How is hanging yourself like you see online even possible...

How is hanging yourself like you see online even possible? wouldnt you freak out and just not be able to breathe for minutes? Or do they pass out so quick they cnt change their mind?

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try it and find out


Not sure what you are talking about, but the rope is supposed to snap your neck, and not slowly suffocate you.

Dont u break your neck?

Is this the best method if you don't have a gun? Dying is really hard.

I did it once and had to be resuscitated. Barely survived. It's pretty peaceful. You essentially black out in like 20 seconds or less. I slowly sank into it. If you drop far enough and it snaps your neck it's almost instant. Hanging is a pretty preferable form of suicide. If I was ever to try again it would be that way again..

You'd be more likely to pass out due to compression of the carotid artery depriving the brain of blood before you suffocated.

What went wrong? Did someone find you?

Did it hurt

Ideally the rope should snap your neck...this can be quite tricky to calculate as you have to factor in key maths such as weight, drop and the elasticity of the rope (all things have it). If it were me at home I'd go with the standard noose and position the knot front left side of the neck, this depresses the carotid artery and unconsciousness should be less than 15sec but can be as low as 4-6sec depending on skill. Once you are out cold the problem is over as you will quickly die of lack of oxygen.

so even if its hard to make yourself pass out with your hands ive made my visio gon black and get lightheded by my hands is rope quicker?

also did you lean into it and then step off a stoll orsomething? did you get rope marks? can you no longer own guns/had to go to a hospital or mental institute?

also what did having all your weight o your neck feel like and what did passing out feel like?

Most people fuck it up and slowly and painfully die while they fight for life vecause suicide isn't natural but by the time they try to back out its physically impossible to raise your hands over your head while you're hanging by your neck for some reason that I forgot and am too lazy to look up rn

so with just regular suspension is there hardly any time to change your mind? i know if you squeeze your neck just right in like 5 seconds you feel like passing out but with full weight wouldnt it happen faster?

You will struggle, especially if not done correctly. This is why they tie up the hands and legs of the condemned before hanging them, as to make the struggling less obvious.

There are tables for this, look up the old brittish ones, and look for updates out of Saudi Arabia, which still does hangings.

If you do it right, the fall will snap your neck when the rope goes taunt, and kills you instantly. If its not a long enough fall, you choke to death and/or asphyxiate.


Did it around a month and a half ago. Was found just in time. Once the noose tightens it cuts off your breathing completely, so that triggers a sort of panic, but after like 10-15 seconds you black out. It's like passing out, just slightly less peaceful and painless.

Just like mentioned, if I was ever to try again, that's how it'll most likely be.

Why did you try to be an hero user?

was yours suspension with no drop? how did having your weight o your neck feel and did passing out make your vision go black first? how did you hide your marks? is it basically guaranteed to make you pass out?

Also did you have to go to a mental hospital and can you own guns anymore?

Depression and anxiety along with being an emotionally fragile little faggot goes a long way.

see this pls

and thank you im very curious

Yes, but the carotid artery must be depressed. This is the major one delivering oxygen to the brain. When you try to do it yourself ie strangulation as you stated...this is impossible for two factors. 1. You cant depress hard enough or long enough to do the job. 2. If this is achieved all you are doing is making yourself faint as this is the brains reaction to self preservation. You pass out to release your own hands, you faint and the arms go limp. Hanging should be done from an elevated position where possible and another way is to tie the hands when your in place and before you jump. That way you have no choice to panic or change your mind. Suicide is the hardest thing to do as even if you want to die...your brain does not and will fight you every step of the way!

Heroin OD is best option

Well you got a second chance for a reason I guess. Things get better or worse since then?

You guys remember the thread with the actual video of this preteen girl who hd no friends and streamed her suicide on her phone to people egging her on and watching as she did it in her backyard tree? Her dad even bought her the rope to do it... she looked like she was in pain for less than thirty seconds.
>I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

if you dont jump but step off will you still pass out quickly?

There's 3 ways to die in a noose.

Long drop, where they calculate your weight and you fall far enough that the jerk at the end snaps your spinal cord.

Short drop, where you kick the stool out or whatever and slowly suffocate from decreased oxygen due to a crushed wind pipe.

Ligature, where if you do it right, with a thinner, pliant rope and a good knot so as to get the maximum pressure on arteries in your neck so that the flow of blood to your brain is cut off, you almost immediately get dizzy and pass out incredibly quickly. This is you hang yourself in prison - you don't need your whole body suspended, you could just tie off to a bed post and lean forward and if you've done it right you'll pass out before you really know what's happening, according to the stories I've read by people who did it but we're found and survived.

The best thing for me about this method is if you don't do it right and you're in awake and in pain you can stop, whereas if you're hanging from something you have no choice but to die painfully.

good choice...I helped a friend "leave" this way.

Oh trust me, you ain’t gonna untie that knot quick enough if you are literally suspended by your neck

Suspension with no drop. Was too big of a pussy to go for the drop. Hurt like a motherfucker. The noose was pressing against my Adam's apple which fucked up my voice and ability to swallow painlessly for like a week afterwards. I don't remember passing out or anything going black. Just panic and then waking up on the floor. Hid my marks (have pics of 'em btw) by staying indoors as much as possible and wearing turtleneck jackets whenever I had to head out. Passing out is basically guaranteed if you don't go for the drop and snap your neck.

