Can someone explain the vape high vs the joint high for me? Been smoking joints since I started two months ago...

Can someone explain the vape high vs the joint high for me? Been smoking joints since I started two months ago... Thinking of trying a vape...

Is the high the same? Stronger? How different is the high? Does it last longer


Its cleaner if that makes any sense..easier to dose

Nah don't make sense... What you mean? Cleaner feeling on the lungs? I'm talking about the high itself

Something about joints that hits me harder than smoking a couple bowls or from a vape, no clue why but i get much higher.

its because youre smoking way more with joints, and joints seem to be a tad smoother than bowls. maybe because youre not inhaling a hot flame?

No one calls them joints anymore noon. They're called Doinks now. Get with the times.

OP as far as i know, vaping will get a mellow high and last an hour. bong hits,dabs, joints will give you a more intense high for 2 hours or so.

Vaping feels cleaner, lighter more of a head buzz and less heavy feeling.


When you dab you vape unless you're a complete retard who burns it hot like smoking a joint.

So anyone who says that burning weed is better is fucking retarded, you can see the way people dab oil the proper temps weed is meant to be used for inhalation.

You're hitting a bit of carbon monoxide when you combust. That's the immediate high feeling you get when smoking. Also probably smoking more/longer vs vaping.

>2 hours or so.
I fucking wish

Way better head high, less body high, takes half as much weed,high doesn't last as long,weed can be reused, that's the basics, probably would be better off if you get a desktop vape the battery on the portables doesn't last long enough to get you completely and utterly fucked up if that's your thing

It’s practically the same

Smoke pot: become retarded
Vape pot: become a retarded hipster.

I think the verb confusion you are experiencing is distracting you from the bigger picture

Im switching over to dabbing.
I got a dab pen today actually.

Much better choice.

You gotta eventually get a rig with a quartz nail for optimum dabbing.

I'm rippin on that diamond sauce famalam

lol that's my 707 headband.. with some xmas stuff photoshopped on it, why the fug lol?

oh and vaping. I like bong hits too, but they're too smelly for my current living situation.

Greetz from Finland

I read somewhere that Vapes get the most THC out of the weed, like 90+%. Then bongs, bowls, and blunts. And lastly joints at like 30%.

I've been smoking for a bit. I've never tried a vape, but bongs get me so much higher than anything else I've tried for the amount of weed.

I also read that grinders help get more out of the weed. I use one and I suggest it.

Dem diamonds

It depends on the person, everything people said here is true to some degree, it does feel cleaner but you really have to try it to know what that means. Try to find a buddy with one and try it. I got a plenty without ever vaping and kinda felt ripped off when I first got because it didnt get me high but now I love it.

*plop* *plop*

It doesn't have that strong head rush, like you'd get from burning. Also takes longer to feel it

if your vape isn't a piece of shit it will completely blow smoking out of the water, and also not make you pass out tired. Way more pros than cons.