
We're delusional.

We think we're so civilized, intelligent and technologically advanced. We put a man on the moon. We split the atom. We can do heart transplants and separate conjoined twins. We can build ever higher skyscrapers and next-generation power stations. Self-driving cars and virtual reality.

We're saving the planet. We're eating our organically-grown vegetables and free range eggs in our sustainable housing with our energy-efficient light bulbs and our hybrid cars. We're drinking our filtered water and our green tea lattes talking about climate change and panda populations in our little air-conditioned slice of paradise.

But we murder our own children. By the thousands every day. And by the millions every year. Around the world, we expertly and efficiently dismember and tear the tiny bodies of over 50 million children from where they're growing inside their mothers' wombs. We sift through the broken bodies of our children searching for little hands and hearts that we can experiment upon to cure us of our diseases, and add a few years onto our lives.
Our land is literally (yes, literally) drenched in the blood of these helpless, precious children. The children who aren't illegally dumped in landfills to unceremoniously decompose are incinerated, filling the air with the foul stench of brutality, barbarism, expedience and injustice.
We are living in a society that practices child sacrifice, and we're so good at it. But we don't talk about it. At least, not in terms of reality. No, instead we refer to "scraping the lining of the uterus," products of conception, tissue, termination, abortion and reproductive justice.
We've taken the vices of self-serving and love of comfort to incomprehensibly deplorable levels. We've become the evil of exploitation and oppression that we so eloquently speak against whenever such evils are also condemned by the our favourite politician or celebrity.
It's past time to shatter the delusion and end this insanity.

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Don't get an
abortion kiddo

Don't like murder? Don't kill anyone then. Heh.

If you don't want one don't get one,the court made it legal,
freedom>your crying

> believing global warming is scientific fact
> believing a clump of cells isn't life

liberals cherry pick science, move along

Freedom>your opinion I'm not liberal btw

> "freedom" to kill

Kill yourself, please

If a baby was a "person" it would be illegal

Put your money where your mouth is and adopt some unwanted kids then.

Its a person in its earliest stage of life, an "infancy"

You really don't want to have this argument with me.

Abortion is murder, but I support it 100%

Freedom>your opinion

> lol scientific facts are just opinions

Gupta, 2008, p.74, col.2, para.1, “ Peripheral nerve receptors develop between 7 and 20 weeks gestation… Spinothalamic fibres (responsible for transmission of pain) develop between 16 and 20 weeks gestation, and thalamocortical fibres between 17 and 24 weeks gestation.” Gupta R, Kilby M, Cooper G. Fetal surgery and anaesthetic implications. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. 8:2 (2008) 71-75.

“Fetal pain responses begin by 13 1/2 weeks gestation at the latest, and probably as early as eight weeks, based upon the development of the pre-born baby’s nervous system.” --Dr. Vincent J. Collins, Professor of Anesthesiology and author of “Principles of Anesthesiology: General and Regional Anesthesia”

"Aspects of pain architecture begin as early as six to seven weeks, mature and are identified by their anatomy, their physiology, and the coordination of responses so that by 20-22 weeks of gestation, the evidence reveals a developed system of pain perception and response. … The ability to modulate or blunt the pain response does not develop until the last weeks of pregnancy and the first few weeks of infancy, leading us to believe that the pain perceived in the fetus is greater than that in the full-term infant." --Jean Wright, M.D., of Emory University School of Medicine

"Between 17 and 26 [weeks] it is increasingly possible that it [the unborn baby] starts to feel something and that abortions done in that period ought to use anaesthesia.” -- pro-choice doctor Professor Vivette Glover of the Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital in London, UK

TL;DR You're just as bad as a creationist fag


Here's the source of information which cites actual medical journals that you should take a look at


More medical science

Gupta, 2008, p.74, col.2, para.2, “Movement of the fetus in response to external stimuli occurs as early as 8 weeks gestation…” Gupta R, Kilby M, Cooper G. Fetal surgery and anaesthetic implications. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain. 8:2 (2008) 71-75.

“The fetus starts to make movements in response to being touched from eight weeks, and more complex movements build up, as detected by real time ultrasound, over the next few weeks.” Glover V. The fetus may feel pain from 20 weeks; The Fetal Pain Controversy. Conscience. 25:3 (2004) 35-37.

