Let's accept it, tobacco does the only two things we love- it gives us a nice buzz and it kills us...

Let's accept it, tobacco does the only two things we love- it gives us a nice buzz and it kills us. So what kind of tobacco do you like the most? Do you smoke ciggies, hookah or a cigar? What cigarette brand you like the most?

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I'm a trashy guy from England who everyone bums smokes off while I'm out, I tend to get 200 cigs for like £30 they're shitty fake knock offs but do the job. If I fancy treating myself I'll buy myself a packet of Mayfair. I always find the only reason people give me to quit is because it may kill you, reality is at my age it makes you look kinda cool and it will kill you soner (I dont mind either at this stage of my life).

I smoke american spirit if/when I smoke but I just vape at home for my nicotine fix.

I'm from Germany and I mostly smoke "Pueblo", which is rolling tobacco, and I mostly roll myself. Just for the taste.

Smoke good old pipe.
Usually "Skroven Skeppa". A local pipe tobacco.

I make rollies with green Manitou and unbleached rolling paper.
I've got several allergies, so I gotta get additive free tobacco to get a slight buzz and slow suicide from comfortably.

Recently had to stop smoking camel non filters the kind in OP pic. They've gone up to 9 a pack (I'm in NC so cigarettes are fairly cheap but I'm not paying NYC prices for smokes. I've switched to camel wide filters and I'll smoke the yellow American spirit here and there if I need to save money cos their nicotine rate and burn time is perfect. They equal 2.5 to 3 cigarettes depending on brand.

Gave up smoking after 16 years for vaping.. As a leaf I could no longer justify paying over $15 a day on a pack of smokes.
5 months later and feel way Heathier.
Stop paying into the tobacco jew anons

either these

or these

If you want us to stop smoking, please give us some other means of casually committing suicide while getting buzzed.

Dark green sprits

Fucking shills. Fuck your astroturf advertisements off elsewhere.

camels, had to order the meme brands of camels online since no stores carry them

stopped because heart is ruined (not from smoking)

I pay 10 for the finest leaf tobacco. Get rekt m8.

Vape With a high nicotine amount at first. It's hard to adjust but after a week you're sailing.
Then you have more money to casually commit suicide by being able to drink every night

Real cigarettes

I was in the states for a few weeks recently and smoked these. They were better than most cigs here in the UK and still comparatively a bargain. Do you buy 200 a time? I saw sleeves in Wal Mart and shit, that doesn't happen here

I only smoke weed. Tobacco is for degenerate no lifers so don't care about thier health

robitussin is a god awful way to ruin your life

Forgot upload lolz

Nice buzz? Feeling light headed is a nice buzz? Also dizzy.

Alcohol is a shitty drug though, finding that sweet spot between not enough and way too much is such a hassle.

depends what state you're buying them in
like $15 a pack in NYC but like $5 in mississippi for the exact same thing lol

Where the dippers at?

There's something horribly wrong with that pic.

I don't tend to indulge in cough medicine, even when I cough.

Be prepared for many people to call you a nigger. Also those are called nigger mints lol

I love the camel logo because it was used by one of the greatest prog bands of the 70s.


>muh safe space

Would u like to suffocate, drown or burn to death?
Dying of lung cancer has been compared to a mixture of suffocation and drowning, while a burning sensation goes through your throat.

Just curious, because all of you are saying "idc, about dying". But woulnd´t you rather go out in a more calm way?

Are those American Spirits rolled with a brown leaf paper kind of like a cigar?

Light blue spirit master race reporting in

I don't smoke tobacco often, but when I do, I smoke cigars. Cigars are the only tobacco products I enjoy.

Wouldn't that make them Cigarillos?

No because they have a filter and smaller.

But what if it greatly increases my quality of life before I die a painful death.
Always figured I'd go out in blaze anyway

Its not about how you die, its when you die. You have to remember that death itself isnt a big deal. Once youre dead, there is no more pain. Pile on the pain. Why not.

Pussies leave

I only smoke cigarillos.
Cigarettes taste like shit and I can't afford many cigars.

