Rekt thread, post em faggots

Rekt thread, post em faggots


god damn they're suck fuck bad drivers over there

ill just keep bumping



Double kill


I like how that guy walks past a guy smashing a babys head with a broom.

Damn competition is real to them, cant let another family get ahead

Holy fuck. What was his problem?

>the blueball

Amazing Double Kill!

>file name game strong

>god damn they're suck fuck bad drivers over there

They're bad drivers over here too.

For a people so gifted at visio-spatial reasoning Chinks sure are shit drivers.

Hello police..I've just hit 2 motorcyclists.

>Herro porice..I've just hit 2 motorcycrists.

I fixed that for you.

Someone else post im done dumping for now


Fucking KEK



No idea, maybe he hates gooks

How come full on gore doesn't affect me as much as this does?



Kek haha lol so funny