Antidepressant/SSRI thread

>antidepressant/SSRI thread

i think i could do with some of these meds, but there is one side effect that puts me off

apparently they can cause sexual problems:
>loss or decreased libido (no horny)
>difficulty getting/maintaining erection
>decreased sensitivity of genitals
>unable or delayed ejaculation

fuck that, id rather be depress than that

anyone here got experience with SSRI's, did this happen to you?

is it worth it?

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hey there op, personally I did not experience a decreased libido, nor any loss of sensitivity. honestly I swear for the first couple weeks I was cumming even harder. Although the one thing I did notice was it was harder to cum.

overall though, I didnt 'feel' any differently while taking them, and they helped me tremendously. I didnt feel like a shell of a person or like I was out of it, I felt totally normal, except I was much more able to have a bad thought cross my mind and simply let it go, and not drive myself into a downward spiral because of it.

In all honesty, I have been on SSRI's for 3 months now. I've noticed a slight decrease in mood and some of the initial side-effects are kind of annoying. For me it was a lot of teeth clenching and insomnia for about a week, but that all eventually passed.

As for the loss of libido stuff, I haven't had it. I still jack it as much as I used to, and the biggest difference for sex is basically that I last longer. I used to last around 5 minutes average, and now I go for about 30-45 minutes. It is a lot harder to finish, but just as satisfying when the rocket goes off. I haven't had any loss of libido at all, and in all honesty, lasting longer has been a better thing for my girlfriend and me. That being said, they probably affect everyone differently

I was on Citalopram/Celexa for a while, actually had rock hard erections all night while I was on them, and was still horny. As far as depression goes I think there was a placebo effect at first and I felt good, but they stopped doing anything for me after about six months, even when they increased the dose.

Really depends on the meds for each person. Prozac fucked my libido to nonexistent. Was on that for 2 years before I switched to Wellbutrin and that shit has be cash for me

Either exercise and grow up


starve yourself and grow up


take SSRIs and destroy your frontal cortex and still have to grow up anyway

Side note. The biggest difference I have noticed on SSRI's is a loss of that little voice in my head has been greatly quietened. I was a chronic over-thinker to a point where it was making my life miserable. Now that voice in my head constantly making me cynical and miserable has been silenced and whenever I try to talk to it, I hear music instead. Much better if you ask me. I could hear the music before, but now it is much more prevalent

Yes, I got dick numbness from SSRI's that lasted for months after I quit using them.

They did work for depression, at least somewhat. They change your outlook to being more positive about life in general, but they don't change your situation in life that caused depression in the first place. Only you can do that, with or without SSRI's -- it doesn't matter.

I had a major depressive disorder stemming from a chemical imbalance in my brain, and after seeing several neurologists, they determined that my brain was 'extremely ineffective' at producing serotonin on it's own. Exercise (which I do everyday), cooking better food, better relationships and everything else suggested by psychologists didn't help

I take generic Paxil and I gotta say I feel normie af while taking it, but gratz, now you're fucked if you stop taking them for even a day, you'll get the zaps and want to murder yourself

>Either exercise and grow up
how do i grow up from boredom and loneliness? Will Will exercise help me find meaning with my life? Why do we need to work so we can pay bills so we can continue living a shitty life? will excise help me with this shitty world? Will it be better if i run? Will my problem disappear then?

on escitalopram and mirtazapin for 2 years, my libido is kill but i dont mind. having sex while depressed wasnt that great anyway

no depress, no sex. i dont really see a problem here

>Will it be better if i run? Will my problem disappear then?
run from your problems maybe?

I don't agree with what that person is saying, but exercise can increase your mood drastically, which can make you change your life in a positive way. E.G. go for a run, feel good and decide to go out and meet people. Can lead to all sorts of good things.

music as in walking with an invisible ipod or annoying song stuck on brain on a constant loop?

It's different than that. I can recall songs I know well in great detail in my head and it kind of sounds like I'm listening to it through a speaker. It's just something I've always been able to do.

Fuck man, I've been on Vensir XL for a couple of years now mainly because I'm scared of coming of that shit.

i used to be on zoloft 100mg but the only "negative" side effect i had was it took longer for me to fap. that and the withdrawl after i stopped taking it

but can you turn it off? if you try to listen to real music, is there interference?

I've been on ssri a few years. Didn't noticed anything until i got over on snri.

Boner died, difficult cumming. Have a good gf though, it doesnt happen anymore. Most important thing is not to worry about it. If you stop thinking about it and don't get stressed when it happens it will work again.

