CNN turns on Clinton!!! Brings up the child rape victim she smeared

It's fucking happening

holy shit

CNN dumping on crooked clinton

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Trump raped his wife.

It's officially over, boys!!!

Trump will win the election in a landslide.

The wife went on record and said that she lied and it wasn't true

Canada is irrelevant

Bump this and spread the video everywhere

Trump is going to be president


That just proves that he paid her to say that. Statistically, people don't accuse others of rape unless they were raped.

Duke Lacrosse


So how many women did bill clinton rape under that logic?


Fuck off back to plebbit you unemployed cunt

Bill isn't running for president, why are you talking about him?


Majoy news agencies finally realizing she is a fucking criminal and not backing her, who knew.

>a leaf

How can you "rape" your own wife? That's feminist nonsense.

>being married to a known rapist

You really want a woman like that as President?

The Democrats are turning on Hill. Inspector General turned on Hill Re: emails. Theyre trying to burn her before the convention so they can dump her without it looking "undemocratic". Bernouts may be right about muh Superdelegates afterall. Trump needs to be careful hes not the victim of his own success in the polls. Keep an eye on what Obama says, if he drops her its confirmed. Biden or Sanders? Warren even


That's not how it works. She just didn't want dickings and he wasn't having any of that. You must be a real faggot if you stop when a girl says no.

I honestly think the chance of Biden switcheroo is like 40% at this point.

we will have to swtich to smearing him for being a touchy pedo after hillary drops out.

Why would you want a rapist like Trump as President? I don't understand. I thought you didn't like rapists...

>Trump is a rapist

His words raping your precious virgin butt doesn't make him a rapist, tho.

democrats are dumb as shit

do they not realize the only one who could stand a chance is bernie?

Is hillary that hungry for power that she would put herself and the democrats in a no win situation just so she personally has a chance at the oval office?

>people don't accuse others of rape unless they were raped.

Statistically, that's true.


Hillary would rip her Grandchild's eyes out on TV if it meant she would be president.

I honestly think the Bill affair turned her hunger for power into full blown lust. her way to get back at him and the world is to try to gain the most power she can. shes desperately trying to uncuck herself and has been for over a decade, and i think she resents the fact that she had to stand by Bill. i definitely think she would sacrifice the democratic party to achieve ultimate power

>thread about Hillary
>leaf enters
>weakly tries bashes trump


Bernie doesn't align with the globalists as much as they would like.

Of course, Trump aligns with them far less, so if they had any sense they would push Bernie, then force him to agree to their demands for more shitskins, to further undermine our demographics and guarantee future Democrats.

I'm still thinking they have some sort of plan to win, maybe killing off Bill ahead of the general election and allowing Hillary to play the widow card? Honestly I don't think that would even do the job these days though, people are too polarized


You sound butthurt.

If they had any sense, they wouldn't be doing all this Jewish bullshit in the first place.

Fuck off Justin.

I think HIllary is a disgusting psychopath and should never be allowed to have any kind of public office again in her life, but I seriously can't get behind this as a negative against her.

I mean, she was a lawyer and she did her job to defend her client. Criminal lawyers don't have the luxury of dropping someone just because they think they're guilty. It's just her job to defend him in any way she can, within the limits of the law obviously, and to force the prosecution to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's guilty.

Her only alternative would have been to quit her career which is kind of extreme. If that's what you expect her to do to prove that she's "pro-Women" (which I also don't believe) that's retarded. That's like holding it against Trump that he has things made in China when he has no choice if he wants to compete given the current way business works.

As a Trump supporter I'm glad this is being used against her, but I thought I'd just throw some honesty out there so we don't forget we're only pretending to believe this is a big deal.

This thread is proof the leafs are trying to take away Strayas' shitposting title. Get your shit together, Aussies!

Daily reminder:

Ignore and Hide Leaf Posts

Report Leaf Posters

Only a Canadian would have a hard time distinguishing marital dominance vs rape.

I think it's the fact that she laughed about it that riles people up.

she said she felt violated after sex during divorce proceedings. she later recanted the accusation and has endorsed him for president.



