Can we please mass report this stupid chink so he'll get the fuck off YouTube...

Can we please mass report this stupid chink so he'll get the fuck off YouTube? I can't watch ANY YouTubers anymore because all anyone does now is talks shit on RiceCunt. His bullshit "watch me spend my viewers money" click-bait videos are honestly what's ruining the platform. I would rather have Elsagate videos than this poser piece of shit.

Im torn between nypa and doing it. He is a fucking cuck.

All he does is show off how much money YouTube and his fans made him.
"Check me out, spending the money you gave me for a giveaway I'll never do!"


No but honestly he is absolutely garbage as a human being.

cant stand wong tong ting myself but it wont work he'll just do a killer cumstar and get someone to run his new channel (faze banks probably) so were shit out of luck unless he gets caught out as a rapist or paedophile.

Cus when you got no personality replace it with a rolex

If his main channel gets deleted he'll lose his biggest source of income. If he's banned from YouTube, any videos he puts out or that he stars in will be flagged and removed.

Whatever you've promised to follow, you've quit
You can't persist for shit, you narcissistic prick

Id fucking do it

How does Chong ching rapist man have any fans?

how about you don't watch stuff that you don't like. i do that and magically i don't have need make retarded threads on Sup Forums. idiot.

To call you surface level would be an insult to the ground floor

Fuck with Ricegum and your life's done.

Fun fact:

Read the OP. Clearly says can't watch other videos without this chunk motherfucker making an appearance or being referenced.

(Found the rice fan)


Did it feel good though?

keemstar was banned yet he was on every drama alert video, keem will tell him how to do it.

He's exploiting YouTube algorithm by hosting a show that "technically" isn't his.
YouTube has already put out a statement about fixing their contracts so people like keemstar can't keep uploading videos on different channels.

I can't watch a single fucking post from any fucking YouTubers that isn't about this AJP mother fucker. God I wish I had rich parents to start my YouTube carreer

dont think their enfircing it because keems still telling people he like how to do it think he said it on baited.

When the number 1 user on the platform you steal your money from calls you a piece of shit, you're probably doing something wrong.

Hey, as long as the dudes #1 source of income is trashed, mission accomplished.

hes sorted for life money wise the same way leafyishere wont have to worry about money, only real way to win is to get rid of his channel, aint none of you hackers? im sure at the very least he has loli porn.

Wouldn't doubt it.


How do we do this

Kill him.

I'm in.

you could just block the guy and you will never see him

man you got some sisues dude

Hell yeah man bump

>Caring about youtube drama unironically enough to post about it on Sup Forums

JFC literally who cares. Youtube hasn't been good since google bough it

Interesting theory.
Now go kill yourself.

Well, he has a point.

^Can't read

What's the plan then?

I think if you flag his videos photoshopping a picture of the video with something against youtubes terms they wont really check the flag, they will most eventually just remove/block it (not permanently, though)

I forgot he existed until OP posted this.