Do you believe pretty girls with schizophrenia and other mental diseases exist or they all are just "le quirky autistic...

Do you believe pretty girls with schizophrenia and other mental diseases exist or they all are just "le quirky autistic girl xd"?

they out there.. dated a hottie that was badshit crazy.

this level of dumbfuckery is exactly what I'd expect from Sup Forums

They don't exist. They are worse than 2D girls.

not all are Autistic Women "oh noes i hav anxiety gib me attention" Some are legitimately bananas.
Like men, women do have mental disorders

>inb4 of course women have mental disorders because their women
don't let these robots fool you

My wife is schizo and it's not fun. It's great to romanticize taking care of someone with issues, but you really need a strong heart for it, user. Because when they're having an episode, nothing else in the world matters.


There are but they are very rare, because you don't see them. They don't go nor reach out. Like you, how would you ever see them? Ask your local psychiatrist about them and he can confirm, they exist. You will never get a chance to see one of course.

They do exist but believe me you don't want to put up with that shit
It will drain all of your life energy you won't be happy
I know you may think “but I want to help them throughout the relationship“
It won't work you are far away from being a psychologist and even if you were she will be to close to your heart

Just keep your fingers off broken girls

Not worth the trouble

Dating a hottie whos in a psych ward, shit was good at the start but now she tries to manipulate me almost every day, broken up with me 3 times, threatens to kill herself and blame me for it.. etc its worth it if you fuck and run but not if you stick with them, shit will get worse and worse

that sounds like hell and I love crazy. Would never waste my energy on that. Knowing they would actually go through with it would fuck my mind up even more.

Run to the hills, run for your life.

Yall are talking about BPD crazy, thats not truly crazy. in one of the psy wards i was in there was this hispanic girl with a nice ass she was about 2 years older than me and shed pace around the halls for hours saying "i love you jesus" repeatively but she had a really sweet personality if u could follow her train of thought. Thats the only truly crazy girl i think ive met and id totally bang. I gotta go to bed the morning schoolbus just went through my neighborhood, goodnight.

go out and chase it and tell us what you catch

sleep well.

Pretty girls all have some form of mental disorder

are you actually a child or can you not comprehend that anyone can have a mental illness?

Guy here.
I used to be in the psychiatric ward, closed and open, 2 times.
Severe depressions, borderline, drug abuse and suicidal tendencies is my issue.
OP, you're naive and stupid.
Yes there are, and they're not sexy, you feel sorry for them, and a bit scared. Open yourself just a little bit, and they will rip flesh out of you, without even wanting it, then feeling guilty, sorry, and even worse than before.
It's like trying to help an injured tiger.
You want to, but touching its wounds would be your death sentence.
So you just leave it bleeding, because your death wouldn't help the tiger.
Then you proceed to walk away and try to forget that there's nothing you can do about it.

My kind gets sent into nuthouses for a reason. We can do more damage than we ever wanted to, and that people don't expect it from us just makes them more vulnerable to us, which, in the end, just makes feel even more like a threat to society, and like we're good for nothing but ruining others.

We're stuck in a hell inside our own heads, and trying to pull us out just drags you into it.

Not sure if edgelord or dumb 1st world problems the post

Dont make me bust ur skulls open watch me my heads are too important

>Do you believe pretty girls with schizophrenia and other mental diseases exist
Yes. I work as a keeper/guard with such people.
There is a few completely insane women in here, we are talking standing in a corner screaming at nothing like something from a horror movie type crazy. The kind of women you gotta force feed and strap down so they don't scratch their own eyes out..
>inb4 post pics
No, don't feel like losing my job..

Or perhaps he's just trying to talk about something that he's experienced. Sometimes people actually have problems that you don't, fampai.

Have you seen them naked?

>Have you seen them naked?
Yes, not unusual for them to go bonkers and strip down. It's part of the job, not exactly exciting even though some of them are pretty fit.

Dont trust borderline personalitys, they exagerate every aspect of their lives to garner sympathy from people like how they describe their life like its a movie or a poem

This is the one and only pic I made in the ward, just to prove myself.