Go back to China if you don't like it

what about the baby's freedoms

Here's some more inconvenient scientific opinions

"Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an oocyte and together they form a zygote."
[England, Marjorie A. Life Before Birth. 2nd ed. England: Mosby-Wolfe, 1996, p.31]

"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]

"Embryo: the developing organism from the time of fertilization until significant differentiation has occurred, when the organism becomes known as a fetus."
[Cloning Human Beings. Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Rockville, MD: GPO, 1997, Appendix-2.]


I'd really like you to add something to this discussion, because you're posts mean fuck all against scientific evidence

What about the mother's freedom

guess there's no right answer

Freedom>scientific evidence

Roe vs. Wade enables this feminist human killing horseshit but the constitution was very clear from the beginning

> We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness

> Life
> Liberty
> The pursuit of happiness

Freedom>the constitution

Problem is that without abortion, lot of irresponsible people are going to breed and when they realize they can't afford to raise their kids, they're going to vote in a socialist goverment with their increased numbers so that everybody else is as miserable as they are.

If you don't let morons abort their babies, they're just going to hold every democratic society hostage, where nobody's allowed to get rich and the society is not allowed to move forward and invest on anything until their welfare is paid.


life begins at conception. it is at conception where a new dna is formed, where your personality and much of your traits are defined. even the chances of what are you going to die are determined here. In a nutshell the zygote is the first stage of a human being. A zygote has all the characteristics of what makes us human. It might not look like and adult or a baby at this point, but it is still a human being. There is no way around this. Life begins at conception is rational, observable, and verifiable.

>b-b-but what about consciousness?

new born babies are not conscious until they reach 1-2 years old

>b-b-but my ability to feel pain?

plenty of people are born paraplegic and cant feel any pain, yet they still are human


Threadly reminder that anti-abortion is pro-nigger

Black women have 5x more abortions than white women per capita, which the only thing keeping their birthrate in check vis-a-vis whites

The black population would be at higher by at least 30 million when you consider not only the aborted black babies, but the children that they would have had if allowed to live.

K,freedom > racism

The real red pill is that Democrats hate niggers more than Republicans.

>would be

nope, if abortion was illegal, it would be the same proportion and blacks would look like they did in the 50s or so before they were "liberated"

Also explain how exterminating black people is somehow good? how about we exterminate you because you are a dumbass

>niggers obeying laws
they would just use other means to abort the babies

> We are living in a society that practices child sacrifice, and we're so good at it. But we don't talk about it. At least, not in terms of reality.

that means the jewish cabal has already won.

These are the arguments that need to be heard. Especially in regards to the characteristics that make us objectively human; human life begins at conception, it is the only ethically consistent position

yea, the issue at hand is that so called "pro choice" people dont want to call it for what is is, murder. And since most of the abortionists dont even believe in absolute morality, i dont get why they are so upset when its called murder. But alas, there are some leftists that realized this and completely accept that is murder and even push it forward by saying that we should do "post-birth abortions", dont get why we dont just go ahead and call it homicide at that point

Thou shalt do no murder. Period.

Abortion is weird. It's weird that it's legal.

All other medical procedures are done with the intention of enriching or preserving the life or the patient. People in the medical field take an oath to only do things that help people instead of harm them.

Why do people perform abortions then? How does it benefit the patient to interrupt a normal biological process? "I ended the patient's pregnancy because... she asked me to."? What is the justification for performing the procedure from the perspective of the health care provider?

they treat the baby as it was a wisdom tooth or the apendix. they treat is as an inconvenience

Abortion is disgusting and reprehensible and sinful

>the courts are never wrong and never overstep their authority

actually there are more implications such as the quality of life of the child after birth

I really wish people would just take precautions before having sex; abortions are an unsightly thing.

I only support abortion because it's used more by minorities.

It saves thousands of dollars per kid killed.


>Actually advocating for a larger nigger population
Why is Britain so cucked?

They quite literally treat it as a kidney. It was employed as an argument by a feminist recently on television that no one should be allowed to strap her down and forcibly remove her kidney.

Before any argument can be had on the issue, the question of whether or not the woman is carrying within her an objectively existing human life must be put to the opponent. Their entire argument will be understood depending on the answer given to this most important question. It is important to remind of prove to them that it is indeed a human being and not a kidney, at which point their arguments about 'woman's right' and 'bodily autonomy' collapses.

i agree.
abortion should be illegal for whites.

>We are living in a society that practices child sacrifice, and we're so good at it.
Not just "so good", we are the -best- at it. Guinea pigs eat their young? Fuck that, we pulverize ours into magical jelly that can regrow tissue. Humanity #1, again.
