What is this Sup Forums?! it's starting to spread to the other foot

What is this Sup Forums?! it's starting to spread to the other foot...

Mfw I left it for a year hoping it would go.

nice feet

athletes foot maybe, get that lotramin ultra shit from the store

Not a medfag but looks like it could be athletes foot. But i wouldnt know since im not a dirty nigger and wear clean socks and shower daily.


Wash your damn feet, change your damn socks.

CLEAN and DRY are your friends. Given that it's been a year, a trip to the dermatologist might be in order too.

damn bro looks like you got a gnarly case of plantar warts. generally docs will end up supercooling that area and digging in to the skin to remove the warts

Dude, those are ingrown planters warts, go have them surgically removed.(I'm an expert in this shit, dealt with numerous foot problems)

Ya think planters wart also. Bad case there. Go get those Doctor scholls freeze stuff at a drug store. Or if you have money go to a doctor he can dk better than doctor scholl

i really,REALLY. think that this is some scoliosis right there


If you think that's bad, I've got the same thing but 3 times as bad.

is it aidscancer?

is it manbearpig?


Op here yeah I think youre right cos it's caused by HPV and that can give dick warts and I think I'm getting them too. Am I gonna become a cuck?

Prove it nigger

I would but dont know how to remove exif data on phone


90% sure they're called "corns. "


Better pic

put dick on feet

Pretty sure it's this: Pitted keratolysis

Had on my feet, cream from doctor eliminated it very quickly

See a doctor about it. I've had mine for 5 years but stupidly never saw a doctor. It will get much worse if you dont take care of it.




Thats some scoliosis right there

it's called a callous you fucking retard.

you have stage 4 gay

I got your address from your pic, write I am gay on your tits and post that or I will rain down pizza on your house until you move I might also post the address here too.

Sorry OP, its full blown AIDS.
