Nigger son steals from Chinese store

>Nigger son steals from Chinese store
>President gets involved to help release son
>President under no obligation to do so, but does anyway
>Father refuses to thank president for saving sons life and not having his career ruined.
>Look at how strong and empowered I am

Liberals actually take stories like this and think it makes them look like the good guys instead of petty ingrates that will use every opportunity to throw Trump under the bus.




ungrateful negro go back to jail

How did he help? Post specifics details.

You forgot

>>Petty, thin-skinned, immature little bitch cries about not getting "thank you"'s on twittter because doing the decent thing isn't rewarding without universal praise for doing his fucking job.


Call him a bigger, it's what they are.



President gets trolled by a guy who doesnit for profit, complaining makes it worse. President over exagerates role to distract from all of his orher bullshit policites.


Donald Trump personally went to the prison where they were being held and against orders from the Chinese govt, got the keys and set them free himself. He had the secret service, along with trained soldiers escort them to the airport where Trump paid for first class flights home for all of them. He also bought them the sunglasses they were accused of stealing




>>President under no obligation to do so, but does anyway

Actually, Chris Cuomo, a liberal trashed Ball in the interview for not thanking the president. So you're assessment of liberals is a tad off.
What liberals actually like is trump dealing with someone equally as dense and obnoxious as himself.

>LiAngelo is an adult
>LiAngelo DID thank donald trump for saving his life and career
>That's not good enough, everyone with the same DNA as LiAngelo also needs to come out and thank Dear Leader Trump


Mr president? That you?



post source


That kid was lucky if he was Chinese he would of got 10 years but still trump shouldn't of save him it not his job to look after dumb idiot who do crime in foreign countries
Also that kid dads interview are so autistic



top secret

btw, Trump also personally led Seal Team 6, but he is too humble to brag about it and does not want to take the attention away from the brave service men

Distract? He doesn't need to. His policies are good and this ungrateful nigger is embarrassing himself.



No he was spot on.

Liberals are deranged morons

fake news


Lol it's always the boomers.

>His policies are good
found the shill



I agree that liberals are morons but that's not what he said. So your fucking wrong about something and right about something in the same post.
Congrats on being correct only half the time

he did not say for who

His policies are good for the rich, the Chinese, ...
Just not for average Americans


by the gods this gave me a good giggle



They are good. Just yesterday it was announced the hatian niggers are getting sent back.

And for real americans

Niggers always gotta nig.


Are whites shirts now a racist syjbol the left?


Trump way better than Obama
Only thing people can call him out for is his hair and make memes of him
Has good policies and is a strong leader that others countries respect take China for example they even had an honour guard for him didn't even have a red carpet for Obama
Who can't America respect him because he's too much of a dad figure he's even wiping your ass in other countries and you'd can't even say thanks seems like every dad child relationship ever

yes, correct. Trump's policies are not good for real Americans. That's why patriots hate him

Wow the libshits are really trying to do damage control on this one.
Maybe we should run with it. They are obviously scared it's gonna get big based on the sheer amount if shit posting I am seeing

If thats what you want to believe, I think only a retard would get that impression from a meme on b, but you do you.

you having a stroke?

Is this making sense yet?


No are good for real Americans it's fun how the biggest crybabies are the rich white liberals.


Look at the picture.

The Chinese distracted Trump with this Honour Guard (the same thing as the Saudis with their sword dance, the French with the military parade, etc) while they screwed Trump.

Trump did not even notice this and thought he was "winning" while everyone laughs behind his back.

God i hate Obama, he was evil but at least smart, he could not be played for a fool

Are lefties still pinning their hopes on getting rid of Trump via impeachment?


So sad to see this site over run with liberal idiots these days. Smh

pretty much this. Trump should have known they are ungrateful niggers, but also he was probably under a lot of pressure to help them. always leave a thieving nigger in jail if you can.



Uh huh, Trump was "distracted".

Angry liberal is angry. Maybe Trump should have bowed to everyone like obama did.

being white is racist to them

fuck even milk is racist now

Na, is just like the people.

Kys moron.

>one meme making shitposter on b speaks for the opinion of all the left if the United States

Again, you do you retard. If you want to believe that roughly half of everyday people think white shirts are racist, then do it.

> (You)
>None are good for real Americans
Completely agree, I do not understand how the second part of your post relates to the first, though

except nobody respected Obama at all and refused to shake his hand, looked down on him, and laughed as he bowed and curtsied like a little bitch to everyone. did you really forget all of that or are you just a stupid faggot?


Demacrat uniforms were much better

It's just on a few threads on Sup Forums notice how they post the same pictures over and over. I would be surprised if they are paid shills considering the spam the same stuff in the same threads.

Bending down to get a medal is not the same as what Obama did to literally every world leader his fist year.

Dont bring logic into this.

Obama had a million flaws, but he did his best to contain China's influence.
Trump just handed the Chinese the Pacific on a silver platter and pats himself on the back


He should have his son go back for being an ungrateful faggot.

Keep deflecting.

>Father refuses to thank president
that's what happens when you live in a democracy and not a communist dictatorship that trump wishes it was. all this freedom of speech and will sure makes you communist scum sick, doesn't it?

remember kids; see a russian? kill a russian.

whatever you gotta tell yourself sparky

>these days
Sup Forums has always been like this

>hurr durr old b

Logic is kryptonite to leftists.

His job isn't letting niggers out of jail.
That's called being nice, or a favor.
>not that I expect a welfare monkey like you to know what a job is


so sad to see russian shills shitposting up with communist shilling these days.


>except nobody respected Obama at all and refused to shake his hand, looked down on him, and laughed as he bowed and curtsied like a little bitch to everyone. did you really forget all of that or are you just a stupid faggot?

that is simply not true
but hey, recognising propaganda is hard, i guess

I'm not telling you what to do or think. Apparently I say believe what you want and that's deflecting, you retards are something else


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension...


You mad.

>faake neeeews