>literally 20,000 harmful chemicals that will Fuck a nigger up to in different ways.
>you smell like a crusty ashtray constantly.
>tooth decay, heart disease, tumors, cancer etc etc.
>non smokers look down on you like subhuman nigger scum.

Go away big brand tobacco shill

Cigarettes taste like shit compared to rillos?have you just smoked your mouth into a leather crevice with no tastebuds? Eugh. I remember being stuck on rillos for a year. The smell and taste was so heavy that i cant enjoy the buzz afterwards. Its miserable.

The fuck are you talking about?
I have known two people die of lung cancer, one smoked and one didn't. And neither of them said any shit along the lines of drowning, suffocating and burning. One fucker didn't even notice anything different at all and died in her sleep, the other at most complained about getting out of breath a bit. That's it. You bloody drama queen, have some fun in your life.

Still gonna smoke cigs.

Those cutters are like finger guillotines

personally I dont want an instant death i just dont fancy making it to around 40. This is a gradual time bomb which may never even explode, who gives a shit really?

How bout this one.
Knew a guy who got throat cancer.
It was benign for the most part, they caught it early and removed it.
After the surgery, the guy couldn't taste food anymore.
Imagine eating your favorite foods and tasting nothing but bland mush

lol who the fuck still smokes cigarettes

oh... flowingdata.com/2016/06/20/who-still-smokes/

How many people over 50 smoke and are alive? It's the same as how many obese people over 50 are still alive?
Trust me I smoked for years.. I get it.
Tobacco companies are seeing huge declines in sales since former smokers are turning to vaping.
They missed the boat and are trying to do anything they can to bring their numbers back up.

Lucky Strikes

i smoke Paramount

Big fucking deal. Can't taste food? Man if that's as bad as it gets then bring it on. Fucking smoked for that long shit barely tastes of anything anyway. Though I can tell one thing. You seem like the kind of cunt that is no fun at parties.

I only smoke when i'm drunk and when i mix tobacco with weed to smoke a joint, otherwise i find smoking pretty useless, even makes me paranoid and uneasy when i smoke sober.

Sure tobacco is shitty and harmful.
As a smoker I've made my peace with that, my smoking is essentially a slow suicide with shitty rewards. I do it because part of me wants to die and also the slight buzz from the nicotine.

Newport cigs or citrus skoal long cut

You hang out with a few niggers don't you?

>when i mix tobacco with weed
You European as well?

when did you guys start out?


>the one place I feel somewhat normal because everyone is fucked up and won't notice how weird I am
Trust me, you do not want to loose you sense of taste

I'm in Raleigh and smoke nas yellow

You didn't close your bracket, you bastard.

The taste is good but it's a bit too "heavy" in my opinion. If you like Pueblo you will like Maya for sure

Yes i'm european, only retards smoke joints with 100% weed, doesn't make you more stoned than using 50/50, your weed isn't instantly gone and your throat doesn't sting like a motherfucker when inhaling

drinking every night has made me fat. I just wanted to die not become fat.

My fav

I don't like the idea of slow and painful death.
That's why I chose vaping. I'll never know when the fucker decides to blow my head off.

I'm 22. I started dipping at 12 cos my family was real close to this guy named Paul and he was like my brother and Paul was a country boy and he got me into dipping. I also lived in a small town that would let me buy it at 12, 13. Then I moved to the east coast and switched to smoking cos that's what everyone did in my town and I needed my nicotine and started smoking. Between 14 to 16 I would only smoke black and mild cos I hung out with black ppl cos I lived in the hood here. Then I just smoked Newport I smoked newports but the majority was the black and mild. Then switched to Marlboro. When the midnight came out I'd smoke close to a carton a day cos they were perfect. Full flavor going in, mental coming out or vice versa. Anyways they taste like coffee and I loved em. Then I switched to just reds. Then camel non filters. Then wide. And now I smoke camel wides filters and American spirits. Before I went to rehab I hung with a bunch of hippies and spirits is allll hippies smoke no joke. Either spirits or American spirit rolling tobacco. Those packs that have tobacco and like 30 rolling paper.