Stay the fuck away from venlafaxine/efexor btw. (Snri), they are fucking impossible to quit. If i forget one i feel like i have a flu with mega fever. Sight "lags", and i get these lightning surges through my head.

>"can cause sexual problems"

So you'd rather live in misery than take to chance to experience a reversible change in your sex drive? Let's be honest here, every medication has possible side effects. Medication can be changed, though. If you don't try to self-medicate, everything will be alright.

got zapped for years after quitting ssris, still better than depression

op here,
sleep deprivation as a cure to depression? interesting, but hardly viable lol

effects of sleep deprivation are terrible

also what do you mean destroy frontal cortex?? is it proven SSRI's effect that?

grow up doesn't really help with my anxiety

I have just started therapy, the first guy I spoke to recommended speaking to a doctor, the actual therapist hasn't mentioned it yet.

I doubt there is any force on this earth that can repress my libido, but I don't want to get fat(er).

not him but i cant really turn the music off in my head and yeah sometimes when i have a song on im still thinking of another song, im reading this thread hoping antidepressants will take away all those random thoughts that drive me crazy everyday dont care bout losing my sex drive cause my brain already killed it

Oh yeah definitely. It's optional, like I have to want to listen to the song, it doesn't happen without my control.

Que? Years?

Do some psychedelics. Mushrooms or acid with a friend watching over you, and some good music. That and daily exercise and healthy eating is how I overcame it. Hell, even microdose for a couple months with .2g shrooms a day.

>every medication has possible side effects.
this. dont forget that anti depressants have come a loooong way in a couple of decades.

>tfw no cute shoegaze gf :(

Citalopram 40mg here.
No side effects for me, but I did have withdrawal when I forgot to refill my meds after a few weeks

I become suicidal as fuck on acid. Thats a bad suggestion tbh.

If anything at all it’s not even noticeable. I take 10mg Paroxetine daily. I can cum rather well, maybe even better

but i want to want to have sex

If you take acid while on antidepressants, it's possible. If you have a tripsitter, that doesn't happen. Again, microdosing is a good way to not have intense events but still feel upbeat. How much did you do?

i guess im in not always in misery

its weird i dont even know if im depressed/have anxiety

sometimes i still get really hopeful for things, but then i have some days where i feel like dogshit


I dont have erection problems at all. Side effects differ from person to person.

I do have horrible sleeping experiences. I wake up terrified from nightmares, I scream, fight, stop breathing and even hallucinate. Venlafaxine (effexor) 300 mg. Anyone experience this shit??,

stay strong bro, i know that feel. just want a girl to chill with, smokin and listening to shoegaze

btw band in this pic is ozean, give em a listen if you like slowdive

I'm on 40 mgs of Celexa. Zero libido. But it really balances me out. I tried a combination of Wellbutrin/Celexa.. and my libido was okay.. but the efficacy of stabilizing my mental state was poor :/. And.. don't ever discontinue cold turkey on Celexa. I felt like killing myself.

oh yeah. i didnt slowly decrease my dose as i should have, i just rage quit. but i got like 1 zap every 2 months or so

Took high dose amitryptiline for half a year. Worst drug ever. Gives extremely dry mouth so had a lot of difficulty talking and had to take bottle of water with me literally everywhere. Also dry mouth fucks up your teeth and gives a breath that smells like death.

With amytriptiline I had extremely vivid weird dreams (mostly nightmares) that I could recall into detail.

It also gave me stomach ache quite a bit.

All this and still just as emo as before.

Then when you try to quit, your whole body itches for months like a lil peep level junkie.

Also you fuck up your liver.

Popping pills might sound cool, but its really shit. Just smoke weed ocasionally. If you want to do pills recreationally just do it once a week or so.

I've been on escitalopram for about six months. Don't have the same sex drive and I can't do a quick jerk in the shower anymore, but life is better. I don't care if I jerk 2-4 times a week now or 5-7 as I did before.

Yet another user here with a general question: Can the doctor tell, if you take or do not take zoloft as prescribed? I want to fake it - that is, not take it but tell them that I do.

I have had a TBI accident, and I have lost IQ points and career, so my life is pretty miserable now. I used to be part of mensa and working as a software architect - things that will never be able to return to. And I had a healthy and sexy body, but I don't have any strength left in my one side, so I cannot exercise either (only very gentle exercise).

My doctors have been pushing SSRI's on me for years now. I don't want their poison.

