Any medfags lurking please help

Any medfags lurking please help.

Cut myself about an hour ago trying to open a beer bottle. Hasn't stopped bleeding but it isn't bleeding too fast, just slow and constant. Can I sleep it off and all will be all good tomorrow?

Really don't want to sit in A&E for hours unless Sup Forums absolutely recommends.

you're gonna die
R.I.P Sup Forumsrother

clean it and and tape bandage it, check everyday.

How deep is it?

If it's deep, it'll need stitches.
Apply pressure to it, and elevate your arm above your head. Do not keep removing the bandage to look at it, you'll just rip the clot off again.

Super glue, dumbass.

have you bandaged it up and put pressure on it for 5-15mins?
alcohol makes your blood thinner so it may be harder to stop

This is actually not a terrible idea; I think it's bioinert and actually done in some hospitals. I'm not too sure on the actual mechanism though, I would still just go to a hospital to get it stitched

several options here
>>clean and glue yourself if the cut isn't super big (FFS make sure you sterilize the needle before)
>>clean and stitch yourself (better have a high pain tolerance for this one)
>>clean, cold compress, then wrap/bandage and hope it stops after slowing down from the cold compress
>>go to the 24 hr walk in clinic

Not sure. Everytime I open my palm it starts bleeding again.

Ayyy good point. Maybe I just need to sober up.

Stop drinking, don't take aspirin, you dont want to thin your blood out any more than it is. Wrap it, not too tight, in some kind of cloth and apply firm but not intese pressure for 15 or so minutes. Should be good Sup Forumsro.

Hey there EMT here. Judging by the color of the blood and the shop pattern I would recommend putting pressure on the area and going to the hospital.

god damn i'm retarded both parentheses belong with the second solution

I'm this guy:
Had the same injury on my left hand, had minor nerve damage but didnt go to hospital because poorfag. I play guitar so I was worried about fine motor cobtrol and it took a few months but have %100 functionality and feeling back.

Put a tourniquet around you neck, then tighten it until your hand stops bleeding.

Yep, you're knocked up

Bandage. Keep applying with pressure. Do not change initial bandages. Add to them! First responder here

Looks like a paper cut.
Walk it off, you pansy.

Ethyl cyanoacrylate.

what if i told you that booze thins your blood,
you probably keep bleeding as you keep drinking,
wrap it up tight before you pass out dude.

It's basically safe. The actual mechanism is cyanoacrylate is catalyzed by the water in your tissue into forming a strong bond to hold the tissue edges together. We use a technically safer but much more expensive medical superglue called Dermabond (very similar to cyanoacrylate, but it's an octyl ester).

It won't actually stop bleeding, but it will hold the wound closed for healing. It comes off on its own as the wound heals.

clean t-shirt is great in a pinch,
probably more likely to find that,
not many people have medkits.

Thanks Sup Forumsro. It's started clotting a bit but I know if I move it will start flowing again. Just worried if there's glass still in there. Anyway to know without xray?

Will that cure the aids?

fold a piece of kitchen towel twice until it makes a square, place it over the wound, now wrap 3-4 times with duct tape.
Wait two days and remove.
Reapply as necessary.

Sharp pain in one area when pressed is a good sign there's still glass in it. Xray will show for sure.

Cut yourself somewhere else to lessen the bleeding from that wound.

>it bleeds when I open my hand
That should tell you what you need to do. If it's that deep you need stitches. Go to a hospital. Even if you're drunk. Later, you'll be sober but with dead nerves or a raging infection. Later, you'll be glad you went now.
I use to work in an ER. Every Sunday morning we'd get people showing up in pajamas with a bathrobe or coat over them. All had hand injuries. Some bad, a few very bad and a couple were nothing. The cause? Trying to cut a bagel in half with the wrong type of knife.

Seriously though, if it wont stop bleeding, you need to go to the ER. The longer it's not stitched up, the greater the chance for some bad shit infection.

time stamp, preferably in blood

and how'd you do it

stitch it, don't be a faggot, i have faith in you user

Clean in then wrap it tightly so your blood can begin to clot. You cut through your common palmar digital artery and proper palmar digital artery. I would recommend going to the hospital. Those two arteries are largely responsible for the supply of oxygen-rich blood to your pinky and ring finger.

Hit it with soap and the hottest water you can stand. Hit it with alcohol and pressure to clear as much blood as you can, Take a tube of crazy glue to it as quickly as possible and seal that shit up. Reapply glue as needed, glue will wash out in 2 to 3 days. Buy Yunnan Baiyao from China on eBay to apply directly in future mishaps to stop bleeding asap. Keep fresh crazy glue on hand too.

Are you a heavy drinker? Get your liver checked if it continues to bleed for much longer than normal or if it heals slower than it should.

If in doubt, pour aftershave on it.

Clear off as much blood as you can, apply pressure and wrap it up as much as you can. Would also recommend keeping your hand in the air to stop a more constant blood flow.

That being said it looks deep, get to the hospital OP.

County Certified Life Guard / First Responder Here...

Need some additional details, if you may...

You have any idea what exactly sliced you open? Was it the bottle cap? or did the glass neck of the bottle some how break or shatter potentially exposing your palm to shards of glass?

If you feel there is any real possibility of there being glass embedded in your hand at the moment, I'd seriously err on the side of caution as others have indicated and pay the doc a visit asap. Unless you really feel like attempting self-surgery to dig them out yourself, yikes.

If it's just a deep tissue tear from a gnarly bottle cap, I'd try the pressure application method as described above.

Either way, you're gonna end up with some form of a surface scar on your palm for the rest of your life. Not that that's really a bad thing. It's just gonna take extra time (7-10 days) to fully heal due to the location and amount of movement your hand experiences on a daily basis.

Time to learn to fap with your left hand Sup Forumsro.

I cut 2 of my toes stepping into a broken glass. The cut was pretty fucking deep on my big toe, like 20% off. Pretty disgusting. Lost tons of blood. That was 5 weeks ago and its finally almost healed, geez.

Use super glue.

Stop being a pussy, wash your hand, neosporin, bandage, tape. repeat every 12-24hrs

why doesn't op have the same med knowledge as a first grader?

What's with the color of the blood