Shrersh or Kerek

Shrersh or Kerek

Kerek is the bigger mam. Easy peasy.

Fuck no, Shresh has that monk posture.

But look at kerek. His legs are wide. He is clearly in his defensive stance. Ready to destroy any intruder shersh coming his way

Shresh! look how slim he is, quick attacks

Agility is more important. Shrersh has the advantage. My money is on him.

In the fantasy world of Shrek the underdog always wins. Kerek on the surface appears the stronger, so Shresh will come out the victor. It's about what's inside, not how things appear.

Bigger means slower, plus Shrersh is a bit taller. Then taller means higher reach, check mate kerektards

Fuck outa here dexfag, Kerek will tank any hit Shrersh can throw out

Typical Shrersh fags. Trying to defend the indefensible.
Shrersh is weak. Sure he is taller but his punches do shit. Kerek is strong. If he's close enough its an easy when.

He need to catch him first, that slow fag cant even roar without loosing his breath

>Ironically votes Shrersh

Are you fucking kidding? Look at the size of that fat fuck on the right. Shreah is relatively agile and that's all that matters.

It's like a fight between a modestly sized underdog and a cross-eyed fat man.

Observe how humble Shrersh is with his hands behind his back. He's making no bold claims. It's Kerek who wants to fight. The fucking fat prick.

It's just the matter of time, Kerek will get Shrersh sooner or later

Kerek has the demeanor of a confident man. Shrersh looks like he just got cucked. Stop defending shresh. You know he is weak.

Where my Kerek bois at

Right here. Proud of it to. We must fight the shrersh cucks.

Kerek is an overconfident brute with the brain of an egg. Shrersh doesn't need to show such bombast in a fight. The slow tortoise wins the race. Also Shrersh has a gun.

He doesn't have a gun, that's fused hands because shrersh is retarded

kerek ftw

Sure Kerek is slow. But he is strong. When shrersh would punch him. Kerek would just pick him up and toss him about. Shrersh doesnt stand a chance.
Checkmate shrershiests.

Where is your evidence for that?


Power to you brother.
It's hard being a Shrersh supporter these days.


Shrersh is the strongest of course you fucking fags.
He is small, yet fit and could cut kerek in half with great ease.


they're both jews
so they wouldn't fight

but hypothetically Shrersh


>being this retarded.
Im so tired of the alt-shrersh fucking with out threads. #kerekpride

>implying monk posture prevents shrekage

Sorry, make that «Kerekage»

Assuming they have roughly equal fighting skills, Kerek is the obvious winner.

Shrek is the winner beacuse he has all the abilities as shresh and kerek (sorry for bad grammar tho)

Shouldn't it be shrerhs?

Kerek. That nigga a tank!

sneaky sandnigger

It doesn't say that Sheresh is more agile than Kerek. He's just smaller. In a fist fight Kerek would fuck him up.

To be honest I cheated the poll but Karek came out the winner still. But a straw poll means nothing.