200ug. Quit antidepressants months before that. I also dont want a fucking tripsitter like a pussy. Tripsitters are annoying as fuck and get you paranoid.
Btw tripped many times and went suicidal on a lot of trips.

why do you think its poison?

Never happened to me. Also, my tripsitters are always chill af. Acid usually increases empathy and talkativeness for me, so I don't get that issue. I still think it's an experience OP needs under the right settings.

Had that medication too, but i was unable to cum anymore.

thats a lot of mg. are you sure you dont have ANY side effects?

Do MDMA if you wanna talk or 2cb if you just want some optics. I think its useless to take lsd for some type of curing attention when you dont really concentrate on that.

i actually might have found one th at works, feelsgoodman

my sex drive is through the roof, fapped so much i got chaffed , started crushing on a cute girl, started going back to the gym to lose weight, no longer massively overeating stuffing my face constantly

I'm pretty sure that the effect of SSRI's are somehow correlated with lesser function of the frontal lobe. It is as if you feel life less, and therefore you also feel your depression less.

This is pure speculation, and I don't know, if it is true, BUT: the effect of SSRI is also based on speculation. Noone knows what exactly is happening in the brain. SSRI's are accessible on the market simply because they passed a test, where a slight majority of test subject reported that their "well being"/"mood" was slightly better. It's a fucking poor way of measuring success to begin with, and the studies have also been very prone to placebo results.

is that a member of the band slowdive

i had them. ever get an electric shock? its just like that but in your brain

That's certainly an option, but mdma isn't really something you should do a lot. I generally prefer mushrooms over acid anyways, and it tends to be more introspective.

which one is that m8?

do not take acid on antidepressants. Acid releases serotonin which with an SSRI can lead to serotonin syndrome - very bad time + possible death

You get extreme zapping sensations in your head on withdrawal. I get pins and needles in my limbs, disorientation, panic attacks and all that nasty shit if I forget to take a tablet for one day.

Ah, that's not great but I thought you meant you had that shit all the time for years after, lol.

yes it my friend, one of my favourite bands of all time

also rachel was super fucking hot when she was in her 20s (that pic)

Yeah I'm well aware. That's fine the number one warning to people who want to try it. Absolutely no SSRIs

When you move your eyes too fast from side to side you get zapped, not super painful just weird

Indie was a mistake.

Me too. Have you ever tried to decrease dose?

let me check


ive tried like 10+ dif meds before this tho, takes years, keep trying

also might just wear off when i recover from being sick

Can confirm, OP.

Been taking Sertraline (Xanax) 100mg for three years for depression/anxiety. No problem getting boners, but it takes me a really, really long time to cum. I would also say my libido is a lot lower than it used to be.


are you trying to say slowdive is indie?
thats fightin' talk

>Nausea/sickness and vomiting daily.
>No feelings/emotion at all minus depression.
>Increased suicidal thoughts/increased depression.
>Panic attacks/anxiety.
>Weight gain.
>Restless leg syndrome.
>Brain zaps.
>Loss of feeling in the cock/no sexual desire at all (though for me this was a plus because I suffer with premature ejaculation due to years of being a sexual deviant).

They were the side effects that anti-depressants gave me.
It's been a year since I quit all of them cold turkey (was on them for 10 years), and it was easily the best decision I ever made in my life.
I honestly don't think I'd be alive now if I hadn't quit them.

100 mg sertralin per day

I suffered all these side effects at the begining, but libido came back to normal after 4-5 months. Still have some problems with delayed ejaculation, but it was hard to cum for me even before taking the pills, so I think it´s just my personal case

Because it's an synthetic molecule that alters your brain in a way we will never fully understand.

Because it's produced by a multi-billionaire industry that has a sole purpose of scoring money.

Because we in society are unable to handle the truth of nature, which is that life is meant to end at a point, and the weak will be pruned in this process. Depression is a classification invented by modern society to be able to dull those, who are on the verge of dying and realizing that their life will not be able to fulfill their natural goal.

Because I simply don't trust that we can use our brain to develop pharmacy, which aims to alter our perspectives in the brain for the better. It's a paradox.

.. A lot of other things.. I have been wanting to write a book for long, because the modern society is straying way too far away from nature in my humble opinion.

Haven’t had any problems myself. Escitalopram and welbutrin here

Whats a brain zap?

Electric shock sensation in your heed, laddy.

nice, souvlaki is an amazing album

I just googled it, and I found out that I have been missing this in my vocabulary to explain how I felt, when I had my traumatic brain injury. It felt as a truck blasted through my head lasting around 1 second. Occurred multiple times within 20 mins, when I was trying to fall asleep, and it has occurred multiple times. Usually it comes, when I am super tired and trying to rest.