I'm serious, and you're ignorant and too full of yourself.

If you thought you'd here any pride in that, that's just the arrogant tone of your own head.

I'm trying to be honest here, fuckface.
I'm trying to some up a ton of bad experiences with other patients and myself and summing them up to words that are easy to comprehend from an outside perspective.

I liek fucking bat-shit cutter in the ass

for all we know you could just be employed as a floor scrubber in a looney bin and just larping on b in free time
what kind of language on the door is that anyway?

My gf is, well let's call it unstable.
She's been in several asylums for brief moments, some forced care at one point and shit like that.
Mostly she's normal but she get fits of crazy randomly. Never violent, never suicidal. Just lose her sense of reality and becomes almost half a sleep and sees/hears things that isn't there.

Her meds works pretty well though, few weeks since her last episode.

>what kind of language on the door is that anyway?
German I'm guessing.

Yes and no, Borderline can be summed down to "issues with your own emotional being".
It means you're either too emotional, not emotional enough or have a broken sense of emotion.

It sounds like you had some bad experiences with borderline cunts, and yeah, they're all cunts.
They're so stuck inside their own head that they don't even bother to think about what others say or what they say to others, they just pretend to be reflecting and understanding, while they're the entire opposite, to further stroke their broken ego.

>tfw antidepressant therapy and finding a gf turned me into a normal, functioning adult
It's surprising how easy it is to help a clusterfuck of a soul to get its shit together with just a little love and some happiness out of a pill bottle.


Is this from the new deathnote flick?
>wait hes a nigger

It is german indeed.

Boi, does this look like a job contract to you?
I was a patient, that's my diagnosis letter that you get on your release.

I have two cousin that have to listen to their mother geet fucked everynight, they be following in her cum dumpster ways soon enuff

MY MAN dont even try to act like youre not one of them i was litterly describing what YOU were doing in your post!!

they exist
been to hospital heaps
heaps of hotties

Good to see I'm not alone.
Aspergers/OCD and delusional fits of rage for me got me locked up for a few years.

and then you randomly divert your annoying ex gf rant into some twisted fairy tale about how you girlfriend saved you from yourself

Trips bro.

Fam, I know what I'm like, I'm not narcissistic enough to make myself the topic.
The point is nutjobs in this thread. I AM a nutjob, and I can bestow upon the people in here direct experience from what those nutjobs are like when they're in a medical environment, completely opened up and honest.

I'm not here to waste time on stroking, damaging or altering my ego.

>Sup Forums diagnoses itself
>trips confirms


>Aspergers/OCD and delusional fits of rage

That's all of Sup Forums boi

I've only ever had sex with 2 woman in my life, and each one of them has their own very serious mental health issues.

The first: - 1999
>Diagnoses skitzo and was very forth coming about it
>Told me she was on meds
>All was well for a few weeks while we dated and fucked
>asked me one night what I wanted for dinner out of Pizza or McDonald's
>Told her neither, and I'd rather make us both something
>She seems delighted at the fact of getting a home made meal and leaves the Loungeroom
>Comes back 45 seconds later If that and tries to stab me with a cheese knife
>Ended up with a deep cut on my arm and she ended up being taken away by the police

The Second: 2005
>Was engaged with an alcoholic I'd been dating for 3 years
>I kept my house alcohol free for her, and she was in and out of programs constantly
>When she couldn't get alcohol she started accusing me of being mentally absuive by denying her drinks
>She eventually got though a few months sober with the help of a new program in my city
>All seems well for awhile
>She starts going out "with friends" on Friday night, she assured me she wasn't drinking and she was always home early without anysign of drinking.
>She wasn't even our every Friday and I was glad she was having a good time with her friends without the need to drink
>It's 1am-ish one Saturday morning and I'm worried because she would usually be home, and she wasn't answering her phone
>Police knock on my door and ask me what my relationship with "the deceased" was.
>She ended up getting plastered after one of her shitty cunt friends ordered her a beer to "celebrate her sobriety" like a fucking dumb child whore.
>She was found in an alley, and died from choking in her vomit after she passed out

That one was particularly hard for obvious reasons. I've been single since, but trust me, mental health is a serious issue and shouldn't be romanticised.

oh the look on her eyes, i would smash that so fucking badly.