Frig off Randy

wtf is happening? Best day for Trump.

Sounds like she was laughing about how ridiculous the whole thing was, the same way everyone on this board laughs at terrible shit all the time.

Again, I think she's a despicable person, but I think anyone who honestly looks at this and thinks it's a point against her is a moron on par with all the people who throw nonsense at Trump all the time.

Break a few eggs to make an omelette though and all that.

>more shitskins
>more democrats

But i tougth that most democrats were whites and "kangz" types of niggers, but besides that most Hispanics are Republicans, and way more conservative than whites

Hillary is a:

rape enabler
victim shamer

h-holy shit... Hillary BTFO

That's statistically false

Canada slowly descends into weak argumentation and still remains A FUCKING LEAF.

holy fuck is rape okay?


flay the bitch alive

>Not el salvador flag

fucking dammit


Sounds good to me!


This is literally nothing. She was a lawyer, she did her job.

I'm for trump and all for memes but we need some better dirt.

and your PM raped that women when he titty fucked her with his elbow.

MSM have known she's a criminal for years. This was just the Clinton News Network downplaying the incident before Trump gets ahold of it. It's hard to defend laughing about a woman getting raped.

Though I agree with you, women and feminists won't see it this way.

This is the face of a man who pulls more pussy than you could imagine.

Most of this will be ignored.
Clinton will be defended for living up to the obligations of being a good defense attorney.

The crucial part in this story is the lie about the victim.
Lying isn't part of being a good attorney.

Did you see the parts about the affidavit she presented? She was committed the cardinal sin of victim blaming in a rape case. That's easy bait for a Trump attack ad to claim that she doesn't give two shits about women.

Folks, don't get excited over this. The drive by media is dumping this before the general election so they can ignore it later. It happens every election.

You raped me.


>holy fuck is rape okay?

They are not dumping her. They are trying to clear her with the "she was just doing her job" line.

Doesn't matter it seem like they are throwing her under a bus. If my understanding of women is correct, she will go full vindictive bitch. Then throw all the dirt she has on everyone on the news.

This video needs to subtle get out to women maybe it can break the huge voting gap.

criminal defense lawyers defend criminals

THis. We need to get this viral. We need to start posting this everywhere even in reddit.

Trump is a raycist!

I like how pretty much everyone accepts Hillary Clinton has basically no chance and it's just a matter of watching people struggle with denial, while bernouts scream at them.


>Clinton refuses to debate a sweet guy like bernie
>Will be forced to debate a savage like trump

Jesus, does she know how bad trump is gonna destroy her? It's like she only wants the nomination so she can throw it away, someone needs to slap her back to reality.

She laughed in the recording and smeared the victim, and not to mention, shit like this is enough to even get the normiest of normies riled up.

I was raped by this canadian!

No skeletons will be left inside the closet

Pretty much, but most people won't see it that way.

I mean I personally really hate the witch but this is a non-story. CNN should report on the more damning shit she has done instead of this old case where she was just doing her job.


Proper b8 m8

They have her on tape laughing about it... this will stick in the minds no matter guilty or not.

Leaf pls...

She admitted to lying about that. She only said that shit to squeeze more $$$$ out of Big Don.

Why did my country turn into a meme

A fucking meme

Yes she is. She'll do anything to win, and even a Pyrrhic victory will be good enough for her. Because it isn't about the nation, or the party. It's all about her.

Honestly im now a shill dawg 4 lyfe fuck that little young lolita temping an older man then crying when her little body couldnt take the D. She was a slut and hilldog knew it. Men every where won that day

fuck off m8, your kind will be first to hang when we impeach Trudeau

not according to his wife

Don't you fucking get it the Bern was controlled opposition from the start. Hew was put there so Hillary wouldn't appear to run uncontested. Bern got the sheckles Hillary got the presidency.

The success of Bernie is only because the basic unlikability of Clinton. Just like Obama who was only elected because he basically more likable the Hilary despite no experience whatsoever and McCain was doddering old fuck.