How many hours should you sleep to feel rested?

How many hours should you sleep to feel rested?

12 every day

at least 25

vary, 7-10
i feel restful if i don't jerk off but i can't sleep without jerking off.

14 a day is plenty

12-14 should be fine

try alcohol

I find 6 or 7 hours is the best. Any more and I just wake up tired.


can confirm! 500ml of vodka mixed with orange juice, no hangover and you fall asleep if you need to.

I think like 8-9
but I'm happy if I get more than 5 hours/day...

about 8 at night

... and 10 during the day

I'm the best if I sleep 4-6 hours. Any more and I feel like I'm dreaming all day.

kek, what if you have to work in the morning?

Depends on humans individually.
Most need 8 or 10.
I need 6. Met some people who feel rested and full of energy after 4 hours.

And then there's fucking Napoleon. It's been historically proven that he only needed 2 hours of rest every night and used the rest of his night to work on inventing strategies and tactics.

Try cranberry juice too.

That's me at 4 hours. Any more and I feel whacked all day.

i wake up after 8 hours without an alarm, no hangover and well rested.

alcohol disrupts sleep, any more than 50ml you have a problem


Says scientists. Who are teatotalers. Alcohol helps to get to sleep. I have the best dreams when I'm fucked up, otherwise I have nightmares.

can not confirm, weed is way worse for me.


thanks bro. good to hear someone else in the same boat.


Most important aspect to sleep is the consistency of it. Going to bed around the same time every day and waking up around the same time every day is what is important assuming you sleep within a 5-10 hour window. Some people can do 5 hours of sleep but those are outliers , most people fall into the 7-9 hour range.


9.5 should do you good. 8 can sometimes not be enough, so you need another sleep cycle.

less than 10 and I'm miserable. It has ruined my life.

7.5 or 9

What's most important is even 90-minute increments, since sleep cycles go in ~90-minute increments. Also, if you are just taking a nap, don't exceed 15 minutes without going 90, or you'll wake up in the middle of your sleep cycle and thus feel groggy.

You'll also do better at work / studying / solving difficult problems if you take a break for a few minutes after each solid 90 minutes. Just take a little walk around and let your mind re-focus and get un-stuck

Working on a big project?
6. Flat 6. Any more and I feel groggy, any less and I feel like killing myself.
10~12+ Wake up whenever.



can you confrm this 90-minute increments? I have read a lot of it, but never tried. Also - how many minutes break after 90 of studying?

about 4-5 hours. ive never slept longer than 8 in my whole life

24 hours, remember to never wake up again.

shits useless, fuck off

Not even heroic doses of heavy sleeping pills can put me out. Fuck insomnia.

I thought it was approximately 2 hours per cycle and roughly 4 cycles with each getting deeper and deeper - hence 8 hours or thereabouts usually being best?

I had 2/3 hours tops last night before my job interview this morning and I feel absolutely fine.
I've had insomnia my whole life and used to go 5 days without sleep regularly.
Most people need 7/8 hours.
I need 5 at most myself.

Op, I have a story here about suffering from chronic insomnia and after years of going to the doctors they finally fixed it
Tl;Dr appropriate amount of sleep

>In around mid 2014
>never had any trouble sleeping the norm 7-9 hours
>every night would hit the hay around the same time, cause stable work
>eventually towards the end of the year work decides to put me as a casual roster
>didnt say no (stupidly) cause of the money
>always work varying hours from then on
>begin to lose hours of sleep here and there nothing to stress about at that point
>over the period of the next year it gets worse
>usually only getting 5-6, 7 hours at best
>try sleep aids to no avail
>took it's toll on me at this point, look like shit all the time etc etc
>realise at this point I need to see a doc
>every one I see prescribes the same shit that never works
>even to the point of seeing a specialist nothing was working for me
>finally decide to seek out 'natural' methods
>it actually works, herbal remedies and shit
>decide to quit job
>ditch the doctors and keep to my herbal meds
>yet, the first letter of every sentence is all the sleep I'll ever need

Fuck off and die op

Nobody asked to hear your story you piece of shit.


3 or 4 sleep cycles.

Each sleep cycle lasts 2 hours approximately, it differs from person to person.

Don't wake up between sleep cycles, or you'll feel tired.

It has nothing to do with rest, it's a hormonal thing. Sometimes resting more will result in feeling tired and unmotivated throughout the day.

Have a steady sleeping schedule, and find out the best sleep cycle for you.

Some people say that cycle is 2h and other people say its 1.5h. WTF Can somebody who has expirences with this can say?

melatonin xDD it's that easy

I’ve seen multiple sources online say 90 mins. My impression was that 2 hours was someone on here’s guess. But I could be wrong. There could be other studies saying it’s 2 hours. I haven’t heard that before tho. It’s possible that the length of cycle varies slightly from person to person too

Ive never seen the real pic before lol

Quality over quantity. 6 hours of good sleep and i feel great.

Yeah you'll develop cirrhosis, liver disease, or several types of cancer drinking like that. You probably know that at this point though

says scientists who's job is to fucking study sleep. who says they don't drink? the amount of anti-science in the public is astounding. it can be proven, but people discount it because "well they're scientists so obviously they know nothing of alcohol"

>online sources
>tfw anyone can say any shit on line and be taken seriously.
Really, does everyone just believe everything they read online as legit medical advice? like a doctor who spent his life studying medicine is outranked by something you read online

It goes as low as two hours per day in six 20 minute naps equally spaced though the day it's called the uberman and is a polyphasic sleep pattern

You should see a scientist, err i mean therapist.