10/10 would fuck indefinetely

Shit, what types of drugs did you take to fuck up your mind?

My ex lit herself on fire.


I hope it was during christmas.
lit AF.

But seriously did she survive ?

OMG omg thats my new fetish.

when i was in a psych ward, i met this really short blonde chick. she explained that she had been a stripper at times and she was there because she had tried to kill herself to piss off her boyfriend by drinking a bottle of GHB. she had this massive blobby lump on her forehead. it was oddly squarish, and i asked her what it was. she smiled and said she didn't know. i asked it could touch it and she said yes; she was pretty demented and easy to manipulate. i poked it and it was like a water bubble. i bet that shit made her swell up. she tried to hook me up with another chick in there. it was like high school girls sending one of their own to ask me how i felt about another.

Yo. Security Officer at an aggressive behavioral institution in Northeast USA.

Yes they exist. Do not continue to pursue them. Fap from a distance. You do NOT want to be involved in ANY of them. There are no scenarios where it's good. Please. I have years and years of experience from consulting to restraints, fights, and even a small riot if you believe the hype.

Find yourself a stable homely woman with a good personality.

It must save your life......

(True story)

someone smarter than you?
grow up

dawg you're just not smart enough

it's playing with explosives... and I want an explosion! just gotta point them in the right direction my man

They exist and the best thing is that even they would never date you user.

You guys are ridiculously out of touch... This shit is NOT real. You're too dumb to realize that when you don't hear from them for 3 days because that's the length of an involuntary admission to a psych unit and a hospital like mine all over the nation. Fools with dreams don't realize that all of these women will ruin your life in one way or another. Drugs, depression, drama families property etc etc. You will literally may not even survive.

You have no idea what your talking about and if you had more than a week of experience with one you'd know.

Also, almost none of them are smart. Reminder that autism rarely leads to incredible skill. And when it does it's almost always artistic ability like drawing or sculping or something. And sometimes results in scientific geniuses. It's more than numbers. It's a deep complex understanding.

You're such a virgin nigger

>tfw you are the danger user posts about. fml :(

>my wife is schizo
Stopped right there, you're not a very smart guy if you're gonna Wifey a schizo

>yeah well everyone needs love you fucking scumbag NEET asshole

And I guess you'll be the one to do so, best of luck with that.


But people with genuine mental disorders will not age well. You generally don't take care of yourself if you're fucking crazy.

I knew a girl for a bit who was kinda hot (assuming she was not so....used up?) but she did huge amounts of drugs...literally everything. Pills, drinking, weed, hard drugs, whatever in order to cope with her mental problems. Quite intelligent but definitely clinically bipolar and I believe diagnosed borderline schizophrenic.

Ended up moving to Maine to get free healthcare and fell off the grid. I'd be surprised if she's still alive.

Work at a homeless shelter in Canada. Seen plenty of pretty girls with BD and schizo. Problem is they don't stay pretty long. They usually get roped in by pimps of dealers and go down hill pretty hard.

i want to see that girls feet

I meant one in the psychward she was not in the greatest of places but her imaginary friends she was talking to seemed to be doing well.


>seeking schizophrenic girls
you literally have no fucking clue the shitbox you are opening, seriously. Once you get laid by a bitch even 1% as crazy as a clinical schizophrenic you will realize you are playing with fire you moronic nigger

She's on acid look at the blood pressure in her eyes the dilated pupils and also "I have no awareness of my surroundings" sitting posture

Thing is you aren't just gonna go around looking for schizophrenic girls. I dated a girl for almost a year before she finally told me she was schizophrenic and suddenly everything made sense to me. She ended up breaking up with me like a week after she told me.

