CM is the definition of butthurt

got rejected by music producer, so he orders his cult to go kill the people (Tate + friends) who are now living in the rented house which the music producer lived.

no logical sense whatsoever, killing an innocent bunch of people because of the house they rented happened to be the one the music producer also rented


There is zero contemporary evidence for "Jesus Christ", you fucking moron, but if it helps you sleep at night please keep beliebing.

Did not know that, and without making any further research on the subject, could CM have been believing the producer still lived at the address, and Tate was somehow related?

If no, could that possibly now be influenced because of some defence lawyer argument?

>no logical sense whatsoever
If you take enough acid, damn near any bullshit will make sense.

he fucking knew the music producer (Melcher) didn't rent there anymore

his instructions to Tex (the main murderer)

"that house where Melcher used to live" and told them to "totally destroy everyone in [it], as gruesome as you can"

They wouldn't scream because of the... Implication.

Hey, I fucking said I hadn't fucking done any fucking research. Get off my fucking back.


my bad...

either way. he's a lazy fuckhead... how hard would it have been to track down the music producer himself...

instead he orders the killing of a bunch of innocent people, one who was 8 months pregnant

later on, a member of the Manson family who took part testified that the murders were:

"to instill fear into Terry Melcher because Terry had given us his word on a few things and never came through with them"