Did not have to go to a mental hospital against my will and guns are banned in my country.

I guess. Things are up and down, but ever since the attempt I've been able to be more open about when I'm down in the dumps, so I'm more likely to talk to a friend or family member about it which kills the urge somewhat.

Nice. Stay strong Sup Forumsro.

Fairly quickly, even when struggling the body cannot cope with more than about 15 seconds without oxygen. You would go unconscious, and then rapidly die. Every second you are starved of oxygen around 1,000,000 brain cells die. The brain cells are the only cells in the human body unable to replicate so it is permanent damage. It is also one of the risks with getting caught too early, you could end up severely brain damaged and still alive.

Thanks. Will try to.

Checked holy shit

by any chance can i see a picture? im not making light im sorry man

i was just curious how i worked

what was it like in the seconds before passing out did your arms get hard to move? and you had it placed on the adams apple?

sorry bro, that sucks. i hope you feel better


Dafuq is this pic

quints say kys

Quints says you'll make it Sup Forumsro.

doesnt it compress the carotids? isnt that what makes passing out

Does anyone who successfully killed them self have any advice?

Yes, it compresses it. Thats the reason you pass out so quickly, but if you are found you can still be saved. If done right you will only suffer for max 15 seconds and then on to Elysium. But why the fascination with hanging? There are better easier and quicker ways to go.


Stupid bitch

When you hang yourself your cutting off blood flow to your brain
While hanging yourself you slowly fall asleep (pass out)
There is no panic stage because before you get anywhere near you pass out

Stupid bitch

how many seconds typically take you reckon in videos it looked like 5

The rope won't snap your neck you retarded fucks, this isn't a public hanging. Home hangings deprive the brain of oxygen, you pass out quickly and then shit all over the walls

Wrong with the right calculation you can break your neck, you need to use the right rope for the hanging and have the right drop, but calculate the correct math and you break your neck, thus resulting in instant death.

there are three ways hanging yourself kills you

>breaking your neck
>cutting off circulation
>choking off your windpipe

the first two basically kill you faster than your body can react
the third doesn't, and that's what makes you freak out.

If you're being hung at the gallows they allow about 5 feet of drop to snap your neck.. if you're hanging yourself you don't typically have enough drop room to snap your neck unless you jump from the stairs or something.. so yes most people who hang themselves in their homes do basically suffocate

That's a drop hang. Drop hangs are what nooses are for and generally some calculations are preformed to figure out how far one has to fall for the force to break their neck. It is very quick but you need enough space and something that can support the necessary amount of force.

Still hang kills you by cutting off blood flow to the brain, which also causes you to pass out within a few minutes. It's what you generally see online. You don't even need to be fully hanging, you can do it with your feet on the floor. It's also possible to do so while still being able to breathe. If done correctly it can be a pretty pleasant way to go.

Suffocating actually takes significantly longer than a proper still hang and would suck dramatically more.

>a few minutes
if you stepped off a chair with rope around your neck wouldnt you pass out in like 10 secs or am i retarded

Hangmans noose, 1inch thick rope. For someone weighing 12.5st then the drop length would calculate out to be 5'8 and a half. As long as these were observed and the knot placed at the rear right of the neck...IT WOULD SNAP!

The new way to do it is to use a door. That the way the kids do it. I'm still not sure how it's successful

No if you do it correctly it just restricts your blood vessels and you pass out from blood loss from the brain and then you eventually die

ligature strangulation. Cuts off the flow of blood to and from the brain, takes under 10 pounds of force, and you die in minutes.

I do. I've killed myself three times and am currently preparing for a fourth utilizing a Rube Goldberg machine type method. But so far I've found a proper still hang most pleasant. You pass out very quickly and by the time you wake up, you're already dead.

For anyone interested.
Although the rope should be submerged in water 2 days prior, removed the day before and stretched if and where possible before allowing to dry somewhere warm.

But as I've said, there are better ways of going without the trouble.

By the way, I know this because it's how my father killed himself. It's pretty effective.

Oh shit I don't know why I wrote a few minutes. It should be under a minute to pass out. If you do it perfectly, you won't be able to really move or do much within several seconds. If you want to know what it's like, look up the location of the carotid arteries and choke yourself. If you feel pressure building up in your head, then you're pressing in the wrong spot. You'll feel like you're going to pass out and you'll be very light headed so make sure you're seated. It actually feels kind of pleasant when you let go but I recommend not doing it much, as it's not good for the ol' brain.

did he do suspension hanging? how long before you pass out and do they have much to time to second guess?

only sometimes i could gte my vision to go and feel like stumbling but i imagine with a noose it would be nquicker since more pressure

one time after i let go i couldnt hardly stand up and couldnt see right for some reason everything was weird and blurry and my hearing had a weird echoey sound to it

i did it just to see if it actually work im not wanting to die

Oh to add, put your fingers on the back of your neck and your thumbs in the front. It helps to find your pulse first to get a general idea of where to press with your thumbs. You shouldn't be putting any force on your windpipe either.

Yeah, sounds like you did it mostly right. It's not really unpleasant or painful. I actually enjoy the sensation. I bet nutting just after letting go is awesome. But I digress, the rush of blood probably causes a sudden change in blood pressure which is why you feel faint and your ears start ringing.