Could you describe one of her episodes please? I'm asking for science

did she say what are the reasons for ditching you?

Sorry sweetie. You need to focus on your health and yourself first. You do not need some man to "help you through this". You just need get to a better zone first where you can function and have the capacity to care unaltered.

I'm not accusing you of anything. But if your doing heroin or meth. Please. I've seen too much death. Stop.

Why not unleash yourself instead of sitting on Sup Forums marinating?

Schizophrenia is not a fun condition. My male friend got it and he's gradually transforming into a homeless person and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him it seems. Don't fucking seek this out unless you want to be exhausted for the rest of your life.

Or maybe she's just brain dead like you, idiot.

Most of people posting in this thread don't have any idea what they are talking. Most of these "I have serious issues" girls are immature, self diagnosed, attention drama queens. Nothing else.

I dated a girl with severe depression and bi polar disorder. Under meds she was a good gf. Lovely, caring, good friend, but hard to handle in several situations. If everything was ok, not problems, but, in the same moments something don't worked in the way she wanted, Jesus, things escalated quickly to disaster. You MUST doing more than love them: You must idolize them to point of fanaticism if you want to survive the ordeal. And, boy, the day that the meds runs out... fuck, guys. We lived in a city far from the greats cities and sometimes medecine replacement was slow AF. That 3 weeks, I lived that 3 weeks in Hell. That killed our relationship.

Most of you have a wrong idea about the subject. You can not save them. You can not cure them. You can not handle them. Nobody can. They are far beyond salvation.

You want to tried anyways? Godspeed, but, believe me. The sex with my ex was really great, the loving part was beautiful, but you must live the Hell part too. There's nothing that can compensate the Living Hell part. Just avoid these girls. Follow my advise.

Yo where you at fam I'm looking for some cool nutjobs in the system. I can hook you up with extra snacks and shit when youre in.

I never post on Sup Forums these days but this bugs the hit out of me. how many of you have had bipolar girlfriends/ you know the kind thatwill cheat on you, then cry and blame u for it? TRUE SCHIZO's are worse, they're completely shut down away from reality

this isnt tumbl.r . most of these cunts are literlaly lying about havinga life altering/family illness for attention - and thats why im a fag

Her mom actually called me and broke up with me for her. She said that she was not happy and needed time to work on herself and get better. She would have these delusions that I was accusing her of things that were not even relevant. Sometimes ending in violence. Like once I came home from work and she was already crying and upset that I was mad that she didn't do anything all day and when I went to hug her she punched me in the face. pic related

The bright colours in the hair are like a sign that says "I'm special".
Sorry to say, but you've been in a relationship with an abusive bitch


My uncle got married to one, had her put in institution multiple times for months, always had to be on meds. Ride continued for 12years, finally she killed herself 3years ago.
Was pretty, nice to everyone, cooked great food and took care of their kid.
So you better just don't fall for the meme. Non of you morons have an idea what you might get yourself into.

crazy bitches,
even clinically crazy bitches,
have fucking potential...

The other guy isn't me, as you can see that he's even to retarded to write the "i" in uppercase. (I as in: Me)

My main problem was weed. I smoked constantly over the course of 2 years.
A few months ago, I had a breakdown and tried to get high constantly just to forget all the problems piling up right fucking behind me, breathing onto my neck, so I abused my antidepressants a lot, sometimes Speed, sometimes MDMA, occasionally drinking, a fucking ton of weed, sometimes receipt-requiring painkillers.
The diagnosis sounds a lot more severe than it actually is, I got released with the statement "you're currently not in need for a stationary therapy, you seem to be doing well", except for depression and borderline, it's all just my own statements being exaggerated into diagnoses.
Basically a "get a free doctor's approval for some shitty self-diagnosis", even though I didn't even pretend to be in a terrible state of mind.

Man, if I had known before that that was gonna be the outcome, I would've directed it to a way that makes me get the really fun pills and some sweet autismo bux.