I'm not sure if this is the same brain zap as other talk about, but it feels as if it could be.

also, withdrawal from lsd or mdma drains your body from serotonin, its the worst thing that can happen to you if you are depressed

nigga u dum

I was on Lexapro for a while and the side effects sucked. I really don't think it helped. Looking back, around the time things started to get better is right after I had an extremely intense shroom trip and ingested about 6 grams of shrooms. Not saying that fixed it but I think it helped

It kinda feels like deja vu, you'll feel really confused and shit will feel familiar and it's a whole body feeling that kinda rushes towards your head and makes you feel really nauseous.
It would 9 times out of 10 make me physically vomit.
That's the best way I can describe it.

>Because it's produced by a multi-billionaire industry that has a sole purpose of scoring money.
and what industry doesnt have a purpose of making money? the cost of my meds relative to how much better they make me feel is the best way i spend money. you keep your truth of nature

good taste fellas. their new album is very solid and agree about rachel

I take 40mg too.
My sex drive was nonexistent before taking them, but that was the least of my problems. I was a real whacko.
The negative symptoms for me are: weight gain, and brain zaps if I don't take it for a few days or so- not the 'electric shock' feeling, but more of a sort of 'jolt'. Otherwise I'm better than I'm ever been, more fully rounded than I've ever been, happier, healthier, and getting out in the world again too.

>It's a paradox
so is neurosurgery by this logic
>doctor removes tumor
>user: buh, buh he used his brain to accomplish this, #didnthappen

>I'm pretty sure that the effect of SSRI's are somehow correlated with lesser function of the frontal lobe.
This gets thrown around so much on Sup Forums, and I'm getting sick of seeing ther claim posted with zero evidence to back it up. It's always either based on hearsay or is linked back to some unverified pseudo study conducted by an individual who's admittedly bi-polar. Again, I'd be interested to see if this was actually the case, but please at least post a reputable study the next time you make such a claim.

Depression and anxiety can be debilitating, and it's particularly disheartening to hear that the only medication available is a chemical lobotomy.

>With amytriptiline I had extremely vivid weird dreams
this is what i love about my pills. crazy as fuck dreams every night. yum

yea its pretty meaningless without some evidence obvs

>Because it's an synthetic molecule that alters your brain in a way we will never fully understand.
You can peer into the future, can you? What makes this so sacrosanct and ineffable as opposed to every other facet of the body? believe me, there will almost certainly come a time when we can observe and respond to all bodily processes - no matter how minute.
>Because it's produced by a multi-billionaire industry that has a sole purpose of scoring money.
A multi-billion dollar industry's mere existence doesn't equate to immoral practice. Provide evidence of wrongdoing.
>Because we in society are unable to handle the truth of nature, which is that life is meant to end at a point, and the weak will be pruned in this process. Depression is a classification invented by modern society to be able to dull those, who are on the verge of dying and realizing that their life will not be able to fulfill their natural goal.
Woah, dude, did you read spark notes on Nietzsche? You're so deep.
>Because I simply don't trust that we can use our brain to develop pharmacy, which aims to alter our perspectives in the brain for the better. It's a paradox.
This statement is so mind-blowingly stupid, I can't believe you've managed to convince yourself of its veracity. By this logic, human medicine can't ever work if we employ our own minds in the making of it - which is obviously false.

>I was a real whacko.
>happier, healthier, and getting out in the world again too.
good to hear it works, even if it takes 40mg. i recently went from 15 to 10mg, hope i do ok

this tbh

Seriously though, I don't recognise the person I was. I was a total wreck, the weirdest part of it was probably that I spoke like a terrified ten year old, let alone crying all the time and the like.
I actually drive now, which was unforeseeable even a few years ago.
I wish you the best of luck with your dosage decrease.

take snri 2 years straight, everything functions normal except for real decreased libido at all but i like it, it s relaxing, not so much worrys about bad sex life

thanks, i can relate to the terrified ten year old. thats exactly how i think of my depression, the person i was. i dont miss that guy

Literally have none of these problems. When I went on Celexa I couldn't get off for about a week but I find the transition on/off a new drug had amped up effects.

>not so much worrys about bad sex life
liberating. not giving a fuck (literally)

Just use them for a while to get clean minded then stop..

Its not like your sexually active user. Im sure you can sacrifice a few wanks.

6/10, made me rebly

hey im op, not this guy
but ur right