I vape a variety of 12mg nicotine e-liquids. So glad I don't give money to big tobacco anymore.

Lol yea just realized that.

Ayye what is up my fellow native

I know, I'm Scandinavian. We smoke weed with tobacco as well, we also tend to roast the tobacco to get rid of the nicotine before rolling.
Gets you a cleaner taste.

If only there was places we could escape from rampant corporate faggotry without having to live like dark ages peasants.

>tobacco inhibits estrogen and allows for more free testosterone
thats why men smoke. women that smoke are just retarded.
of the few brands ive tried, lucky strike is a good smoke that if i had to live with one brand for the rest of my life, thatd be it. but i was smoking unfiltered american spirit black rollys for a good long while. no im smoking shitty bugler cuz im poor. though oddly enough, i actually really like it.
since im trying to quit smoking, which is so easy since i do it every couple of weeks or so.. im dippin pretty hard. grizzly snuff. Id be dippin cope snuff, but they just jacked up their prices.

Exactly I only smoke spliff. I'm in the US and ppl will seriously ask me, if I bring weed for us to smoke, to reroll it without th3 tobacco. Pisses me off every time. I've stopped smoking with most of those fags. I forgot my rolling paper but this is all I got today but idk how Imma smoke it kek might destroy a cig foe the paper. But I'm not going to share I don't think cos I don't have enough. I go thru an 8th every other day. Hbu?

>straight up hardly any. Gonna rll, if I'm lucky, a .4 (max) spliff with the rest being tobacco to make it actually smokable.

When I'm stoned I don't like smoking too many cigarettes so that's what I like about spliffs too they give me my nicotine and I'm straight for a while.

Do any of you faggots smoke these fags?
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person under 40 anywhere that does.

Smoke bongs, you dickhead.

Smoke weed, not cigarettes.

Cigs are absolutely retarded. At least vape if you're gonna do nicotine, so you don't smell like shit.

All of my this.

Okay you might like to hide in a corner at parties. But just the fact you need to join a thread just to tell people they should stop doing something they enjoy. Just screams that you're an annoying cunt.
Bitch what did I just say? I can barely taste shit anyway. I once stopped smoking for years and realised I hated the taste of so many things. Taste is really not that important.


hahhaha DUDE
hahaha DUDE WEED
hahahaha like DUDE SMOKE WEED

Explain why I would care about smelling like smoke?

Found the 12-year-old.

Smoked marlboro blacks for a while before i got into the marlboro midnights and eventually quit smoking altogether when a buddy bought a vape. however, now I have the occasional smoke and its usually whatever shitty cigarette is around if i want one but more likely ill say no altogether and enjoy a fat cigar - my grandparents made wine for a couple of seasons so a decent cigar really balances out the dryness of their muscadine wine

forgot to include, recently i tried a l'aroma de cuba and it was okay. not my favorite. al fuente went great with muscadine wine

That sounds pretty comfy, user.

I like the green tobacco more buzz less killing.

this is a misconception. only people who smoke in confined areas smell like smoke. both parents smoked for 15 years and I could smell cig smoke on some of my classmates but no one ever claimed they could smell it on me. I think you smell like smoke by 1 smoking in confined spaces 2 smoking a lot and 3 smoking exxxtra shitt-y brands

Wrong. You smell like smoke if you smoke. Idiot.


You smell like smoke if you smoke. Many busier roadway intersection smell like giant ashtrays. Explain that.

>many busier roadway intersection smell

maybe the smell just follows you, retard


I'm gonna sound like a faggot or something but I prefer to buy the tins of American Spirits and roll my own cigarettes. Raw, no filter. Elements papers. It feels rewarding to roll a nice tight cigarette and the amount of effort it takes to go from craving to lighting allows me to think about whether or not I want to smoke. I like the nice buzz and the death. Just don't like addiction.

>I like the buzz and the death


Is it true that rolling is popular with krauts?

I roll my own cause normal ciggs are too expensive due to the taxation

pic related, fave brand

I buy 100 g tubs