On the subject of mental illness, I know Sup Forums is not a psy, but...
I think I'm bipolar, but obviously don't trust an auto-diagnosis. About 10-15 times a year, I suddenly feel as if I'm filled with pure energy. Sometimes it's ecstatic and the best thing I've ever felt (even compared to LSD + MDMA). Sometimes it's pure anger (still somehow ecstatic), and I can't stop harming myself although I have enough control to only do things that hurt but are not visible and not damageable on the long term.
After almost each of those "fits" (they range from 1 to 30 minutes), I have a peak of depression when I can't move at all or with great difficulties (for about the same time), followed by a few days of "light" depression where I want to kill myself but can actually hide it and "function" almost normally when others are around (although I almost did an hero a few times, I never actually attempted it, even when on 400 ug of LSD and forgot why it was "bad" to kill myself, so I guess I just can't kill myself).
I also sometimes have mood problems for longer periods (up to a few months), but not really worth mentioning as the effects are waaaay weaker.

I already saw 2 psy, and both told me that the important thing was not to classify what I have, but only to see what I could do to improve my day to day life. Fuck them, I just want to put a name on it. Does anyone know what is wrong with me ? (other than being an autistic fuck who waste his time on Sup Forums)

Yeah, they do. My ex was pretty good looking, if you like slim girls with short hair. But her mental health issues were pretty bad.

omfg, so sorry dude..

thanks for the advice

fucking hate my ex. Don't know if she was for real bipolar. She'd be on then off on then off. Made my life hell, its draining anons, don't bother. No one should want broken goods.
also, you would think they'd be easy, but they aren't. I'd say it's easier to date/pursue a roastie than to date/pursue a crazy bitch.

shit man, sorry to hear about all this shit. godspeed.

i think guys can be seriously crazy too, it does not avoid the problem. Plus they have more physical strenght

I actually think the psys are right..

Bc if you diagnose yourself, it rationalize your problems and if you "learn" about other symptoms you can develop them even if you would not normally

That's nocebo effect for you. Look it online

But you have pretty well done tests online. I guess you can try them to have a more rigorous approach in self diagnosis

yep, i lost my virginity to one and took hers

she was a 3/10 furfag neet though

My ex was a 90 pound model with severe OCD, anxiety and panic attacks. She would go into crying episodes smashing shit and screaming, would have to slap her back into sense and hold her til she calmed down and thanked me for being there.

I eventually got a job that needed me to commute a bit and we spent less time. I couldn't keep her calm and she got on some meds that made her into a Zombie with no sex drive so we ended it.

Best girls are the young, sheltered, virgin and slightly autistic.

Is this like, a real question?
Are you asking if women also get mental diseases? The fuck?


I dated a girl with severe mental problems for a few years. She was institutionalized for an eating disorder. When she told me I didn't see the red flag, because believe me, it's a red fucking flag.

I'm codependent, literally. I grew up in a dysfunctional household so I'm attracted to the narcissistic type and believe me, women with bpd, borderline, schizo, etc are narcassists. They play you without even knowing they are playing you.

Mine would have rage moments where she would beat herself in the chest and face when arguments got to a certain point.

I found out she was cheating on me the entire time we were together. She would send love letters and had completely other faux relationships going on with other men. I found a stash of cards and letters she wrote to people with the same things she said to me.

They don't feel. They don't care. Get as far away from them as possible. The damage a mentally ill person can do to you is scary. You become vulnerable with a poisonous snake.

Well, maybe you are right and I am better not knowing, but it's exhausting to not know if I have a mental illness like bipolarity or someting else (in which case I would still have to work on myself obviously but it would not be "my fault"), or if I'm just fucked up because of something else that would be somehow my fault, or if there's a third option I didn't think of... I don't want to die ignorant of such an important fact about myself.
Well, I'm gonna search and try the online tests. Didn't know "online tests" could be anything more than just facebook crap, quite obvious in hindsight.


see a doctor you tool. then you will actually know

Am I banned or someshit?

She's so cute! I wanna ruin my life loving her!